Guest Post

Vintage Cars, Film Cameras, and Not Photographing the Crash – Guest Post by Jacob Downey

2560 1440 Guest Author

Vintage sports cars and film cameras leads to thoughts on the photographic killer instinct in today’s guest post by Jacob Downey.

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Single Shot Stories No. 011 – Matthew Morse, This is Normal

1280 849 Guest Author

Matthew Morse shares the story of his beautiful daughter and the tricycle that’s more than a toy, in today’s Single Shot Stories.

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$21.26 – The Price of a Thousand Memories

2200 1650 Guest Author

Another phenomenal guest post from Lukas Flippo, about the billions of memories crammed into a million SD cards all over the world.

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Historical Hovercrafts Through a Rolleicord Lens – Guest Post by Jacob Downey

2000 2000 Guest Author

Jacob Downey shoots historical hovercrafts through a Rolleicord Xenar lens, and shares the journey in today’s Guest Post.

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There’s Romance in the Pikes Peak Phone Lines: Documentary Form and Robert Adams by Lukas Flippo

866 790 Guest Author

Matt and his girlfriend were kissing on the couch. They were in their third evolution. Maybe their third? It was hard to keep track. One day Matt would do his brotherly duty of driving me…

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Is a Photograph Worth a Thousand Words? – By Lukas Flippo

2048 1364 Guest Author

I stayed. Staring at the world of Winogrand, the America of the 1950s and 1960s, realizing that I didn’t have answers…

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A Mississippi Cemetery and a Shattered Glass Plate – by Lukas Flippo

2000 1500 Guest Author

Every time we visit my grandfather’s grave, my dad makes a joke. “You know why they have fences around cemeteries? Because people are just dyin’ to get in!”

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Haystack Heroes – a Charity Project Zine by Tommaso Carrara

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For my very first trip post pandemic, my girlfriend and I decided to spend ten days in the North Isles of Scotland at the end of August 2021. As full-time workers based in London, we…

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Chinatown is Empty – Shot by Yameen on Lomography and Ferrania Film

2000 1125 Guest Author

Yameen, today’s guest writer, brings us along to photograph San Francisco’s Chinatown with Lomography film, a Mamiya 7 and a Nikon L35AF.

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The Story Behind the Mask – Guest Post by Adil Sheikh

2000 1125 Adil Sheikh

Guest author Adil Sheikh shoots Spain with Kodak Portra and Tri X, and ruminates on life, travel, and photography in a post-Covid world.

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Rediscovering the Color of Life on Isla Bonita – by Isaac D. Pacheco

2000 1125 Guest Author

Guest author Isaac D. Pacheco shares his thoughts from a trip to photograph the life (above and below water) of Belize’s Isla Bonita.

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A Moment with Kodak – by Laurence Von Thomas, Founder of Reflex

2048 1358 James Tocchio

Laurence Von Thomas is the founder of Reflex. His Reflex I camera is a modern interpretation of the classic 35mm film SLR that was successfully Kickstarted late last year. Today he shares his thoughts on the past,…

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Shooting Film Through Thailand with Dan Diaz

2000 1333 James Tocchio

Editor’s Note – James here. You may have noticed that we’re branching out from our usual gear reviews and opinion pieces. While those will still make up the lion’s share of posts here at CP,…

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