Leicaflex SL Review – Leitz’ Second Attempt at the SLR

Leicaflex SL Review – Leitz’ Second Attempt at the SLR

1800 1012 Nick Clayton

When I bring the Leicaflex SL up to my eye and look through its viewfinder, I get the same feeling of immersion and spaciousness as when riding in the early 1980s Cadillac Coupe DeVille that belonged to one of my buddies back in high school. We endearingly referred to that car as ‘The Boat.’ True to form, it was always the biggest car in the parking lot and drove like a couch on wheels. The SL may have been produced earlier, from 1968-1974, but it shares the excesses (and weight) of a 1980s gas-guzzling luxury sedan. Portability and compactness were not a consideration in its design. 

I don’t have much insight into the development of the original Leicaflex (which predated the second-generation Leicaflex SL reviewed here), but it’s safe to say that the engineers (and not the accountants) were in charge. The result is pure Leica; a solidly built camera that does a few things perfectly and without compromise, rather than one which tries to be a camera that does everything for everyone. Though the result is a pure photographer’s camera, the tact was misguided from a business perspective. 

Leica’s entry into the SLR market was a decision borne of financial necessity. The rangefinder-oriented brand was facing an existential threat from the SLR camera, and Leica’s market share amongst photo-takers was being eaten up. Even up until the late 1960s the company was still banking on rangefinders, despite photographers moving increasingly toward SLR cameras offered by Japanese competitors Nikon and Canon. The Leicaflex failed to convert Leica’s rangefinder users to the SLR, and it failed to convert users of Japanese SLRs to the much more expensive Leica camera. Leica had simply misread the market. 

In another tangentially-related tragic misreading of the market, Leica spent twenty years patenting the first contrast-detect autofocus system, but didn’t see the value in it, selling the patent to Minolta, who developed it further for use in the Maxxum 7000 in 1985. That camera is now credited with ushering in the age of autofocus SLRs. It would seem that after all that R&D, including the development of  a working prototype based on the Leicaflex SL2, called the Correfot, Leica concluded that autofocus was not as precise as manual focusing, and that was that (for them). Forget that people might want it (which they did!). The company continued their dedication to manual focus with the Leica R series of SLRs that they produced in collaboration with Minolta, and right to the end of the line with the Leica produced R8 and R9, which ceased production in 2009.

But all of that is Leica history. And thankfully today, none of it has any bearing on whether or not the Leicaflex SL is a nice camera to own and shoot. Let’s get to that.

The Leicaflex SL is a beautiful camera, in my eyes. It has an industrial minimalist aesthetic, typical for its day, with just three elements of aluminum, black plastic, and bright nickel accents. The plastic is unfortunately slippery and feels quite cheap, especially on this camera, but it has maintained its sheen over the decades. The gently sloping camera back, resembling hunched shoulders, are a unique hallmark of the design that is echoed in the R8 and R9 cameras several generations later. 

The shutter sound is a silky, but deeply resonant ‘chink’ that sounds, in my imaginings, like a Hattori Hanzo sword reducing the samurai sword of one of the Crazy 88 to a stump. It is a perfectly dampened mirror clap, followed by a satisfying overtone that rings like that Hattori Hanzo freshly unsheathed. Take that, Japanese SLRs! When I walk by the Leicaflex on the shelf, I sometimes pick it up and fire off a few frames just to hear it sing. It’s one of my favourite all-time shutter sounds. 

If you’re looking for a durable vintage manual SLR that does only the essentials, but does them well, the SL may fit the bill; it is a robust, but minimally appointed, fully manual SLR with a wide-open aperture, center-weighted through the lens (TTL) light meter, a top shutter speed of 1/2000, and a big, bright viewfinder. Although it is similar, the original Leicaflex is largely passed over due to its external light meter’s small focusing zone, but that shouldn’t deter you. In fact, I think I might prefer that setup to the SL’s TTL meter, as I find it a bit tedious to use.

