Lomography’s Lomo’Instant Square is A Strong Choice for Instant Film Shooters

Lomography’s Lomo’Instant Square is A Strong Choice for Instant Film Shooters

2200 1238 James Tocchio

Back in 2017, Lomography raised more than half a million dollars via Kickstarter to fund the production of their latest instant camera, the Lomo’Instant Square. Lomo promised the camera would be the first and only fully analog camera to shoot Fuji’s Instax Square instant film. It’s here now, we’ve used it, and it’s quite good. And though the field of competition is tiny (its only competitor is Fuji’s SQ10), it’s easy to argue that the Instant Square is the best Instax Square film camera available today.

Its design is, shall we say, interesting. It looks like no other instant camera on the market (moreover it looks like no other camera on the market). It’s a rather odd mashup of angles and edges, with seemingly no cohesive aesthetic ethos. That said, photos don’t do it justice, and to my own surprise I love the way it looks. It’s spartan and business-like, especially our black review copy, and the mix of faux-leather and satin-finish plastic is really appealing.

Build quality and functionality are surprisingly good. The Instant Square utilizes a rubber folding bellows, and like Polaroid’s iconic SX-70, it’s compact when stowed and slightly bulky when deployed. This deployment requires pulling the lens assembly away from the side of the body and swinging it forward until it locks into place. This action is smooth, and when the lens assembly locks into place it does so with an incredibly satisfying snap. It feels like quality, something that couldn’t always be said for Lomo’s earlier machines.

Once the lens is locked into place (and the film and two CR2 batteries inserted) you’re ready to shoot.

Its control panel is located on the rear of the camera, to the right of the film door. Here we find control buttons and LED indicators for all of the camera’s features, including flash on/off, multiple exposure mode, exposure compensation selector, a mode button, and the self timer. These are placed perfectly beneath where a shooter’s right thumb would naturally rest, allowing quick and intuitive control of all major shooting adjustments. The shutter release similarly rests perfectly positioned beneath where the index finger naturally rests, and takes the shape of a charming Lomo logo.

Focus is manual. When the lens is deployed we’re able to adjust a sliding lever across a range of distances. These distances are denoted with a visual scale and haptic feedback via detents at infinity, 1-2.5 meters, and a close-focusing distance of 0.8 meters. There’s also an optional portrait attachment that decreases the minimum focus distance to 0.5 meters.

The right hand side of the camera features a series of LEDs to indicate exposures remaining in a film pack (counts down from ten), there’s a selfie mirror on the front, a built-in flash, a tripod mount, and strap lugs. All in all, it’s about as full-featured an instant camera as anyone’s making today (though Fuji’s SQ10 digital hybrid is pretty unbeatable in the realm of sheer features).

In use, the camera is impressive. Its functionality is strong and allows creative photography by creative people. The multiple exposure function allows infinite exposures, and pressing the multiple exposure button a second time ejects the image. Exposure compensation works as expected, allowing the shooter to influence the exposure in backlighting and tricky situations, and unlike some other instant cameras I’ve tested, using that EV plus and minus functionality actually makes a big difference in the final image. The built-in flash is well-modulated, avoiding the blow-out I’ve experienced with other instant cameras, and bulb mode is available for long exposures. There’s even a built-in remote control, which is pretty convenient.

The metering system does a fantastic job of working in all but the most challenging light. Broadly speaking, shooting this camera in automatic mode without any further input from the shooter will result in great photos most of the time.

Image quality is rather excellent. This is in part due to the inherent quality of Fuji’s Instax film, which continues to offer the best image quality of any instant film on the market today. But it’s also due to the fact that Lomo has endowed the Instant Square with a glass lens, rather than the plastic lenses more typically found on the brand’s cameras. Images are plenty sharp, with punchy contrast and colorful tones. All this, without losing the lo-fi charm so cherished by lovers of instant photography.

If the camera sings any sour notes, these mostly emanate from the dismal viewfinder. It’s very small and lacks frame-lines and parallax correction markings. This makes framing and composition purely aspirational endeavors. An in-viewfinder focus setting indicator to show the currently-selected focus distance would also have been useful, as the placement of the focus control makes it pretty easy to forget, shot to shot. That the camera defaults back to the mid-focus setting every time the lens is deployed helps, but an indicator in the VF would’ve effectively eliminated all potential user error from the camera.

But that’s it for complaints. And with such a glowing report, you’d think it would be easy to recommend the Instant Square to everyone interested in instant photography. But this isn’t so. There are a number of factors to consider.

At $200, the Instant Square is double the price of Polaroid Originals’ One Step 2, and less expensive than Fuji’s SQ10. That said, Fuji’s Instax film is less expensive and higher quality than the stuff from Polaroid Originals. But Polaroid Originals’ film produces larger images than Fuji’s Instax. But then again, the Instant Square allows shooters to swap film doors, which lets Instant Square users to shoot Instax Mini film, a film that’s less costly than any other instant film on the market.

This kind of consumer reporting puts us into the weeds. If you’re trying to get the most bang for your buck, you’re better off not considering instant photography at all. It’s an expensive hobby. But there’s also nothing quite like the magic an instant camera provides. And the latest camera from Lomo provides that magic in spades.

