
Haystack Heroes – a Charity Project Zine by Tommaso Carrara

2048 1365 Guest Author

For my very first trip post pandemic, my girlfriend and I decided to spend ten days in the North Isles of Scotland at the end of August 2021. As full-time workers based in London, we…

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Five Favorite Photos – Imogen Cunningham’s After Ninety

2000 1125 Juliet Schwab

Juiet shares five favorite photos from Imogen Cunningham’s After Ninety, an unflinching photographic exploration of old age.

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Perspectives on Place by JAP Alexander – Landscape Photography but Not as We Know It

1920 1080 Sroyon Mukherjee

Sroyon reviews Perspectives on Place, a book on landscape photography by JAP Alexander. Click through, read more.

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Life Lessons from Stephen Shore’s Early Work

2000 1330 Alex Sinclair

Alex compares two of Stephen Shore’s photography collections, and examines the effect of the differing methodology employed in each.

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Exploring an Indian Bazaar with a Nikon FM2n and Fuji C200 Film

1800 1012 Hemant Chatterji

Take a trip with one of our writers, Hemant, as he explores an Indian flower market with a Nikon FM2n and Fujifilm C200 color film.

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Wabi-Sabi of Photography and Why I Stopped Chasing Perfection

1818 1228 James Tocchio

James contemplates Wabi-sabi, the Japanese concept of beauty in imperfection, and how discovery of this concept has changed the way he photographs.

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How I Got Into Large Format Film Photography and How You Can Too

2560 1706 Guest Author

A friend of the site tells us how he got into large format film photography, and lays a path for you to take your first steps, too.

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Photography versus Art, Rinse, Repeat

1799 1012 Craig Sinclair

Ansel Adams might have been the best photographer that ever was or ever will be. But he wasn’t an artist. A bold statement, and one that’s gotten me into trouble in the past. As argument, I offer…

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Five Favorite Photos – German Photographers Edition

2362 3065 Jeb Inge

Wickham Steed once said that the Germans “dive deeper but come up muddier.” A stereotype, but born out in many facets of life, including their photography. Whether it’s the provocative eroticism of Helmut Newton or…

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The Value of Self-Editing, and Picking Your One Favorite Photograph

2200 1238 James Tocchio

Do you have any idea how many photos you’ve taken in your lifetime? For most of us, the answer is probably “I can’t count that high.” Speaking for myself, in a given week I easily…

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Japan Camera Hunter Street Pan 400 – Six Months In

1280 720 Dustin Vaughn-Luma

It’s been more than six months since Bellamy Hunt (a.k.a. Japan Camera Hunter) brought a new black-and-white film stock to market, and while snide comments about Bellamy’s motives have popped up here and there, it appears that the film…

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Featured Photophile No. 002 – Alex Denault, Canada

1280 720 James Tocchio

Featured Photophile, our recurring segment showcasing talented amateur photographers, is back. Today we’re spotlighting a nice guy named Alex who’s managed to create some amazing photos in a surprisingly short period of time. I sold Alex his…

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Five Famous Photographers and the Cameras They Used

1280 720 Josh Solomon

It’s no secret that we love our gear here at Casual Photophile. A quick glance through the archives is enough to illustrate our undying love for classic cameras, but while our addiction to the tools…

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Kodak Tri-X – Film Profile

2000 1125 Josh Solomon

Guitarists have the Fender Stratocaster, soldiers the AK-47, and handymen the world over have WD-40. These products have become the standard bearers in their fields; tools of the trade that are so accomplished they need…

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