Jeb Inge

Five Favorite Photos – German Photographers Edition

2362 3065 Jeb Inge

Wickham Steed once said that the Germans “dive deeper but come up muddier.” A stereotype, but born out in many facets of life, including their photography. Whether it’s the provocative eroticism of Helmut Newton or…

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Ilford Delta 3200 Film Profile – The Fastest Black and White Film Available Today

2000 1125 Jeb Inge

Paranoid about passing through six airports and their dreaded x-ray machines with a bag of unprocessed film, I read some advice – toss in a roll of high-speed film to better justify getting a hand…

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AgfaPhoto Vista Plus 200 – Film Profile

2000 1125 James Tocchio

Not every day is a Portra day. And this reality set in hard when my local camera store started charging $13 per roll of Portra 400 (back when they actually stocked it). I want to…

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Pentax 645 Camera Review – The Best Entry Level Medium Format Film Camera

2000 1334 Jeb Inge

The desire to jump into medium format photography is usually accompanied by visions of Hasselblads, Rolleiflexes, and the Contax 645. And that’s understandable – the first has pedigree, the second has cool factor, and the…

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Documenting East Germany with Expired Film from 1990

1800 1319 Jeb Inge

When I first acquired a number of rolls of Kodak film that expired in 1990 I stored them in my freezer. And there they sat. I wasn’t sure what to do with them until last…

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