The viewfinder of all Leicaflex cameras are known for being big and bright, and the same is true for the Leicaflex SL. The camera’s viewfinder is the best part of the whole experience of shooting it. That said, when comparing it directly with the viewfinders of the Canon AE-1 or the Nikon F-801s (to pick two examples at hand), it’s hard to say that the Leicaflex SL viewfinder is any larger or brighter. What I can say is that it feels more immersive than the Canon, and on par with the Nikon, which is a similar sized camera with a much larger prism housing. 

This camera is auto-nothing, so shooting can be quite demanding, especially on new photographers. The Leicaflex SL uses ‘full aperture’, strictly center-weighted metering. The exposure needle swings to life whenever the film advance lever is pulled out from the camera. It’s a needle match system, with the motion of the arm tied to shutter speed while the exposure needle dances up and down with the light level coming through the lens (at aperture). Counterintuitively, the exposure needle travels down as the light increases and up as light decreases. No averaging is done, so any light outside of the circle does not register at all. What this means, especially in high contrast lighting, is that you might find yourself moving the central microprism focusing area around a scene to survey the dynamic range while constantly pressing the depth of field preview button for an accurate exposure reading. Conversely, you can try to cram the highs and lows into the circle to force an average reading.

When the mental and emotional toll of being constantly preoccupied by exposure becomes tiresome, I turn to the sunny 16 rule or meter off of a mid tone to get me in the zone, and then adjust by a stop or so as I see fit. This is a much more relaxed experience, but of course it’s not something you should try with an unforgiving film stock. I have put many consumer level color films, and black and white stock (Ilford HP5+ most recently) through the SL with great results, but have been very challenged with over-exposure when using slide film.

I purchased mine in 2001, and with the exception of an initial CLA it has been a zero maintenance camera that has been mechanically flawless. I’m not completely certain of the date, but what I am certain of is that it was the moment just before the film camera bubble burst. It cost $1000 CAD, with the shop owner throwing in a very well-worn Summicron 50mm as a sweetener. Fewer than ten years later, the SL was going for around $150 on eBay. It is, to date, the only camera I’ve ever lost a significant sum of money on. Now that we’ve established that I shouldn’t give investment advice (or perhaps that I have the business sense of Leica in the 1970s), the upshot to all of this is that I still own it because it’s worth more to me as a camera than the paltry sum it would fetch these days. This also means that anyone can own my once-upon-a-time dream camera for a similarly paltry sum!

Oh, and before I left the shop, the owner showed me a trick to lock up the mirror. He cocked the shutter, then with one flick of his finger over the top of the shutter button, almost as if he were skipping a stone, I heard the mirror slap into the ‘up’ position. He handed it to me for a try, and after a little practice I was able to execute the maneuver, the blacked out viewfinder being confirmation of my success. In my experience, after a few tries, it works every time! I still don’t know how this works, but it does.

[Sample shots in the galleries below were made with the Elmarit R 35mm, Summicron R 50mm, and Summicron R 90mm]

I highly recommend learning how the film advance feels with and without film loaded – knowing the difference could save you from seeing your exposure counter number climb past 36, as happened to me while (believing I was) putting a roll of HP5+ through the camera for this review. Take note: there is a more dampened feel when film is loaded; a slight resistance. When loading the film I am always careful to confirm that the film is advancing properly before closing the camera back (better to burn a few than lose 36), but in this case the film leader slipped out of the slim plastic tab that holds it on the spindle. Of course the grip of that one small tab makes all the difference in the successful operation of the camera. 

