Konica Autoreflex TC and the Hexanon 40mm – Shooting Bare Bones

Konica Autoreflex TC and the Hexanon 40mm – Shooting Bare Bones

2000 1125 Jeb Inge

In most conversations about classic SLR producers, Konica is always left out. The 1970s hosted a tug of war between camera brands vying for supremacy in the SLR market. One brand would develop a camera with new features, forcing the competition to match and improve on prior innovation. Nikon and Canon fought over professional photographers’ wallets with their system cameras. Minolta, Pentax and Olympus scrapped for the enthusiast and semi-pro buyer.

There’s no obvious answer to why Konica was relegated to the JV squad, or why they never really punched into a higher weight class. Surprising, since Konica was responsible for a fair number of pioneering cameras and technologies in their day. 

The original Autoreflex T was the first SLR to combine a focal plane shutter with through-the-lens metering and auto-exposure. Minor improvements were made for the Autoreflex T2 and T3, cameras that saw Konica gain a reputation for durability and quality in the SLR arena. But despite the steady innovation and their rather excellent lenses, Konica’s most popular camera and lens combination would also be one of their most basic. 

Launched in 1976, the Autoreflex TC was the ninth camera in Konica’s Autoreflex line of SLRs, and it brought notable departures from the cameras that came before it. For one, the camera uses far more plastic than the earlier cameras. This was a risky move in a time when the majority of professional and enthusiast-focused cameras were made mostly out of metal. It’s also a camera that was designed and marketed for the amateur as evidenced by its lean feature set.

A shutter control dial with speeds from 1/8th to 1/1000th of a second plus bulb mode; an ISO gauge built into the shutter dial; a power button on the back, a self-timer lever on the front and a tripod socket on the bottom. It has a vertically-traveling Copal metal focal plane shutter that was specially redesigned for the TC. Its viewfinder has 0.91 magnification showing 90% of the image area, a matte screen with central split-image focusing, a flash sync of 1/125th of a second, TTL central-focused metering with a range of EV 3.5 to 18 at ISO 100 and Konica’s “easy film loading system.” It requires two mercury oxide batteries for its light meter, and uses Konica’s AR II mount, which at 40.5mm boasts the shortest flange focal distance of any SLR.

If it seems like I’m fishing for features, that’s because the TC doesn’t boast many. It’s as bare bones as it gets. 

There’s no depth-of-field preview, no multiple exposure function, no auto-exposure lock and its auto-exposure mode (activated on the lens) is in reality a shutter-priority mode. Just move the shutter dial and watch the needle change the aperture. Even its “easy loading system” seems to be marketing fluff. It operates like nearly every other camera of its era. Put the film in, insert the leader into the right hand spool and turn the film advance until the film counter reads “1.”

The TC is clearly aimed at customers just getting started with photography. There’s nothing sophisticated to scare them away and operation couldn’t be easier, but there’s also manual mode for when they’re ready to remove the training wheels. This isn’t a knock – not every camera can be a pro-spec monster. And the fact that the Autoreflex TC is smaller and lighter than any SLR previously produced by Konica, at 510 grams, makes it perfect for vacations or bike rides.

If you had kids and lived in 1976, the Konica Autoreflex TC would deserve serious consideration as the family do-it-all camera. Even the kids could use it. But if neither of those criteria are true (and in 2018, we can be sure that one certainly is not) then what’s the motivation for buying an Autoreflex TC?

In short, it’s still a great camera for beginners. In fact, that’s more true now than when it was released. Since 1992 in Europe and 1996 in the United States, the mercury oxide batteries used by the TC are illegal. While other batteries will fit in the TC and power the light meter, they will not give perfectly accurate readings (off by a stop, at most). Solutions to this are adjusting settings based on the reading, putting faith in the exposure latitude of today’s film, or using an external light meter. Fortunately the TC’s mechanical shutter operates without batteries, so using an external meter is the most reliable way of producing accurate photos.

What better way for a beginner to learn the basics of exposure than by using an external meter and transferring the settings by hand to the camera? If the adage is true that film photography is valuable as a way of slowing down and teaching process, then the Autoreflex TC is one of the most useful cameras around.

Another reason the TC might still hold value is that it provides a low-risk, affordable window into Konica’s well-regarded lens series. Much like Minolta, Konica still enjoys a deserved reputation for its stellar lenses, many of which are more affordable than those from Minolta. 

