Comments on: It’s Okay to Like Cameras More Than You Like Photography Cameras and Photography Tue, 19 Sep 2023 18:04:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dan Mountin Tue, 19 Sep 2023 18:04:51 +0000 I’ve just breathed a sigh, realizing there are others out there just like me who love the look, feel, sound and history of cameras! I have severe GAS. My affinity is Barnack Leicas and prewar Contax I and II’s. I buy cosmetically excellent camera bodies that may have “issues” and match them to period correct lenses. Then, I send them off for long overdue CLA’s and to resolve the issues.

Once I get a camera back, I open it up, inspect the mechanics and play with it. I focus and refocus the rangefinder on subjects near and far, both inside and out. I set and reset lens apertures. I cock the shutter, press the release, set a new speed and repeat! To me, the sound these German mechanical masterpieces produce is solid, amazing! The Leica “thunk” and Contax slow speed “whir”. As I hold the camera in my hands and up to my eye, I wonder where the camera has been, what scenes it has recorded and the previous owners who used them. This is even more true with prewar and wartime cameras.

On the flip side, I use my cameras too, but not near as much as I would like. I’ve found though, that each time I take one of these jewels out to shoot, I’m invariably stopped and asked about it; the most common questions being, “What kind of camera is that?”, or “Is film still available?” and “Where do you get film developed”, (I develop my own btw which people find amazing!). I spend more time answering the scores of questions asked and allowing others to hold the camera and experience the heft than I do taking photos. In a world of modern, digital wonder-cameras which rarely evoke any comments or attention, it’s the classic Barnack or Contax that people are interested in!

Thanks for a great article!

By: Todd Davis Wed, 16 Aug 2023 17:51:26 +0000 Someone finally understands me. I’m sending this to my girlfriend.

By: Max Wed, 29 Mar 2023 07:02:39 +0000 Thank you sooooooo much….I landed here looking for an the answers you gave me! Now I can proudly say that I’m not a wannabe photographer, I’m a (not professional) “Camera Liker” 😀

By: Pete McGovern Tue, 27 Dec 2022 13:52:45 +0000 That’s a lovely Nikon rangefinder camera.

I’m a long-time fan of Arbus and recently figured it’d be interesting to have a camera around like the one she used in the mid-late sixties. A week or so ago bid on a Mamiya C3 TLR (sold ‘as is’) and was surprised when my very low bid won – hers was the slightly later C33 model BTW. The rival bidders, probably hard up newbie-to-film photographers/students, would most likely have wanted it to make pictures out in the world with it, and I had the odd feeling I’d be putting a bird in a cage instead.

By: Tom Raymondson Thu, 08 Dec 2022 17:11:04 +0000 Actually, I would love to ask DaVinci which brush he used (the answer, I believe, is that he made it himself, along with his paints). I would love to ask him ANY question.

By: Peter Bidel Schwambach Sat, 05 Nov 2022 22:43:24 +0000 Not gonna lie, I can’t really say off the top of my head whether I prefer cameras or photography itself. I spend a good portion of my free time looking at, editing and having prints of my photos made, as well as poring over what I like or dislike about this or that photo, and having my scans back from the lab gets me all giddy, but Iove the look and feel of a good camera, the mechanical character of springs and levers and knobs and dials, the sounds and sometimes even that familiar scent of a camera that’s been stored for too long.

I wouldn’t call myself a collector, but I did gather a small number of interesting cameras along the last couple years, which I mostly ended up trading or selling off due to not really using them. I kept my Nikon FM2, FM3 and FG bodies, a few lenses and my Canonet, but since cleaning up, even more interesting cameras have found their way to me, like a free hand me down Minolta XD with a 50mm 1.4 Rokkor, a Ricoh Singlex with a couple Pentax M42 lenses, and a very dirty, but very functional L35AF for what amounts to 3.57 dollars in local currency. I’m not sure what to do with them, and I’m not sure I’ll even be using them much, but I’ve taken them in for service, and it’s nice just holding them, cranking them and listening to the noises they make. Brazil still has so many great cameras being sold for affordable prices or lying forgotten in people’s attics, it’d be a crime no to rescue them….