This camera may exude the qualities of a vintage Cadillac, but it’s definitely making me feel less comfortable than a plush backseat these days. My confidence is shaken as this is the 2nd time in 2 years this has happened, and the 4th time in the entire time I’ve owned the camera. I can almost describe the individual photos on those rolls because I am haunted by each and every one I’ve lost this way. Despite being mechanically durable, this one flaw makes it seem wholly unreliable. I’m already shopping for a Nikon F100

Now that I’ve tended to my wounded pride, I can say that once the sting subsides I will make up with the SL. I have already (properly) reloaded it with the traitorous roll of Ilford for when I am able to summon the will to replace those lost frames. When I do pick it up again, I know I will be in for just about as pure a photographic experience as one can have with a single lens reflex camera. The Leicaflex SL, like so many of the brand’s early SLRs, provides only the essentials; a great viewfinder, a beautiful shutter sound, and a solid chassis that can be mounted with some truly legendary Leica R mount glass. In the end, that’s about all that matters in a camera. Meter, shoot, advance, repeat – bliss.

Get your own Leicaflex SL on eBay here

Or find one at our camera shop F Stop Cameras

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Nick Clayton

Nick Clayton is an educator, musician, environmental advocate and photographer living in the Blue Mountains of Ontario, Canada with his wife and their three children. He can be found on Instagram & Twitter as @nicknaclayton

All stories by:Nick Clayton
  • I own the SL2 and shoot with it consistently. Have not had the film slipping issue. I always load film by slipping the leader under two of the gray plastic tabs and then pull the film back across and drop the cartridge into the left side….opposite the way I load all of my other SLRs. The SL and SL2 are joyful cameras to shoot!

  • Hi Nick, I’ll address two of your issues. Firstly you have the wrong lens for your camera. The Summicron you have is for the Leica ‘R’ SLR’s only and as such it only has the 3rd cam to communicate with those newer cameras. You need either a 2 cam or 3 cam lens. 2 cam lenses have 2 sliver wedges that are necessary for the SL and SL2. 3 cam lenses have the 2 silver wedges and also the stepped 3rd cam needed by the ‘R’ models. That is why you are having to use your depth of field preview button to get the correct exposure reading, because your lens doesn’t communicate the info to your SL.
    Secondly whenever I load a roll of film I secure it in place and then use the rewind crank to tension the film whilst the back is still open. I then close the back and watch to see that the rewind crank turns as I advance the film. A further benefit of this is that I don’t waste film when loading and can usually squeeze a few extra frames onto a roll of film. I do this every time I load a roll of film and haven’t had any blank rolls for a long time.
    If you can get hold of the correct type of lens to try and take care when loading your film I think that you will fall in love with your SL as a very reliable daily shooter!

    • I’m working on an article all about the cam compatibility between R lenses and Leica SLRs. Should help some people, much like your comment! Thanks.

    • Thanks Mathew! Says it right on the lens, doesn’t it? (FOR LEICA R ONLY). I have long since sold off my 2 cam lenses, so it has been too long since I used this camera’s metering system properly. Thanks for the clarification for readers. James’ forthcoming article on R lenses will help further (I will be reading it!).

      Watching the rewind crank is a great tip that I will definitely be using – thank you!!

      • I’m surprise that you were able to mount the R only lens on your SL. Usually there is a ring at the back of the lens that prevents the lens from inserting its back into the throat of the body. Some earlier owner must have exchanged the mount by undoing the screw at the back of the lens. The best book I’ve found about the R system is the one by Johnathan Eastland. Another good book is the one by Brian Bower.
        I enjoyed your review but surprised that you didn’t mention the battery issue? The three Leicaflexes used the now infamous mercury cell, 1.35v. A marvellous cell in its day due to the flat discharge curve. Readers will find myriad discussions on the web concerning workarounds. The currently available Alkaline cell of 1.5v can be used if the aperture is backed off 1/2 a stop. But then the battery voltage starts to drop. Various adapters to use a silver oxide cell of 1.4v, commonly known as hearing aid batteries are available, I use them in my SL. The Wein cell can be used but it’s expensive with a short life and can leak a corrosive gunge. A handheld meter is a good idea. The Gossen meters that take a 9v PP3 battery are not expensive and one has a choice of readout: Lunasix/ Profisix – swinging needle, Lunalite – 3 LEDs, Multisix – LCD readout. The batteries last years and are readily available at home and abroad – even my rural English village Post Office sells them! Finally, we have estimated readings, surprisingly easy after a while, mono film is very forgiving and Ektar 100 forgives you a stop on either side for a superb shot.

