Single Shot Stories No. 003 – Tom Raymondson

Single Shot Stories No. 003 – Tom Raymondson

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  • Photographer: Tom Raymondson
  • Camera: Minolta CLE
  • Lens: M-Rokkor 40mm f2
  • Film: Kodak Tri-X, developed in D-76
This is a photograph of the display window at Triple S Camera in Ukiah, CA. It was shot in aperture priority at f/16 and probably around 1/125th of a second under a combination of indirect sunlight and some minimal interior lighting.
It is one of my favorite photos for several reasons –

It’s film. I developed it. I printed it. Had to get that off my chest. And it was one of my first shots with a newly acquired Minolta CLE, purchased after James’s glowing review reawakened my interest. After all, how could I resist “the best M mount camera around”, especially since I can’t afford a real Leica.

Those are the lesser reasons. Maybe enough for a film / classic camera snob like me. But it’s the subject that really pulls me in.

The girl on the old Kodak advertising poster looks remarkably like photos of my wife when she was eight, nine years old. She disagrees, but the hair, the freckles . . .

The enlarger is an Inter 66, from Czechoslovakia. My first enlarger! I purchased it new around 1970 and gave it away decades ago right here in Ukiah. Is this my actual enlarger? The details that might vary from model to model – the cord, the switch, the color of wood in the baseboard – look exactly the same. I’m saying it’s mine.

I’m a little troubled by the dog cut off on the left, but a tighter crop seemed to put the girl’s face too close to the edge and reduced some of the context on the right. The display is still there, I could go back, but I suspect I wouldn’t have the same emotional attachment to a re-shoot.
[Many thanks to Tom for sharing his shot and story. Tell Tom what you think of his photo in the comments below!]

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We’d love to feature you and your photography on the site and to share it with our many readers! Please pick your favorite photo with a story, and tell it to us. Everyone is welcome to submit a photo. Submissions are limited to one per photographer in a three-month period, and must meet the following criteria:

  1. Along with the image sent to us via email, include in the same email the camera, lens and film (if applicable) which were used to take the photo, and location where the photo was made.
  2. Include a story of no more than 500 words about the image. The content is completely open so long as it discusses the submitted photo.
  3. The photo should be 2,000 pixels on the long end. 

To submit your Single Shot Story for publication here on CP, send all of the above information and the photo in an email to

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  • Tom, your photo brings back memories for me in the mid 1960’s, when on many a Saturday morning, I would go downtown and visit the three “real” camera shops, chatting with friends and looking at all the cool equipment, both new and used. And of course, picking up some film or various darkroom supplies. I had a very similar enlarger back then. Over the years, I have attempted a remake of a favorite photo . . . not to be, the same light or feeling never happens twice.

  • Despite the dog cut off on the left, it’s a good photo. Difficult to get the composition or crop exactly correct. Like the enlarger too. Had a similar enlarger in the early seventies. Wish I still had it. Nostalgia.

  • Great image: love it. Perfect composition.
    I love the story.
    Bravo James for this concept one image, one story.
    I have missed this one, but likely because your website is attractive I return today to the bottom and I see this one I have missed. Whaouuu! Really great image.
    I have a CLE before, I was afraid it breaks one day, so I have sold it, it was an other great Minolta product.
    The film process here is high level: Bravo!

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