
Four Lessons Learned Through the Photography of Jazz Bassist Milt Hinton

988 1240 Josh Solomon

Josh, Casual Photophile’s resident photo nerd and pro musician, explores the personally inspirational work of jazz bassist and photographer Milt Hinton.

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Our Photographic New Year’s Resolutions for 2020 (and We Want to Hear Yours)

2560 1440 Jeb Inge

The writers have decided on their photographic New Year’s Resolutions, and we want to hear yours too! Happy New Year to you all!

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Choosing Your Kid’s First Camera

2560 1440 James Tocchio

If you’re a parent and a photo geek, you should buy your kid a camera. Here are some of the best cameras for kids of various age groups as chosen by our writers.

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How I Fought My Way Through Photographic Burnout, and How You Can Too

2560 1707 James Tocchio

Losing interest in photography? Getting overwhelmed? Here’s how James fought his way through photographic burnout, and how you could too.

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My Three Half Frame Cameras – Canon Demi, Konica EYE, Olympus Pen EES

1330 748 Craig Sinclair

Thoughts on the half frame film camera from Craig, and his experiences with the Canon Demi, the Konica EYE, and the Olympus Pen.

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Funeral for a Friend – an Obituary for My Dead Nikon L35AF

1991 1120 Jeb Inge

An obituary for Jeb’s dead Nikon L35AF, and musings on the importance of memories and having a decent camera to make them.

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I’ve Got a Fever and the Only Cure is Konica VX200 and a Canon T90

2800 1575 James Tocchio

I shot a roll of Konica VX200 on a blisteringly hot and exceptionally windy beach. I had a virus-induced sickness. I nearly died. Here are some photos from that roll.

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A Day in the Life, as Seen Through a Yashica 35 MF

1493 840 Craig Sinclair

Craig offers some thoughts on photography as a document of life, as seen through the Yashica 35 MF 35mm film camera.

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Photography – a Big and Beautiful Lie

1600 978 Craig Sinclair

Craig Sinclair considers photography and the lies it tells, the lies we accept, and why he wouldn’t have it any other way.

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Searching for Heimat with Kodak Film and a Nikon N60

1981 1114 Jeb Inge

The German language is many things. It can be stubborn, demanding, exacting and rigid. It can also be strangely elegant and beautiful. Easy, it is not. It’s spoken in three countries, and its dozens of…

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Why I Shoot Film (Even Though You Didn’t Ask)

1491 839 Craig Sinclair

I bought a typewriter not long ago. If you look at Craigslist on a regular basis you’ll probably find one for cheap. When you find out the ink ribbon is old and dry you’ll discover…

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My Darkroom Ritual – Making Twenty-Six Prints in One Year

2800 1575 Cory Miller

The Ritual It’s late Sunday night and the wife and dog are asleep. A light snow is falling as I start a pot of coffee and pull from the bookshelf a binder of negatives. I…

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Photography versus Art, Rinse, Repeat

1799 1012 Craig Sinclair

Ansel Adams might have been the best photographer that ever was or ever will be. But he wasn’t an artist. A bold statement, and one that’s gotten me into trouble in the past. As argument, I offer…

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My Favorite Camera is Not My Best Camera, Nor is it My Favorite Camera

1500 844 Craig Sinclair

I remember the little Italian-made camera my father gave me when I was seven or eight years old. I didn’t know it was Italian at the time. I’m not sure I even knew what “Italy”…

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