Single Shot Stories No. 010 – Justin Kingery, a Jump in the Park

Single Shot Stories No. 010 – Justin Kingery, a Jump in the Park

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Our little boy is 16 months old and constantly on the move. He loves the outdoors, and we visit our city parks nearly every day to let him explore, stimulate his mind, and practice using his body. He came to us unexpectedly six weeks early in the scariest months of the COVID-19 pandemic. We worried about him so much then, and still do.

At the park he runs and climbs and tests out the new legs, which are a little wobbly from time to time. But with each passing day, they get stronger and allow him to play and investigate the desires of his new body. In this moment, his mother shows him a brand new ability, one he’s likely never considered before: to leave the earth, to lift, to propel one’s self up and away from solid ground and into all that’s above. Though you can only see his expression from the side, you can tell he’s in awe. She moves with the grace of a dancer, a ballerina, coloring this new experience with beauty and grace.

If you’re so lucky, one of the best parts of co-parenting is witnessing your partner become so important to someone else, that special person bound to you both through miraculous nature and unfathomable luck. It takes work to be a great parent, to be present and attentive and without a phone in hand, but we’re really trying and giving it our best. And I think that’s something to be proud of.

Many thanks to Justin for their contribution to Single Shot Stories!

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We’d love to feature you and your photography on the site and to share it with our many readers! Please pick your favorite photo with a story, and tell it to us. Everyone is welcome to submit a photo. Submissions are limited to one per photographer in a three-month period, and must meet the following criteria:

  1. Along with the image sent to us via email, include in the same email the camera, lens and film (if applicable) which were used to take the photo, and location where the photo was made.
  2. Include a story of no more than 500 words about the image. The content is completely open so long as it discusses the submitted photo.
  3. The photo should be 2,000 pixels on the long end. 

To submit your Single Shot Story for publication here on CP, send all of the above information and the photo in an email to

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  • This is an example of the sum being greater than the parts. Great photo. Great story. Together . . .wonderful.

    • Agreed! This type of photography doesn’t get a lot of recognition in places where people talk about photography (with a big P), but for me it’s the whole reason to take pictures.

      Only thing I’d add is that I would never be able to get this shot in focus with an M5. 🤣

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