Comments on: The Ten Best Mechanical 35mm Film SLRs Ever Made Cameras and Photography Mon, 04 Mar 2024 00:12:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: v5dave23 Mon, 04 Mar 2024 00:12:20 +0000 In reply to Jeff.


By: v5dave23 Sun, 03 Mar 2024 01:06:30 +0000 In reply to James Tocchio.

LX for me over the FM3A. A few reasons (1) LX is a truer system camera (interchangeable viewfinders). Has true mirror lock up as opposed to the mirror locking up with the self timer as on the FM3A. Weather sealing is superior and the LX is even more compact. A plus for the FM3A is the higher top end shutter speed but in practical reality not that great an advantage and can be offset by the use of ND Filters.

By: JC Mon, 30 Oct 2023 03:59:33 +0000 In reply to Alan Martens.

Hi Alan,
this is a very precious hint !
Since long years i’m shooting M42 cameras, mostly fully mechanical SLR’s. Praktica Super TL Mk1, Praktica Nova IB, Praktica LTL and MTL cameras, Fujica ST cameras, Zenits, Spotmatics. Each camera of these a joy to use !
But a Yashica TL Electro X never crossed my way.
Now i have to make up leeway.

By: Eastwestphoto Sun, 29 Oct 2023 14:17:25 +0000 Knowledge is like a ladder, we start at the lower rung. Exakta 1936, Praktiflex 1938, WW2 delays, Praktina FX models 1955, are the grand fathers of the 10 Best SLR,S ever made. Writers are all to brain washed by Nikon! Nikon was not the first or the best SLR system camera in 1959. Tremendous credit goes to Praktina FX models, impacting Asahiflex, Miranda and Topcon long before 1959. Each of these Japanese competitors were responsible for SLR development years before Nikon. By 1963 Topcon was the leader of the SLR development, especially in auto open aperture metering. Even Nikon could not match Topcons advancements in patents held. Both Minolta and Miranda tried to copy, wound up in court and lost. Nikon (EPOI)was ruthless in USA advertising and out sold even the most advanced SLR,s of its competitors. By 1960 KW Praktina FX gave up. It’s costs were to high, it’s models lacking instant return mirror could not compete and it was expensive. So this wonderful article is accurate, but far from reality in chronological reasoning and respect to those that laid the foundation of great designs and build quality.

By: DANIEL J CASTELLI Sun, 17 Sep 2023 12:31:26 +0000 In reply to Daniel Castelli.

Tables are kinda small, when you get a large pizza, there’s little elbow room. I take my (film) Leica CL. :-))

By: Tim Gasper Sun, 17 Sep 2023 01:31:08 +0000 In reply to Daniel Castelli.

Ok. You got it. Ok if I take the F2a?
