Photography Technique

What is Cross Processing (X-Pro) ?

2560 1554 James Tocchio

Quick Tips, our continuing series explaining elements of photography in simple terms, is back. In past articles we’ve explained things like ISO, how to load film, and unraveled the mysteries of the focus scale. Today we’re looking at…

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Why Everyone Should Shoot Manual … Sometimes

2560 1440 James Tocchio

Much has been written about the technical benefits of shooting in Manual mode, and while these articles do well to explain why shooting this way can improve the quality of your photographs they don’t always…

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How to Slow Down & Love Photography … Again

1280 720 James Tocchio

For me, photography is often a solitary pursuit. At times this is a blessing. The calm of twiddling dials and manipulating a tripod can be a meditative experience, and the solitude of being alone in nature,…

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