
F/8 And Be There – the Unclear Origin of a Photographic Mantra and What It Really Means

2560 1440 James Tocchio

James explores the unclear origin of “f/8 and be there” and contemplates what the photographic mantra really means today.

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Graflex Graphic 35 Review – Made for These Pages

2000 1125 James Tocchio

James reviews the Graflex Graphic 35, a compact and affordable 35mm film rangefinder camera, the kind of camera for which this site was made.

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5 American Cameras Worth Owning and Shooting

2000 1125 James Tocchio

Today is the 4th of July, and while I’m no history professor, I at least know that this is the day we Americans celebrate the resistance and subsequent victory over our alien invaders way back…

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