If you purchased the TC during its production run you’d have received one of two lenses with the kit. For the first part of its run, the TC came packaged with Konica’s Hexanon 50mm f/1.7 that had been specifically updated for this camera. Later, it would come with the Hexanon 40mm f/1.8 pancake lens. It’s this lens that still elicits unique praise online and the one that took the photos for this review. 

In the late seventies, any lens maker worth their salt seemed to offer a pancake lens somewhere between 40mm and 50mm. Their small, lightweight size and simple construction made them cheap to manufacture and cheap to buy. They also, conveniently, produced tack sharp images. Konica jumped into the fray with the Hexanon 40mm. 

It has six elements in five groups, an aperture range of f/22 to f/1.8 in full stop increments, and a 1.5 foot minimum focusing distance. At 140 grams and 27mm in length, it’s small enough to fit into most pockets, and perfect examples can be bought today for less than $100. 

It was the first Konica lens to have the AE function (which locks into place) disengage with a button on the left of the barrel and the only Konica lens to feature the focal length badging in blaze red on the front of the barrel. Pairing nicely with the blaze red “TC” on the camera body, anyone in front of this kit knows exactly what’s in front of them.

With the 40mm lens attached, the TC retains its lightweight compact characteristics. It’s a balanced pair, a perfect handheld camera in even the shakiest photographer’s hands. Apertures click into place with authority. The TC turns on once the shutter advance lever is pulled. Once it’s released, it stays a few millimetres off the body, giving the camera extra balance. Only when the off button on the back of the camera is pushed will the lever return to its original position.

Results, however, show that the Hexanon 40’s reputation may be conditional on a number of factors. Plainly, it’s an interesting lens with unique characteristics but a temperament that changes with the weather.

It could be assumed with a lens like this that sharpness is a key strength. Pancake lenses are so synonymous with sharp images that it’s more notable when one doesn’t match up to the rest. The Hexanon hangs with the best of them. It’s tack sharp at f/8 and surprisingly good at wider apertures where there’s also very little distortion. 

While sharpness meets expectations, color contrast far exceeds them. Anyone with a love of super punchy shots would do well to pick up this lens. Even films with a more subdued nature, like Portra 160 or 400, are exposed as unusually vibrant. Shot on some of the more contrasty consumer films, photos can even be saturated to the point of being distracting.

The ever-subjective measurement of bokeh would here be described as vanilla ice cream. It’s neither distracting nor off-putting, and that’s good for a lens with a close focusing distance and awesome subject isolation. But bokeh might not be the primary reason to buy one.

But all of these happy results only occur when the lens is used in good lighting. In challenging light, things start to unravel.

Without ample light, the lens renders color as muted and dull. Shooting at larger apertures and without a lens hood further courts disaster, as we’re nearly guaranteed that flare will accompany the now muddy colors. 

Fortunately there’s a great workaround. This lens is fantastic with black-and-white film. The high contrast qualities come back to life in cloudy weather. That black-and-white film is better for cloudy weather is an obvious rule of thumb, but the Hexanon makes the rule feel more like a commandment. Load up some Tri-X, stick to the f/4 to f/11 range and get ready to be impressed.

Even with all the camera’s limitations and its rather staid personality, it’s hard to imagine a better kit for someone who’s both taking a trip and just cutting their teeth on film. It’s a light, simple combination that forces the beginner to learn some lessons. More experienced photographers, who may love the Hexanon, would likely want a camera with more sophistication and with deeper creative control. In that case, aim for a more advanced Konica SLR like the FT-1.

In my time shooting this humble combination, there were plenty of moments in which I was impressed by the Hexanon lens, and fewer of those moments with the Konica Autoreflex TC. But if you’re someone that enjoys the very basics of photography and you’re shooting with a budget, the Autoreflex TC and Hexanon 40mm may be a perfect combination for you. Just remember that you get what you pay for.

Want your own Konica Autoreflex TC and 40mm Hexanon?

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Jeb Inge

Jeb Inge is a Berlin-based photographer and writer. He has previously worked in journalism, public history and public relations.

All stories by:Jeb Inge
  • No mention of the T4?

    • It didn’t really fit into the continuity since it came a few years after the TC. It seems like a good camera, though I’d still take a working FT-1 Motor over it. But then you have to find one in working condition…

  • Like this review. Looks like a nice camera.

