Canon Camera

Canon FD 24mm F/2.8 S.S.C. – Lens Review

1600 900 James Tocchio

Not long ago, I penned an opinion that every photo geek should own a wide-angle lens. In case you missed it, I talked about the incredible ability of wide-angle lenses to present a vision of the world that just…

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Why Everyone Should Shoot a Wide Angle Lens

2200 1467 James Tocchio

One of the simplest ways to increase the dynamism and visual interest of our images is by using a wide-angle lens. By widening our angle of view, we’re able to capture shots of the world around us…

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The Best First Film Camera for Any Shooter

5269 2964 James Tocchio

It’s one of the questions we’re asked most often here at CP, across our social media accounts, and through our online shop. Every day, new shooters and experienced digital photographers ask us to help them choose their…

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Canon AE-1 Program vs AE-1 – Camera Review

2995 1684 James Tocchio

If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it. A good philosophy, and one that Canon kept in mind when designing the follow-up to their massively successful AE-1 SLR. After five years of that machine’s unprecedented sales…

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Should We Photograph the Homeless?

1280 853 James Tocchio

It’s my belief that a writer’s job is to ask questions. As the owner of a camera shop and the founder of CP, I spend a lot of time thinking about photography, cameras, and what it…

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Exploded Views – Canon AF35M

2560 1440 James Tocchio

It seems we’ve been on something of a Canon binge lately. We’ve reviewed the classic A-1, put a wide FD lens through its paces, and just wrapped up our AE-1 springtime giveaway! Yes, the past few…

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Canon A-1 Camera Review – Canon’s Greatest Gadget

2446 1369 James Tocchio

Were CP the kind of website to give our reviews catchy taglines, the Canon A-1’s review might pose a problem. I could title it The Forgotten Canon, or The Middle Child, and these would be…

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Five Great Point and Shoot Film Cameras Organized by Budget and Capability

2000 1125 James Tocchio

Here are five excellent point and shoot film cameras organized by price and capability. Find your best fit and have fun shooting!

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Exploded Views – Canon AE-1

1280 731 James Tocchio

Casual Photophile was born from an appreciation that cameras are amazing, tiny machines. What better way to illustrate the intricacy and wonder of these little devices than to tear them apart and splay their innards across a…

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Canon AF35M vs Nikon L35AF – Camera Review

1280 719 James Tocchio

A few months ago we talked about one of Nikon’s best point and shoot 35mm film cameras, the L35AF. This week, we’re taking a look at a very similar camera from Canon, the AF35M. With…

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