        • Toby, I’d like to add a brief comment about the Gossen meters for those unfamilar with them. There are two versions of a number of them, cds and SBC, and which refers to the type of metering cell employed. The earliest models will invariably be cds, but the later ones use a silicon blue chip (SBC) which is both faster in its response and has no memory effect. Fortunately, it is easy to identify which is which as the SBC models show this on the little disc in the centre of the exposure calculater dial. And as you pointed out, a lot of the models use the 9v PP3 battery. How foresighted of Gossen.

          I have a number of Gossen meters from the Mastersix down, so to speak, but despite its obvious technical capabilities, my favourite would be the Luna-Pro SBC, a “null meter” reading model allowing for the greatest accuracy over a wide range of lighting conditions.

          • Terry, many thanks for your reply. I tend to favour the Lunalite meter (I have 2) as it’s solid state. As an International Photojournalist I find the rigours of travel take their toll on my gear. I use a pair of SL bodies and 35/50/90 lenses and Tri-X or Ektar. This stuff is seriously heavy so I don’t take everything with me. I reserved the 250 for village cricket matches – the 2000 shutter speed enables me to catch the ball before the batsman sends it into the duck pond.
            That’s where my trusty Gitzo monopod comes in handy to retrieve the ball for them while the umpire looks after, and extensively at, my Leicaflex SL.

    • Glad someone mentioned the rewind lever, that was always part of the handover instructions when we sold someone a manual advance camera back in the day

  • The Leica R lens mount is definitely more complicated than other manufacturers. When I bought my SL2 it came with a single cam lens that was absolutely mint but sadly not suitable. It was for the original Leicaflex. I returned to the shop and had to try and explain the difference in cams to the owner whilst he tried 3rd cam only lenses on my SL2 and struggled to see why they wouldn’t meter correctly either. We got there in the end and I came away with a (far from mint) 2 cam lens that has produced some beautiful images.

    • That’s great! You’ve got a great pairing there. My original Leica SLR was an SL2 and the two-cam 50mm Summicron. Absolutely stunning combination and that lens made some of my favorite photos I’ve done on film and adapted to my Sony. Enjoy your kit, my friend.

  • Stefan Staudenmaier September 6, 2020 at 3:05 am

    The Leicaflex is a class of its own. A sort of mechanical perfection never accomplished again by anyone.

  • Mmm, the Leicaflex SL to me IS truly bliss. It helps to concentrate on photography, and ONLY photography. I’ve never had film slipping or other problems.
    Thanks for the article, great read!

    • Stefan and Jose, how I agree with you. Someone might describe the SL styling as ‘Brutalist’, however, there is an essentially functional aspect about it. My view is that it’s a no-nonsense camera body. I’ve recently learned that in designing the Leicaflex and SL, the engineers intended it to be stripped of superfluous gimmicks to ensure absolute reliability. Some may opine that the short-lived update, the SL2 was given a gimmick with the second battery chamber to illuminate the metering readout. That’s my opinion. Look on eBay and dealers websites, some Leicaflex cameras are fetching serious money, especially if in excellent cosmetic condition with a working meter. The MOT versions of SL/SL2 command quite a price due to rarity and some collectors will buy one with a motor even if the motor is defunct. I wouldn’t have a motor even if it worked. For the space and weight, I’d rather carry a second body, loaded with the same film. Then, when film runs out, swap lens and carry on. That’s where I think Leitz went wrong. The motor. Ridiculously big. Same height as a body, same weight as a body and lens. Oh no.