  • I think that pushing the shutter Button halfway down, the exposure Will be locked

    • I gave that a shot just now and it doesn’t seem to work. Holding halfway down I still see the meter indicator fluctuating when I move the camera to a differently lit scene. Whether or not the aperture changes I don’t know. All of the film I ran through it was shot manually as I tried to avoid relying on those mercury batteries as much as possible.

  • Daggone it, stop stoking my GAS! I’m trying to get *rid* of cameras from my collection!

    I had a T3 with the 50/1.7 and boy was that lens ever lovely. I’d enjoy trying that 40 to be sure, especially given your tip that it loves b/w in any light.

    • The camera deserves credit for stoking the GAS, Jim! Fortunately this thing is so cheap there shouldn’t be any guilty feelings about picking one up. My TC came with the 50 1.7 but I still haven’t given it a shake. Its reputation is good so I’ll have to try it out.

  • There’s something to be said for simple, minimalist cameras. Nice write up!

  • It’s sad to see a former camera and film maker such as Konica now relegated to the mundane world of photocopying.

    • Together with Minolta. Really disappointing. I regularly see Konica/Minolta company cars on the Autobahn and always feel bummed out knowing they’re going to fix a paper jam.

  • I inherited a Auto TC from my brother in law. I enjoy shooting it except in low light, view finder is dim. One of the great things is you can get some top notch lenses really cheap compared to Nikon or Cannon. My favourites are the 40mm and 28mm.

    • You’re right about that viewfinder and the lenses. They can be a steal.Id love to try the 35mm f/2 but that’s where the price starts becoming “competitive.”

  • Thanks for the review! I just spent an afternoon at the beach with the kids & a T2 w/a 40/1.8. I also am baffled that Konica has been consigned to the memory hole. That T2 is such a tactile joy, and the shutter action and sound is my favorite of any camera I’ve used. And that lens really punches above its weight. I’ve got an Auto TC that came with the T2. I haven’t used it yet, but this review makes me think it could be a good one for the kids one day. Thank you!

    • How did you like the T2? I’ve read it can take a beating. The TC would be great for them one day, especially when teaching the Sunny 16 rule.

      • I absolutely love the T2, but I tend not to be a guy of subtle tastes. 😉

        It is a beefy camera that refuses to cloak its presence. Fortunately in use it is a tactile delight. The control dials are firm and sure, the winder arm is precise and muscular (I tore through the sprocket holes on my second roll through the thing because I thought it was stuck), and the shutter release is an absolute delight. The specs seem pretty standard for an early 70s SLR, but the real delight is in the use of the thing. It turned me into a Konica fan boy!

  • Gorgeous shots, man!

  • I have two of these, one of which is of tremendous sentimental value. Fine in all respects apart from the shutter release, which is horrid – it’s a heavy, steady push and not at all nice!

  • Nice photos.

    The Autoreflex T3 is better than the T4, it is solid-built, like a tank. The winder & shutter is very smooth.
    Forget the other models come with motorized winder.

    The 50mm F1.7 is better than the 40mm F1.8, you can easily find a good one at eBay for USD40 or less.

  • John Charles Galleni October 21, 2019 at 2:08 pm

    I was recently gifted an Autoreflex-T with a jammed self-timer. I bit of online searching, a bit of taking off the bottom plate (three screws), and about 3 minutes of gentle probing with a toothpick got a misplaced ratchet pawl re-engaged, and bingo! This apparently happens if one changes the shutter speed dial while the timer is engaged. I found a vintage Konica to Nikon F adapter for all of my Nikon glass, and Hexanon lenses are easy to find. Sweet!

  • Just combine it with the Konica TC-X (375g!) then you have an ultra light package – fully mechanical (with modern battery for the light meter). Smaller and lighter than the Pentax MX, and much cheaper too (on a lucky day you get the TC-X for 10 quid).

  • I just found mine in a very old suitcase of memories from the past 40 years or so there was a film in it which I duly removed no idea what is on it although it seems to be a lot younger than most of the other memories so I expect it’s been out some time in the past 20 years can’t wait to be surprised by the content if I remember correctly the camera was very easy and simple to use as explained above if it gives me some nice images and memories I may well take it out on my next trip to see how that goes and if I remember I’ll pop back here to let you know

    good review by the way

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Jeb Inge

Jeb Inge is a Berlin-based photographer and writer. He has previously worked in journalism, public history and public relations.

All stories by:Jeb Inge