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Echo Lens Photography

Echo Lens Photography

My name is Echo Lens Photography, at least that is my photographic pen name. My photographic interest began seven years ago when I bought a Sony A6000 for my birthday. Seven years later, I am fully analog with Nikon as my 35mm system of choice and photograph across all formats from 35mm to Super 8. I currently reside in Fort Worth, TX where I am a proud member of Fort Worth Photo Club alongside many talented photographers and wonderful people. I’m very excited to share my thoughts, knowledge, and experience with everyone!

The Minolta XE7 from a Nikon Loyalist’s Perspective

2200 1238 Echo Lens Photography

Dylan compares the Minolta XE7 with a similarly designed Nikon from the same era.

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A Year of Large Format Photography – Chapter 1: Rediscovering My Photographic Purpose

2000 1125 Echo Lens Photography

A photographer explores the gear of large format photography, and how it influences their process and philosophy.

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A Vest Pocket Kodak Camera Retrospective

2000 1125 Echo Lens Photography

The Vest Pocket Kodak camera is over 100 years old. Here’s everything about it, and why it’s one of the most important cameras ever made.

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Photographing New Mexico with the Nikon Nikkor 15mm f/5.6

2000 1125 Echo Lens Photography

Nikon’s ultra-wide rectilinear 15mm f/5.6 is a rare, wonderful, and (obviously) very wide lens that every Nikon fan should experience.

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Shooting Polacon with a Toyo Super Graphic and Instax Wide

2000 1125 Echo Lens Photography

Shooting Polacon, a massive annual gathering of instant film fiends, on Fuji Instax film with a large format camera.

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Back to Basics with a Nikon F, 50mm f/2, and a roll of Tri-X

1800 1013 Echo Lens Photography

Sometimes things feel complicated, our brains and shelves get cluttered. At these times, getting back to basics can add some clarity.

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Why I Love Cheap Manual Focus Telephoto Lenses

1800 1013 Echo Lens Photography

Dylan makes the case for cheap manual focus telephoto lenses, and offers some tips on how to buy, shoot, and enjoy them.

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