
The Contax TVS is the Best Contax Compact to Buy Right Now

2800 1575 James Tocchio

Popular opinion on the Contax TVS says that its sluggish aperture and softer zoom lens make it a third-rate camera. The choir sings that the TVS is the compact Contax that you buy, only if…

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I Called the Contax T2 Overrated, This Reader Disagreed

2800 1575 James Tocchio

Every Friday, I end the workweek by posting an Ask Me Anything on the site’s Instagram stories. Through these AMAs, readers of the site and customers of the shop get a chance to yell at…

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Which Contax T Series Camera Should You Buy?

2800 1575 Josh Solomon

In 1984, Zeiss’ Contax brand partnered with Yashica to make the Contax T cameras, a series of luxury compact cameras aimed at moneyed enthusiasts. The cameras were small jewels of photographic design and technology, and…

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Contax IIa – Zeiss Ikon’s Best Classic Rangefinder Reviewed

2400 1350 James Tocchio

James reviews one of the prettiest and most storied German rangefinder film cameras ever made, the Contax IIa.

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Some Alternatives to Those Over-Priced Compact Point and Shoots

2200 1237 James Tocchio

The Mju II, Contax T series, and Yashica T4 and T5s are some of the priciest (we might say over-priced) point and shoots. Here are some alternatives.

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Carl Zeiss G Mount 28mm F/2.8 Biogon Lens Review

2200 1238 James Tocchio

We review the Contax G mount 28mm Biogon for the Contax G series rangefinder film cameras and adaptable mirrorless digital cameras.

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Contax G2 Camera Review – The Anti-Rangefinder That’s in a Class of Its Own

2200 1238 James Tocchio

The Contax G2 is like no other rangefinder on Earth. In fact, its technological ethos employs certain tricks that are outright heresy to diehard fans of the classic rangefinder; it runs on batteries, its manual…

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A Week Away with the Contax T – a Perfect Travel and Street Rangefinder Camera

2000 1125 James Tocchio

Three film cameras; ten rolls of film. That’s what I packed for a recent week away. Among these cameras was the Contax T, an unbelievably compact 35mm film rangefinder that somehow marries luxurious excess to…

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Carl Zeiss 45mm F/2 Planar in Contax G Mount Review – an Almost Perfect Legacy Lens

4000 2250 James Tocchio

The Carl Zeiss Contax G Mount Planar 45mm F/2 prime lens is, without bluster, amazing. It’s helped me make some of my favorite images in years. It’s also irritating. Never before have I used such…

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Carl Zeiss Planar 50mm F/1.4 C/Y Mount – Lens Review

2000 1125 James Tocchio

Today’s lens review isn’t going to change the way you take photos, and if you’re already shooting a fast fifty don’t expect to be surprised. Today’s lens review, while certainly worth reading (don’t you dare),…

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Contax 139 Quartz – Camera Review

1280 720 James Tocchio

I recently found myself the reluctant owner of a Contax 139 Quartz 35mm SLR, a camera about which I knew little and for which I cared even less. After all, if this rebranded, electronic Yashica…

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5 Best Point and Shoot Film Cameras – Part 2

1280 720 James Tocchio

A while back, we published a rather popular list of some of our favorite point-and-shoot film cameras. We made it pretty clear that our list was just a small sampling of the amazing machines out there. Even…

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5 Best Travel Cameras – Film Edition

2027 1181 James Tocchio

One of the greatest joys in life is travel, and one of the greatest joys in travel is taking pictures. Whether you’re looking to populate an album with touristy shots of famous landmarks, or taking…

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