
An Oral History of Photography During and After the Cambodian Civil War

875 876 M. For. Film

M. For. Film reveals a side of photography that most of us will never know through this interview with an Uncle who lived and photographed through the Cambodian Civil War.

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A Year of Large Format Photography – Chapter 1: Rediscovering My Photographic Purpose

2000 1125 Echo Lens Photography

A photographer explores the gear of large format photography, and how it influences their process and philosophy.

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A Cheap Lens and a Rabbit

2000 1125 James Tocchio

James photographs a rabbit with an old telephoto zoom lens. It took 30 minutes, 60 dollars, and his mind off of stressful stuff.

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Death of a Nikon F3

2000 1125 Josh Solomon

An errant swing of the hand, a tumble and a crash, a destroyed Nikon, and the real reason it hurts to lose a camera.

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F/8 And Be There – the Unclear Origin of a Photographic Mantra and What It Really Means

2560 1440 James Tocchio

James explores the unclear origin of “f/8 and be there” and contemplates what the photographic mantra really means today.

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$21.26 – The Price of a Thousand Memories

2200 1650 Guest Author

Another phenomenal guest post from Lukas Flippo, about the billions of memories crammed into a million SD cards all over the world.

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Print, Print, Print, Print, Print! Print Your Photos!

2000 1125 James Tocchio

James goes off on a real tangent. The short version – print your photographs and you’ll be a happier photographer.

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There’s Romance in the Pikes Peak Phone Lines: Documentary Form and Robert Adams by Lukas Flippo

866 790 Guest Author

Matt and his girlfriend were kissing on the couch. They were in their third evolution. Maybe their third? It was hard to keep track. One day Matt would do his brotherly duty of driving me…

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Is a Photograph Worth a Thousand Words? – By Lukas Flippo

2048 1364 Guest Author

I stayed. Staring at the world of Winogrand, the America of the 1950s and 1960s, realizing that I didn’t have answers…

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Yes, The Camera Matters

2560 1707 James Tocchio

James gets all introspective in this (admittedly self-indulgent) article about what really matters when we use the camera.

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What I Learned Shooting My Vacation on Film

2000 1125 James Tocchio

Some lessons are learned the easy way and some are a bit more painful. Here’s everything that I learned shooting my vacation on film.

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You Don’t Need to be Good at Photography

2000 1125 Juliet Schwab

Need to feel inspired? In today’s article, Juliet reminds us that you don’t need to be good at photography to enjoy photography.

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If a Lens Vignettes But Nobody Sees It, Did It Really Vignette?

2000 1125 Matt Wright

Matt Wright of Leica Lenses for Normal People vents his thoughts over the phenomenon of lens vignetting, and questions if it matters…

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Advice for Hiking as a Film Photographer

2000 1125 Aidan Bell

Aiden gives some tips on combining hiking and photography, many of which he (regretfully) learned the hard way.

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