Comments on: Should I Sell My Leica? An Argument With Myself Cameras and Photography Thu, 18 May 2023 18:25:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stefan Staudenmaier Thu, 18 May 2023 18:25:34 +0000 In reply to Dave Murray.

Well Dave I Never had any problem with a Nikon but a lot with M Leicas.
To make things even more complicated I get some very cheap Nikon F801
on EBay an used them with to AI converted Nikkor S Q P H primes !

Funny but true some of my best Portraits are Made this way,
a Nikon F801s and converted Nikkor S 1,2/55 with Ilford Pan F
on a Manfrotto monopod.

By: Stefan Staudenmaier Thu, 18 May 2023 18:16:31 +0000 In reply to Daniel Castelli.

The best Cameras Leica ever made were the Leicaflex and the Leica R8.
Today the most underrated Leicas just ask any fanboy, but just take one
in your hands and you will confess its true !

By: Stefan Staudenmaier Thu, 18 May 2023 18:08:34 +0000 No is just the simple answer !

I did it several times ago and regret it every time again and again.
If you need some money sell your kidneys.……

By: George Appletree Fri, 07 Jan 2022 23:32:19 +0000 Late?, late for lunch, for tying your tie? No, never wear ties. Thanks, fantastic point of view.
Didn’t go further along the time. Never mind your M2, or my M7. One needs to treasure that piece of metal to walk it just from while to while. Should I shell it?, silly me, asking once again that silly question. Certain I sold it once for buying it again next month.
I got here. I got late perhaps. Or perhaps never is late to sell your Leica.
But, no. I never wear ties

By: dirksaeger Thu, 22 Apr 2021 15:48:08 +0000 Great story,
so first. A M is a M is a M.
Am I a fanboy? I don’t know, I do have a Leica M10. I use an FM2n, a F90x and a Praktika for film. Actually the M10 took me back to film.
To me, the fascinating things about Leica are the fact that one can use ageold lenses without a second thought and the fact that you will still get spare parts in Wetzlar, maybe except for the CCD-Sensor of the M9. You can send your M2 there and get a decent CLA for a reasonable price, although it might take ages to get it back ( I live 1.5h away….. 🙂 ). This is a unique feature.

So, never ever sell it. Period !
Greetings, Dirk

By: Preston Wed, 03 Mar 2021 05:38:53 +0000 Oh man…
Glad to find that I’m not alone with this.

My fixation with Leica began the afternoon I purchased my first camera. I was standing in the iconic Central Camera store in downtown Chicago. An older gentleman by the name of Gus (pretty sure that was his name) who was both a bit scary and inviting, asked me what I was looking for. I told him I wasn’t sure. He then grabbed four cameras and set them on the counter.

Yashica, Canon, Pentax and a Leica which he sets apart from the others.

He says “Unless you can afford a Leica, and most people can’t, these other cameras all do the same thing. Put your money in the lens.”

For the next hour he talked to me about lenses in general, and Leica very specifically. SLR shooting vs Rangefinder and the impeccable construction of Leicas.

I finally walked out of there with a Yashica FX103 Program and a Zeiss Contax 50mm f/1.7 lens… which was twice the price of the camera!

But like some type of Inception, the Leica seed had been planted. It grew and grew and years later I had an M9 and a Zeiss Distagon 1.4 in my evil hands. I chose the Distagon because I’d come to love the rendering of Zeiss lenses. And I loved every little thing about the camera, even the quirks.

And of course, over the years and just like Josh, the conversations with myself became louder and louder. “This thing is outdated. You have other cameras that do the job just fine. This M is a prima donna. Upgrading is ridiculously expensive! Just sell it already…”

June 2020, I was gonna sell my M9 along with two wonderful Zeiss ZM lenses and a lovely Canon LTM. Gonna use that loot to upgrade my other kit and buy a new laptop. Yep…

What happened?

I replaced the sensor in the M9 and added a Zeiss Sonnar f/1.5 to the bag.

I need help.
