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Aaron Stennett

Aaron Stennett

Aaron Stennett is a writer and photographer from London, England. He caught the film bug after discovering his father's SLR in the attic and hasn't looked back since. You can find more of his photography on his Instagram ( and his personal blog (

Plaubel Makina 67 Review

2000 1125 Aaron Stennett

Aaron reviews the Plaubel Makina 67, a medium format rangefinder film camera with a beautiful, fixed Nikkor lens.

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We Review Negative Lab Pro and Interview its Creator, Nate Johnson

1920 1080 Aaron Stennett

Negative Lab Pro is a Lightroom plugin that simplifies the conversion of raw film scans into digitized files. We review and interview NLP’s creator here.

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Fujifilm Klasse W Review – A Great Leap Forward

2800 1575 Aaron Stennett

Aaron reviews the Fujifilm Klasse W, with a particular look at the many ways it’s improved over the original Fujifilm Klasse.

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Ilford Announces a New Film in 35mm and 120 Formats – Ortho Plus

1240 414 Aaron Stennett

Ilford Photo has just announced a range of new products to celebrate the 140th anniversary of the British film manufacturer. As well as offering a new updated range of resin-based photographic paper, Ilford will release their…

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The Essentials – A Guide to the Best of Rollei’s Camera Systems

2800 1575 Aaron Stennett

Having produced professional cameras long before Nikon’s and Canon’s 35mm systems were even a glint in their makers’ eyes, Rollei is often heralded as the grandfather of camera manufacturers. With their extremely high quality Twin Lens…

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An Overview of the Hasselblad 500 Series (V System)

2400 1350 Aaron Stennett

With capability enabling it to span the globe and beyond, the Hasselblad 500 series is a special series of camera. As comfortable in the hands of elite fashion photographers as it is with astronauts on…

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The Contax T2 – Searching for Value Amongst the Hype

2800 1575 Aaron Stennett

While many cameras have gone from unknown to idolized as a result of the film renaissance, the Contax T2 stands shoulders above the competition. In terms of the sheer hype it has received in the…

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