Film Profiles

Ilford HP5 Plus – Black and White Film Profile

1280 720 Josh Solomon

We all know a knockoff when we see it. Fake Rolexes, certain Russian motorcycles, and pretty much anything bought off of a street cart in Hong Kong, these poor quality imitators just can’t match their real…

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Cinestill 800T Film Profile – Shoot Like Abrams, Allen and Tarantino

1600 900 Josh Solomon

Living in Los Angeles is a bit different than outsiders think. In the popular imagination, LA is a sprawling, steamy city teeming with lawyers, writers, and aspiring actors who live fast and chase dreams with…

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Why Fujifilm Superia 400 Should be Every Shooters First Film

1280 806 Josh Solomon

[Editor’s Note : One of the most common questions I’m asked is one that’s very difficult to answer. People who’ve never shot film want to know where to start. To find the answer to this question…

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Kodak Tri-X – Film Profile

2000 1125 Josh Solomon

Guitarists have the Fender Stratocaster, soldiers the AK-47, and handymen the world over have WD-40. These products have become the standard bearers in their fields; tools of the trade that are so accomplished they need…

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Fomapan Creative 200 – Film Profile

1800 1013 Josh Solomon

We’re back with another film profile, and since we’re smack in the middle of a series on home-developing black-and-white film we’ve decided to spotlight, you guessed it, a black-and-white film. But we won’t be messing…

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Kodak BW400CN – Film Profile

1280 720 James Tocchio

We’re back with another film profile to help you decide which film is right for you. In the past we’ve profiled two Kodak films that are still being produced today; the smooth-as-silk Kodak Ektar 100, and the invitingly…

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Kodak Ektar 100 – Film Profile

1481 833 James Tocchio

We’re back with another film profile to help you decide which film is right for you. Last time, we talked about Kodak’s Portra 400, a warm and rich color film that we thought was a pretty…

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Kodak Portra 400 – Film Profile

2000 1125 James Tocchio

There’s no such thing as a “perfect” film. Let’s just get that out of the way. Every shooter has different tastes regarding tone, color, grain, etc., but if ever a film could manage to be…

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