  • Nick Old Lad, why ‘traitorous’ by loading a roll of Ilford film? It’s made in the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
    A British product sold around the world and one that we are all very proud of. The Germans can be mightily proud of the Leicaflex trio. Around four years ago, I started out with a pair of chrome SL bodies, 1970/71 with non-working meters. I use a handheld meter or estimate. Been doing that since 1960 when I was 8. Used the Schneider Kreuznach P A Curtagon 35mm f4 lens for a long time before buying up a few lenses before the digital Johnny’s got their hands on them, 35/50/90/135/180/250. My boyfriend bought me some of them. Then I really splashed out and got a black chrome SL from Germany with working meter. Now that’s a luxury. Made 1974. Later picked up a Leicaflex, original model, 1967, again, non working meter. I use it, but bought it as a collectible. Apart from the meter, it’s fine. I keep it in the back of my Merc (what else!) with the Schneider lens on and a Weston V.
    They are the most amazing cameras and lenses. They really do look a Million Dollars sitting on a table outside a street cafe, anywhere in the world, including Blighty! People just stare, even the digital Johnnys.
    Yes, they have their megapixels, zoom lens 18-350mm f6.8 and a handful of batteries. I don’t have to plug this fudger into the mains at night. I could set off for a war zone tonight with my two chrome SL bodies and 35/50/90 and ten rolls of Tri-X and a Weston V in my Billingham 335 and bring back shots that would sell.
    Power cuts or not. Anyone interfere with me? Clout him in the face with a body and lens and carry on shooting. Confidence. All the best. DM.

    • Hi Dave,

      I consider myself almost British a product as Ilford, my father having come to Canada from Huddersfield, Yorkshire. You enjoy the Leicaflexes as much as anyone, I can tell. They are great cameras, they do indeed look fantastic, and the size and weight of them gives me the confidence to walk my rural road alone at sunset, knowing that I have a weapon to fend off the howling coyotes!



      • Nick, thank you for your reply. Huddersfield hey? I went there 30 years ago with our ex-paperlad who in his early twenties by then. He’d rung after seeing a car for sale in a paper. We arrived at the house, looked the car over on the drive, knocked at the door and a black lad answered. I saw his face drop and he then said he wasn’t interested. I was surprised. This wasn’t the 1920s, it was 1990? Now of course, we do not tolerate such open racism. It has no place in our society and never did.

        Ontario, Midland? That’s where my pair of M4-P and an MD-2 bodies were made. Also the 50mm f2, 135mm f2.8 and 250mm f4 lenses for Leicaflex and R cameras were made.

        All the best. DM

  • Hi folks,

    My first Leicaflex SL was purchased in 1975, and I’ve owned several others throughout the years. Not that it matters much, but the metering pattern on the SL is not center-weighted. The pattern is limited to the area only within the large central focusing circle. The SL branding means, “selective light”. If you have some other info, would be glad to learn of it. Many thanks!

  • Hi Sal,

    Yes! The SL metering system is like a large spot meter. This is important to know in order to properly meter with this camera (as important as having the appropriate iteration of lens!) I can confirm how the meter works from experience, having played with various levels of light in a scene, watching the needle rise and fall as soon as I cross the boundary of the focusing circle. I’m sure your ‘flex’s are still clicking!



  • Hi guys,

    Probably a daft question, but if the leica R only lens mounts on the leicaflex SL is it still usable with an external light meter?

    Thanks Ollie

    • Oliver, it occurred to me after I posted my reply that you may have been referring to the specific R cam, and not R lenses in general. To be fully compatible with an SL/SL2 metering system, the cameras need 2 cam lenses, or the later 3 cam version which is a 2 cam lens + plus the unique cam used from the R3 onwards.

      But for users of the R series cameras Leica released lenses with just the R cam only. I don’t have an R cam only lens as I used both Leicaflex and R bodies, but there is something in the back of my mind that there may be a compatibility issue with the R only cam on the earlier Leicaflex bodies. This may just relate to coupling with the meters of the Leicaflex cameras, and so if an R cam only lens will mount on a non-R body then it should be possible to use the camera in purely full manual mode.

      Hopefully, someone will be able to enlighten us.

  • Of course. The R cam is only for communicating the aperture which is set manually. The camera is otherwise manual only so speed and aperture can be set to your preferred combination as per your light meter suggestions.

