Canon Lens

Canon FD 200mm F/2.8 Lens Review – A Case for Legacy Telephoto Primes

2000 1125 Chris Cushing

It’s no surprise that every world-class camera company has each produced at least a few brilliant prime lenses that legacy shooters claw over one another to buy; Minolta has their 55mm f/1.2, Canon the 50mm…

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Why Everyone Should Shoot a Wide Angle Lens

2200 1467 James Tocchio

One of the simplest ways to increase the dynamism and visual interest of our images is by using a wide-angle lens. By widening our angle of view, we’re able to capture shots of the world around us…

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Exploded Views – Canon AF35M

2560 1440 James Tocchio

It seems we’ve been on something of a Canon binge lately. We’ve reviewed the classic A-1, put a wide FD lens through its paces, and just wrapped up our AE-1 springtime giveaway! Yes, the past few…

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Canon FD 28mm F/2.8 – Lens Review

1609 905 James Tocchio

For a lens to be remarkable it doesn’t always have to be exceptionally gorgeous, have the highest specification, or cost as much as a small, used car. Sometimes the best lenses are modestly specced and…

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Canon FD 50mm F/1.8 Lens Review – The Original Nifty Fifty

1280 720 James Tocchio

In previous weeks we’ve talked about some noteworthy lenses, including a Minolta fish-eye and a Nikkor ultra-wide. Today, we’ll talk about a more standard focal length, a focal length that many consider to be the standard,…

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