
The art of taking and processing photographs.

Oliver and His Nikon Unearth Racial Violence in the Rocky Mountains’ Past

2000 1125 Yuan Oliver Jin

With Nikon in hand, Oliver seeks out a little-known memorial to five Chinese men illegally hanged in a goldrush-era Rocky Mountain town.

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One Photographer’s Experience of Pandemic and Quarantine

1800 1200 Nick Clayton

Our writer Nicholas Clayton has some thoughts on this strange time of pandemic and quarantine, seen through the prism of a camera.

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South of Milwaukee, Shot on Film

1800 1207 Leah Damgaard-Hansen

Leah takes us on another journey, this time to Wisconsin in winter, where she makes a project of shooting trees (no matter the cost to her socks).

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Near and Far in Bowling Green, Ohio – a Story of Pandemics and Protests and Photography

1800 1194 Stephen Hennessy

One photographer’s story of the way he experienced his home town and photography during the pandemic, and later, the anti-racism protests.

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Exploring an Indian Bazaar with a Nikon FM2n and Fuji C200 Film

1800 1012 Hemant Chatterji

Take a trip with one of our writers, Hemant, as he explores an Indian flower market with a Nikon FM2n and Fujifilm C200 color film.

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Why Take Pictures? Answering the Existential Crisis of the Photography Hobbyist

2100 1181 James Tocchio

James explores the existential crisis of the in-a-rut hobbyist photographer – what’s the point of making pictures anyway?

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5 Photography Projects You Can Do Without Leaving the House

2560 1706 James Tocchio

James is sick and quarantined at home. Here are five photography-related projects for when we’re all stuck in the house. Stay healthy, have fun!

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Women at War – Three Pioneering Female Combat Photographers – Part 2

1432 1127 Josh Solomon

We spotlight three incredible, pioneering conflict photographers who also happen to be women, in part two of our series on the topic.

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Mastering the Zone System – Part 2: Film Testing

2800 1575 Cory Miller

In part two of his Mastering the Zone System series, Cory dives into the process of testing film to determine correct film speed and dev times.

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Women at War – Three Pioneering Female Combat Photographers

1544 925 Josh Solomon

James was tired of hearing about Robert Capa, so he asked me to write an article profiling female combat photographers. Writing it seemed like a straightforward task, until it wasn’t. I picked three photojournalists, and…

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Photography – a Big and Beautiful Lie

1600 978 Craig Sinclair

Craig Sinclair considers photography and the lies it tells, the lies we accept, and why he wouldn’t have it any other way.

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Mastering the Zone System – Part 1: Zone System Metering

2800 1867 Cory Miller

Most of us have experienced the feelings that accompany any big change; a combination of fear juxtaposed with excitement. First leaving home for college or starting a new job, or maybe picking up our first…

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My Darkroom Ritual – Making Twenty-Six Prints in One Year

2800 1575 Cory Miller

The Ritual It’s late Sunday night and the wife and dog are asleep. A light snow is falling as I start a pot of coffee and pull from the bookshelf a binder of negatives. I…

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Photography versus Art, Rinse, Repeat

1799 1012 Craig Sinclair

Ansel Adams might have been the best photographer that ever was or ever will be. But he wasn’t an artist. A bold statement, and one that’s gotten me into trouble in the past. As argument, I offer…

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