Black and White

Eastman Kodak Double-X (5222) – a Cinematic Black and White Film

2000 1123 Josh Solomon

The word “cinematic” can be pretty vague. It’s one of those meaningless filler words that can be applied to anything and that tells you absolutely nothing about what you’re looking at. Oh look at this…

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Ilford Delta 3200 Film Profile – The Fastest Black and White Film Available Today

2000 1125 Jeb Inge

Paranoid about passing through six airports and their dreaded x-ray machines with a bag of unprocessed film, I read some advice – toss in a roll of high-speed film to better justify getting a hand…

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Featured Photophile No. 010 – Yoshi’s Japanese Street Photography

2000 1333 James Tocchio

Featured Photophile, our recurring segment showcasing talented amateur photographers is back with more photo inspiration for you. And this time we’re bringing you the work of a really talented young shooter from Japan. Yoshi’s work shows…

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Shooting Film Through Thailand with Dan Diaz

2000 1333 James Tocchio

Editor’s Note – James here. You may have noticed that we’re branching out from our usual gear reviews and opinion pieces. While those will still make up the lion’s share of posts here at CP,…

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Japan Camera Hunter Street Pan 400 – Six Months In

1280 720 Dustin Vaughn-Luma

It’s been more than six months since Bellamy Hunt (a.k.a. Japan Camera Hunter) brought a new black-and-white film stock to market, and while snide comments about Bellamy’s motives have popped up here and there, it appears that the film…

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How to See in Black-and-White

2500 1786 James Tocchio

Color, in many ways, is the essence of life. Our eyes and brains are built to see it. Brand identities are built on it. And so are our personal fashion sensibilities (there weren’t a lot of…

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Ilford HP5 Plus – Black and White Film Profile

1280 720 Josh Solomon

We all know a knockoff when we see it. Fake Rolexes, certain Russian motorcycles, and pretty much anything bought off of a street cart in Hong Kong, these poor quality imitators just can’t match their real…

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Kodak Tri-X – Film Profile

2000 1125 Josh Solomon

Guitarists have the Fender Stratocaster, soldiers the AK-47, and handymen the world over have WD-40. These products have become the standard bearers in their fields; tools of the trade that are so accomplished they need…

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Fomapan Creative 200 – Film Profile

1800 1013 Josh Solomon

We’re back with another film profile, and since we’re smack in the middle of a series on home-developing black-and-white film we’ve decided to spotlight, you guessed it, a black-and-white film. But we won’t be messing…

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Kodak BW400CN – Film Profile

1280 720 James Tocchio

We’re back with another film profile to help you decide which film is right for you. In the past we’ve profiled two Kodak films that are still being produced today; the smooth-as-silk Kodak Ektar 100, and the invitingly…

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