Comments on: Fujifilm X-E4 and the Paradox of Minimalism Cameras and Photography Fri, 28 Jul 2023 09:46:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sroyon Fri, 28 Jul 2023 09:46:57 +0000 In reply to Mark M.

Hi Mark, thanks for your kind words! My understanding is that the camera sold well enough (in fact, it was discontinued shortly after I wrote my review and now often sells on the used market for higher than the original retail price!) but Fuji had supply chain issues, so they chose to focus on more profitable cameras such as the X-T and X-H series. But this is just hearsay from photo forums, FujiRumors, etc., I don’t have a confirmed source for it. Anyway, let’s hope an X-E5 will be released sometime soon!

By: Mark M Fri, 21 Jul 2023 11:31:12 +0000 Thank you for your article and how you approached it. Not just a camera review, indeed!
It is now July 2023. I got excited to find the camera only to find out it has been discontinued! Do you know, did it not sell well so it was discontinued?

By: awr0912 Mon, 17 Jul 2023 23:17:46 +0000 Fantastic article. Thank you. I love this camer and at the same time find it to be a bit of a challenge to feel like I have any control. I would love to hear how you set up your Fujifilm X-E4.

By: JDW in Melbourne Thu, 18 May 2023 02:26:31 +0000 Hello again from the Fuji devil’s advocate…

Hm. Interesting take on a Leica (versus an XE4) from Pete.

Respectfully, may I both agree AND disagree?

Different strokes for different folks apply here. One can do as much with a Fuji XEwhatever (I have the XE2, Sroyon eulogies the XE4 and may I say, for so many good reasons), Pete soapboxes for his Leica – but as noted, doesn’t tell us which Leica he has, other than to say he coughed up ten grand for it, in quids no less, so close to AUD $20,000 given this week’s US66 cents value of our South Pacific Peso in exchange for the Yankidolla. Which ain’t hay. by any stretch of the imagination!!

But then Pete also has an XE3, another camera I would happily buy if I could find a good one at an affordable price. Just this week a camera seller in Melbourne (unfortunately, not one I consider as reputable, so other than perusing their web site now and then I won’t buy from that mob on principle) has an XE3 on offer, but for AUD $895 – bearing in mind that a new XE4 can be acquired on order from any camera shop selling Fuji in Australia for AUD $1,300 plus $200 more for the Fuji grip, is I reckon, too rich for my blood and surely my pensioner’s budget. (I do agree, however, about the Voigtlander lenses, they are superb optics). So no, as much as I like the ‘3’, I won’t be ponying up to the shop to acquire this one. Maybe another will come my way. Or maybe not. Either way, my XE2 will go on doing the sort of imagery I enjoy making – nowadays mostly B&W candids, which the ‘2’ excels at – for the time being.

On the other hand, if I had my change (and the cash) I would happily buy a Leica QE or even the , which to me symbolizes THE perfect minimalist digital camera. I don’t, well I do, but I don’t want to part with so much money even for something almost hand made in , so I won’t.

Now I will try to be nice to everybody. Good on Pete for having the $$ to indulge his whims. Good on Sroyon for praising the Fuji XE4 as he did and obviously doing so many good images out of it. And good on me for doing my small bit to save the planet and staying with my XE2. It’s entirely win-win-win for us all.

So yes, good on you, Pete. We are all madly envious of you and your bank balance, as well as your choice of cameras. Most of us will stay with what we have. Nikons and Fuji for digital work. For film, when an analog mood comes over me, I can play with my Nikkormat FT2s, my Contax G1s, my Nikon N65s, my VOigtlander Perkeo II or my Zeiss Nettar. Oh, and one of my four Rollei TLRs.

Now the secret is out and you all know why my bank balance is nowhere near Pete’s, tho’ in my own defense, may I say I’ve owned some of those cameras since the 1980s, and one of my Rolleiflexes since 1966. So yes, I hang on to my good things, and I try to use them well.

All the above to say, I mostly agree with you, Pete. You thought it all out and then wrote it well. As I say, different strokes…

All this said without prejudice, as lawyers like to opine Maybe a little envy on my part, but as I see it, that’s a good feeling.

DANN in Melbourne

By: Sroyon Thu, 20 Apr 2023 01:34:45 +0000 In reply to Michael Johnson.

Thanks Michael, I hope you’re enjoying your X-E4!

By: Michael Johnson Sun, 16 Apr 2023 22:17:33 +0000 ]]> As an owner of an x-e4 would be very interested to read of how you set up yours in more detail. Great article 👍🏻
