
The Milk Bath Portrait and How it Changed Everything

2400 1350 James Tocchio

Through his most famous character’s lips, Arthur Conan Doyle once lamented “There is nothing new under the sun.” But he was wrong. Because I recently saw a photograph that was so utterly unique and awe-inspiring…

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Our Favorite Fanboys Swap Camera Systems – Nikon F3 Versus Canon F-1

2400 1350 Chris Cushing

As objective as we are when reviewing unfamiliar cameras, our biases show when it comes to the cameras that remain with us permanently. My FD mount Canons have always been my benchmark, the cameras I…

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What’s an ‘Apollo’ Nikon F and Why It Matters

2400 1350 James Tocchio

James explains what makes the special Nikon F “Apollo” so special (or not so special), with examination of why it matters (or doesn’t).

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A Moment with Kodak – by Laurence Von Thomas, Founder of Reflex

2048 1358 James Tocchio

Laurence Von Thomas is the founder of Reflex. His Reflex I camera is a modern interpretation of the classic 35mm film SLR that was successfully Kickstarted late last year. Today he shares his thoughts on the past,…

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What I Learned from a Weekend Doing Everything Wrong (Photographically)

2200 1237 James Tocchio

Before we get too far in, and to ensure that we feel the full impact of my idiotic failings of the past weekend, it’s important to really make clear all the things at which I…

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Why Every Photographer Should Try Medium Format

2000 1333 Chris Cushing

Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight is an oddity. A film that blends classic elements of old-timey westerns with modern sensibilities, it’s an unusual throwback. Perhaps most unusually, Hateful Eight was shot on 70mm film, an…

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Capturing the American West with a Nikon F100 and Kodak Film

2000 1333 Jeb Inge

As someone who’s spent almost all of his thirty years firmly ensconced on the East Coast, my experience with the American West boils down to old Marlboro advertising, dying of dysentery on the Oregon Trail,…

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How Fuji C200 Convinced Me that Cheap Consumer Grade Film Still Matters – Opinion

2200 1459 Josh Solomon

Author’s note : For a more technical look at the properties of Fuji C200, please refer to our film profile on AgfaPhoto Vista 200, AgfaPhoto’s discontinued rebrand of this film stock. Cheap consumer-grade film might…

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Which Leica Rangefinder Should I Buy?

2200 1237 James Tocchio

Want a Leica rangefinder, but not sure which one is right for you? Our buyer’s guide can help you pick your best fit.

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Agfa Vista Was More Than Just Another Color Film, and Its Death is Troubling – Opinion

2200 1238 Jeb Inge

I’m sitting in a cafe in Charleston, South Carolina sipping the first coffee of the day and contemplating the task before me. I need to shoot as comprehensive a photographic tour of the Holy City…

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These Failed Camera Designs Were (and still are) Pretty Terrible

2200 1238 James Tocchio

Reading the pages of CP, it would be easy to assume that every camera made before the digital age was a masterpiece of design and function. But that’s so, so wrong. Today we enjoy the…

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The Magic of Slide Projectors and Why You Should Own One

2200 1238 James Tocchio

Gleeful giggling, happy screams, and the thunderous reverberations of a three-year-old girl hopping up and down on hardwood flooring. These were the sounds that rang through my house the first time my daughter saw a…

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Yoshihisa Maitani – The Man Who Made Olympus

2200 1237 James Tocchio

What makes a person successful? The admiration of one’s peers? The realization of one’s ambitions and designs? Decades of professional coups? If these are the measures of success, famed Olympus camera designer Yoshihisa Maitani measured…

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Josh’s Thoughts on GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) and Film Photography

2200 1237 Josh Solomon

“Don’t forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he wanted… He lived happily ever after.” I always hated that line. Not only does it spoil Gene Wilder’s wonderfully witty, sardonic interpretation of…

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