
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Let My Kindergartner Use My DSLR

2000 1125 Matthew Luzitano

A father shares his love of photography with his kids by sharing his DSLR.

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The Dubious Origin and Uncertain Future of the “Standard” 50mm Lens

2448 1506 James Tocchio

James examines the origin of the 50mm “standard lens” and why what we percieve as “standard” may be changing for the better.

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Opinion – What is going on with Ferrania’s new film Orto? 

2000 993 Rich Stroffolino

In an age when every price increase or film cancellation sparks fear that our beloved medium, film, is going away, I should be nothing but elated whenever a film company announces a new film stock.…

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The Three Fs of Polaroid Photography

2000 1125 James Tocchio

During a televised comedy special in the 1980s, a once-beloved comedian famously spoke the old witticism that the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” After that,…

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Ray Bradbury’s Sun and Shadow Shines a Light on Photographic Cultural Appropriation

2560 1440 James Tocchio

Ray Bradbury’s Sun and Shadow is a beautiful short story that examines photographic cultural appropriation. Synopsis and thoughts in today’s article.

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Leica’s New M6 and Solving the Film Photography Accessibility Problem

2000 1125 James Tocchio

Want to shoot film without spending a ton of money? Here’s one simple tip that will help you make that happen!

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It’s Okay to Like Cameras More Than You Like Photography

2400 1350 James Tocchio

James weighs in on the push/pull between those who love photography first and those who simply love cameras.

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Back to Basics with a Nikon F, 50mm f/2, and a roll of Tri-X

1800 1013 Echo Lens Photography

Sometimes things feel complicated, our brains and shelves get cluttered. At these times, getting back to basics can add some clarity.

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Stop Trying To Turn Film Cameras Into Digital Cameras

816 460 James Tocchio

James offers an opinion on the recurring product launches that promise to turn your film camera into a digital camera.

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F/8 And Be There – the Unclear Origin of a Photographic Mantra and What It Really Means

2560 1440 James Tocchio

James explores the unclear origin of “f/8 and be there” and contemplates what the photographic mantra really means today.

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Print, Print, Print, Print, Print! Print Your Photos!

2000 1125 James Tocchio

James goes off on a real tangent. The short version – print your photographs and you’ll be a happier photographer.

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Yes, The Camera Matters

2560 1707 James Tocchio

James gets all introspective in this (admittedly self-indulgent) article about what really matters when we use the camera.

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Our Most Popular Posts of 2021 (and Thank You!)

1920 1080 James Tocchio

In 2021, more than 3 million of you visited my website. That’s wild! Thank you! Here are the most popular posts that we published in 2021.

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Worried About the Rising Cost of Film Photography? Here Are Some Ways to Cope

2000 1125 James Tocchio

Film prices have risen year on year, and they’re set to rise again in 2023. Here are five ways to cope with the rising cost of shooting film.

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