Make a Difference in Someone’s Life – Buy a Hat from Brooklyn Film Camera

Make a Difference in Someone’s Life – Buy a Hat from Brooklyn Film Camera

1400 933 James Tocchio

2020 has been a hell of a challenging year, and regardless of where each of us lands on the political spectrum I think we can all agree that the people who are hit hardest during tough times are those who are already marginalized or under-represented. I started this website to help bring some positivity into the world. Photography is neat, but in the grand scheme it’s not life or death. And I constantly wish that I could do more to help people who are really struggling.

That’s why I was thrilled when my friends at Brooklyn Film Camera reached out to ask if I’d help spread the word about a new product they’re launching today. A film-centric hat for photo nerds – sounds good for our target audience. But the real hook is that 100% of the profits from the sale of these hats will be donated to an immigrant/workers’ rights organization called Make the Road, which is doing excellent work to help vulnerable people in a multitude of ways.

I’ll let my friends at Brooklyn Film Camera share the full story here in their own words.

From the press release :

That’s right folks. Someone had to say it. Film photography has been available to the public since George Eastman began manufacturing paper film in 1885, but digital cameras have only been available to the public since 1990. Digital cameras are built to be replaced every few years while film cameras were built to last decades, even lifetimes. Digital photography is lifeless and boring and your images get lost on dead drives and lost cards and crashed servers. Film photography is a wholesome craft that’s enriching and connecting and is beautifully, wonderfully, tangibly in your hands throughout the process! It’s time that we Make Photography Film Again!

Okay… so obviously this is meant to be humorous but we adore this silly message and hope you do too! You know what’s not silly though? Supporting organizations that are making a big difference right now. Especially those helping marginalized folks that this administration has neglected and attacked over the past four years. All profits from the sale of these caps will go directly to the Bushwick-based immigrant and workers rights organization Make The Road.

Make The Road has provided legal, health, and education services to over 25,000 people this year alone. When NYC got hit hard by COVID, Make The Road began incredible relief efforts. Since March, they have distributed an average of 1,100 food bags per week to locals in need. That is incredible work indeed. Please join us in supporting a local organization that’s doing immense good right here in our neighborhood. Onward and upward!

Hats made locally with love by Vulgarity.

If you’d like to buy a hat and support a good cause, head on over to Brooklyn Film Camera’s website.

From me and the rest of the CP staff, be well, stay safe, and happy shooting.

James Tocchio

James Tocchio is a writer and photographer, and the founder of Casual Photophile. He’s spent years researching, collecting, and shooting classic and collectible cameras. In addition to his work here, he’s also the founder of the online camera shop

All stories by:James Tocchio
  • sorry james. I read the entire article and am impressed by the sentiment of these hats and the good works that will come from the proceeds of their sale. however I can not support anything that is even remotely or incidentally associated with or reminds me of the sick toxic vile malignant cancer that currently occupies the white house. with the use of the phrase “great again” there is no way for this campaign to distance itself from the sickness that has infected our nation and the entire world. if this association is unintended it is unfortunate. if it is deliberate then refer to my comments. the fate of our democracy is at stake.

    • I understand where you’re coming from. I’m sure the people from Brooklyn Film Camera will visit this article and see your comment, and maybe they’ll have another fundraising product in the future based on the feedback!

  • thanks for your reply james. it breaks my heart to see these noble causes spoiled by even an unintentional association with our current toxic social and political climate. what times we are living through.

  • Despite I am not American from USA, I like this hat, and leitmotiv/slogan do not influence me, … I will say this is a good idea. There is a place for everyone and every ideas and concepts in this world. Nothing is right, nothing is wrong. 😉

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James Tocchio

James Tocchio is a writer and photographer, and the founder of Casual Photophile. He’s spent years researching, collecting, and shooting classic and collectible cameras. In addition to his work here, he’s also the founder of the online camera shop

All stories by:James Tocchio