Photography Technique

Making Film Soup with Elzi Boba – Featured Photophile No. 019

2637 1483 James Tocchio

I see a lot of photos in my role here at the site. I understand most of them. I can read the light and intuit some of the work that went into making them. But…

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What is Zone Focus, Plus How and When to Do It

2800 1575 James Tocchio

Zone focusing (sometimes called scale focusing) allows a photographer to know what will be in focus without even looking through the viewfinder. It’s an invaluable technique that’s often used in street and other types of…

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What are ISO Numbers in Photography and Why it Matters

2400 1350 James Tocchio

Even though ISO is a major part of the three main factors that make or break a photograph, it’s something of a neglected middle child. ISO sullenly stews between Shutter Speed and Aperture, its more…

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Making the Most of Motion in Photographs

2800 1857 James Tocchio

In years of photographing, I’ve learned that not all photos need to be crystal clear and sharp. In fact, shots that are technically imperfect often end up being the most engaging, since these bring with…

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Five Tips for Shooting Concerts on Film

2200 1418 Josh Solomon

As both a longtime gigging musician and film geek, I often end up slipping into the crowd during downtime to take some pictures. And over the years I’ve noticed more and more people doing the…

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How to Cheat at Film Photography – Simple Tips for Making Better Photos

2000 1125 James Tocchio

Film photography can be hard. The learning curve is often steep, and blasting through twenty rolls of film as we learn the ropes can be a costly and frustrating experience. This barrier to entry may…

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Basic Composition Techniques for Better Photos

2000 1125 Chris Cushing

There are a lot of guides about how to make better photos. For the most part, they cover the same ground. While these tips are valid, it’s important to consider why they work. Knowing the…

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How to Shoot Easy Macro Photos Using Close-Up Filters

2400 1600 James Tocchio

Are you interested in macro photography but not so interested in shelling the clams to pay for an expensive macro lens? Or maybe you’re not interested in carrying another big honking lens that’ll rarely leave your…

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How to See in Black-and-White

2500 1786 James Tocchio

Color, in many ways, is the essence of life. Our eyes and brains are built to see it. Brand identities are built on it. And so are our personal fashion sensibilities (there weren’t a lot of…

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Push Processing Film

1280 853 James Tocchio

[Editor’s Note – James here with a quick message to introduce the next contributor to our new Tips and Techniques segment. Cameron Kline is someone you may be familiar with; he’s an editorial photographer and the founder of Film…

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The Subject is the Subject

1280 854 James Tocchio

[Editor’s Note – Hey everyone. James here. We’re launching a new feature on CP. Every week, with the help of some really talented pro photographers, we’ll bring you a brief post highlighting a simple way…

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How to Develop Black and White Film at Home – Part Two: Developing The Negative + Video Guide

4685 2635 James Tocchio

We’re back with the second installment in our continuing feature on developing black-and-white film at home, and it’s time to get down to business. Are you ready? Let’s make sure. You’ve read Part One, yes?…

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How To Process Black and White Film at Home – Part One: What You’ll Need

5985 3351 James Tocchio

There’s no better way to connect with the very essence of the medium than by shooting black-and-white film, and while the C-41 process B&W films are at times excellent, our curiosity will inevitably get the…

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What is Depth of Field (DOF)

1818 1228 James Tocchio

We’re back with more photography tips to help new (and experienced) shooters better understand this fantastic hobby of ours. In the past we’ve covered things like ISO, zone focusing, and cross-processing, and today we’re taking a look…

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