Top Fives

The Ten Best Electronic 35mm SLR’s Ever Made

2000 1125 Josh Solomon

After seven years of shooting classic cameras, we’ve compiled our list of the ten best electronic SLRs of all time.

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10 Less Popular Film Photography YouTube Channels to Follow

1920 1028 Guest Author

Here’s a wonderful curated list of ten (less popular) film photography YouTube channels that you should follow today!

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Leica M Film Cameras Too Expensive? Here are Five Alternatives

2382 1338 James Tocchio

James recommends five excellent cameras to buy, if the Leica M series film cameras are beyond your budget. Take a look.

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Five Masters of Light from Japan’s Shōwa Era

1440 986 Eric Charles Jones

The Japanese Shōwa period, coinciding with the reign of Emperor Hirohito from 1926 to 1989, is noted as one of Japan’s most tumultuous and transformative eras. Over these many decades Japan went from a militaristic…

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The Ten Best Mechanical 35mm Film SLRs Ever Made

2000 1125 Josh Solomon

After seven years of shooting classic cameras, we’ve compiled our list of the ten best mechanical SLRs (plus three honorable mentions).

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As Olympus Exits the Camera Business, Let’s Look at Our Favorite Olympus Articles

2000 1125 James Tocchio

Olympus has quit the camera business. In fond rememberance, we look back at our favorite Olympus articles of the past six years.

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Our Five Favorite Cameras Not Made in Japan or Germany

2000 1125 Jeb Inge

Today’s thought experiment – with so many industry leading cameras coming out of Japan and Germany, what are our favorites not made in those countries?

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Five Inexpensive Accessories to Get More Out of Your Photography

2100 1181 James Tocchio

Another article helping you get the most photographic bang for your buck. Here are five cheap accessories to boost your photography.

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Ten Great Point and Shoot Film Cameras From $25 to $99

2100 1181 James Tocchio

For every expensive, over-hyped point and shoot camera there are ten or twenty others that are damn near as good at one-tenth the price. Here’s a list of a few that we’ve personally enjoyed.

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Five Best Medium Format Cameras for Beginners

1600 800 Josh Solomon

We update our list of the best medium format cameras for those photographers just starting medium format in 2019.

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Five Best Digital Cameras for People Who Love Film Cameras

1512 1008 James Tocchio

High quality film cameras feel great. Digital cameras don’t always feel so good. Here are five digital cameras that feel as good as the good old days.

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Five Famous Photographers and the Cameras They Used Part Two

788 1199 Josh Solomon

As photographers, the tools we use can influence the way we both see and capture the world around us. For this reason, it can be illuminating to reflect on the gear that’s been used by…

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Five More Affordable Rangefinder Film Cameras

2200 1238 Jeb Inge

To help the cash strapped photo geek of today, we’ve compiled a new list of five additional rangefinders that still offer an excellent shooting experience on a shoestring budget. 

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Five High Quality 35mm Rangefinders You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

2800 1575 James Tocchio

Leica too trendy for you? Sick of hearing about the Nikon SP? First, what’s wrong with you? And second, what’s wrong with me? Because I’m sick of them too! Looking for something to spark the…

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