  • Well Oliver, your question is certainly not daft. It is highly pertinent regarding the Leicaflex trio and the R3-9 + R-E cameras. After the announcement that the Minolta-Leitz tie-up had produced the electronic R3 with auto exposure and electronically metered manual exposure, the lenses appeared with a third cam. This was a stepped cam that was inserted inside either the first or second bright steel cam. The stepped cam is black.
    Some time later, during production of a later R series camera – R4 or R5 ? Leica announced that production of the 3 cam lenses would be discontinued and, henceforth, lenses would now be issued bearing just the third, stepped cam. (3rd cam only lenses) As there was no first cam (Leicaflex) or second cam (Leicaflex SL and SL2) , Leica placed a ring around the rear of the lens to prevent the lens being mounted on one of the Leicaflex trio. Wording was placed underneath the lens 180* to the aperture central stop line that says: ‘For Leica R Only’. However, I have a 50mm f2 Summicron R that mounts on an SL. The metering does not work so I used a handheld. Someone must have changed the lens mount before I got it?
    So the answer to your question is yes. You can use a handheld and ignore the advisory meter in your camera.

    The history of the SLR Leica cameras is very interesting. In some cases, the R & M lenses have the same optical construction, the 135mm f2.8 is a good example. I’ve found the history of the Leicaflex trio to be the most fascinating, given the switch from the rangefinder M to an SLR after extensively denigrating SLR cameras such as the Nikon F for five years, before announcing the Leicaflex with just four lenses in 1964. But almost sixty years later, the Leicaflex trio are in demand. The SL2 commands a serious price. The SL and original Leicaflex are more affordable. They show us what serious quality really means. And they still work.
    Meters? Many have packed up, the PX625 1.35v mercury oxide cell unavailable from 1990? But never mind that. Handheld meters are available used and new. Reflecting and incident. Watch Jeff Rojas photographing men on YouTube and he is using a handheld meter. So can we.

    Now the four lenses announced with the Leicaflex are 35/2.8, 50/2, 90,2.8, 135/2.8. When the M4 was introduced in 1967, it had frames in the viewfinder for those four focal lengths. Further, I have to say that having used interchangeable lens SLR cameras since 1976, those four focal lengths are by far the most useful. Indeed it is widely written that many International Photojournalists rarely use any other lenses except the 35mm and the 90mm. Of course the 135mm was first produced for the Leica 11 in 1932 and is the longest focal length for which a frame appears in the viewfinder of the Current M cameras, going back to the M3 of 1954. So just what were Leitz telling us in 1964?

  • I bought my Leicaflex SL in 1973. Traded in my Leicaflex Standard for it. It works as well as the day I bought it. I love the quality of the construction, its heft, the bright viewfinder, and the sound of the shutter going off. Reminded me of the sound of a Rolls Royce door closing. HOWEVER I did not understand why they put on a cheap red plastic lens release lever. They spent a fortune making that camera out of the finest materials. Then, it happened. I went to take off my 50 Summicron to put on the 90 f2.8 Elmarit. As I pushed down on the red plastic lever, it broke off. I was furious. Never replaced it. Been meaning to do so but years went by and I never got around to doing it. I kept the Summicron on after that and never changed lenses. In fact, it looks better without that red piece of plastic which stood out like a sore thumb.

  • Stefan Staudenmaier April 23, 2022 at 4:06 am

    After all the decades I shoot film with different cameras – actually a Nikon F3 HP with DW-4 finder.
    The Leicaflex still gives me the feeling of pure photography. Nothing between me and the object
    I want to picture.

    I own the first Leicaflex and some SL2 and anytime I use them I am speechless about the overwelming
    mechanical perfection.

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Nick Clayton

Nick Clayton is an educator, musician, environmental advocate and photographer living in the Blue Mountains of Ontario, Canada with his wife and their three children. He can be found on Instagram & Twitter as @nicknaclayton

All stories by:Nick Clayton