
Shooting a 50 Year Old Roll of Kodak Panatomic X 35mm Film

2200 1238 James Tocchio

James shoots a fifty year old roll of Kodak Panatomic X, a fine grain, low speed black and white film.

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Kodak Ektar H35 Half Frame Film Camera Review

2200 1237 James Tocchio

The Kodak Ektar H35 is the most affordable way to get into film photography. Just don’t expect high quality build or images.

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Kodak VR35 K12 Review – Grandma Knows Best

2000 1125 Roberto Felipe

Roberto was given a humble Kodak point and shoot film camera by his grandmother, who worked at Kodak. Turns out it’s a favorite.

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5 Color Films That Cost Less Than Kodak Portra 400

2000 1125 Sarah Rizzo

Kodak Portra is getting expensive. In today’s article, Sarah Rizzo helpfully lists five alternatives to the most popular 35mm color film.

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A Vest Pocket Kodak Camera Retrospective

2000 1125 Echo Lens Photography

The Vest Pocket Kodak camera is over 100 years old. Here’s everything about it, and why it’s one of the most important cameras ever made.

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Antique Beach – Creating Summer Memories with Expired Kodacolor Film

2048 1463 Guest Author

Guest Author Isaac D. Pacheco brings us along as they shoot the summer beach on two rolls of (very) expired Kodak Kodacolor film!

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Single Shot Stories No. 011 – Matthew Morse, This is Normal

1280 849 Guest Author

Matthew Morse shares the story of his beautiful daughter and the tricycle that’s more than a toy, in today’s Single Shot Stories.

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Enjoy These Fujifilm, Kodak, and Nikon TV Ads from the 1980s and ’90s

2560 1440 James Tocchio

Lately I’ve been scouring internet archives for old television commercials from our favorite camera and film brands. Enjoy!

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Kodak Announces Gold 200 in 120 – an Affordable Medium Format Color Film!

2000 1125 James Tocchio

Kodak has just announced that Kodak Gold 200 will now be produced in 120 medium format! The film, which is available to order for retailers and dealers in 5-roll Pro Packs starting today, is priced…

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Interview with Kali of Evertender Studios

2000 1125 Danielle Wrobleski

Our latest interview, this time with Kali, who makes psychedelic photos of southern California with experimental, expired, and special films.

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Haystack Heroes – a Charity Project Zine by Tommaso Carrara

2048 1365 Guest Author

For my very first trip post pandemic, my girlfriend and I decided to spend ten days in the North Isles of Scotland at the end of August 2021. As full-time workers based in London, we…

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Worried About the Rising Cost of Film Photography? Here Are Some Ways to Cope

2000 1125 James Tocchio

Film prices have risen year on year, and they’re set to rise again in 2023. Here are five ways to cope with the rising cost of shooting film.

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The Beauty of Pen y Fan on Kodak Portra

2000 1125 Charlotte Davis

Charlotte brings us (and their Olympus XA4 loaded with Kodak Portra) on a hike for charity through the Welch countryside.

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What I Learned Shooting My Vacation on Film

2000 1125 James Tocchio

Some lessons are learned the easy way and some are a bit more painful. Here’s everything that I learned shooting my vacation on film.

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