It’s an instant camera that’s well-built, works perfectly, and makes gorgeous photos. If that sounds like your kind of thing, get one. You won’t be disappointed. And that’s because the Lomo’Instant Square is one of the best instant cameras being produced today.

Want one?

Get your Lomo’Instant Square direct from Lomography

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James Tocchio

James Tocchio is a writer and photographer, and the founder of Casual Photophile. He’s spent years researching, collecting, and shooting classic and collectible cameras. In addition to his work here, he’s also the founder of the online camera shop Fstopcameras.com.

All stories by:James Tocchio
  • A useful review. I remain charmed by instant photography and keep wavering: do I get my SX-70 refurbished and double down on it, or do I just take the Instax plunge and move on? This camera might be a reasonable way to do the latter.

    • William Sommerwerck April 26, 2018 at 9:53 am

      “Image quality is rather excellent. This is in part due to the inherent quality of Fuji’s Instax film, which continues to offer the best image quality of any instant film on the market today. But it’s also due to the fact that Lomo has endowed the Instant Square with a glass lens, rather than the plastic lenses more typically found on the brand’s cameras.”

      It is not true that glass lenses are inherently superior to plastic lenses. In a one- or two-element lens, they have advantages.

      “Images are plenty sharp, with punchy contrast and colorful tones. All this, without losing the lo-fi charm so cherished by lovers of instant photography.”

      Like the “lo-fi charm” of Marie Cosindas’ wretched Polacolor images? Or Ansel Adams’ miserable B&W nature photography?

  • William Sommerwerck March 12, 2018 at 12:30 pm

    The camera it most resembles — including the bellows — is a Kodak folding instant-picture camera. This isn’t surprising, as Instax film uses Kodak’s “expose the image through the back” topology.

    I’ll be rude. If Fuji can make that sort of material, it can make an integral material that fits an SX-70, and works like it. (Is there any reason to believe Fuji hasn’t developed such a material?) The SX-70 is one of the most-elegant, brilliantly designed cameras of any kind, ever. Why don’t the Japanese — Leica-lovers that they are — recognize that the SX-70 is to instant photography what a Leica M camera is to 35mm photography, and produce a material that would Make Instant Photography Glorious Again (MIPGA)?

    PS: I have an Instax Wide 300. The format is arguably “too wide”, but the pictures are of good quality. But I wouldn’t judge them of as good quality as digital images printed “instantly” on a Canon Selphy dye-printer.

    • Given that Polaroid (specifically PLR IP, which I think is distinct from the organisation running Polaroid Originals, although I assume the latter has a licence from the former) is suing Fujifilm over the Instax Square film infringing on the trademark “square within a square” effect, to quote a news story from November (https://www.worldipreview.com/news/fujifilm-and-polaroid-begin-litigation-over-photo-borders-14933), any attempt to make a film that would be that little bit larger so it fits in a 600 or SX70 cartridge seems very unlikely.

      There’s another technical challenge: SX70 and 600 films both require a battery pack in the cartridge, unlike both Fuji’s Instax films and the Polaroid Originals i-Type film. I’m sure this could be managed, but is the market big enough to be worth the effort? I’d imagine not.

      • William Sommerwerck April 26, 2018 at 9:41 am

        It’s not clear to me how you can trademark an image format. The original SX-70 “implied” square within a square, and trademarks gradually fall into public domain, if they aren’t fiercely protected. If I were a judge (which I’m not), I’d say that you can’t trademark something that’s inherent in the way a product works.

        Polaroid was able to get eight picture units and a battery into the same pack. Fuji is somehow incapable of doing this?

        What I would like to say would get me permanently expelled from this group, so I will remain silent.

        • I agree it’s a pretty silly trademark case, but it’s probably still more than enough to dissuade Fuji from releasing such a film. Perhaps they’ve prototyped one internally despite that, but I don’t know how we’d ever find out.

  • A nice review. Two companies I don’t trust personally. How long will Fuji make this film? How long will Lomorapy support it? I have been burned before and will stick with my remanufactured Polaroid.

  • I grew up in former Soviet country, where word “Lomo” associates with everything bad in terms of photography. Same goes to Lomography personally for me. Although guys are popularizing “analog” photography, there’s a lot of things I disagree with, especially when it comes to quality. Nothing in this world would make me pay even 100$ for this thing, not to mention 200.

  • I uses 2 CR2 batteries, not CR5 as written here.

  • It can be hard to find serious and detailed reviews of Lomography’s products, so thank you for that. I’d love to see a review of the Konstruktor F here, finicky little film shredder it may be (although what can anyone expect from a $35 camera). Sadly, it’s still one of the three last 35mm slrs left standing in this modern age (that I know of), and for that I think it deserves a place on this website.

    • Glad you’re finding something useful here Skyler. I’ll message my contact at Lomo and have them send over a Konstruktor for a writeup. Stay tuned pal!

  • Simon Dewey Photography April 25, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    Thank you for the review. I’m a huge fan of instant film and this may be my next camera (my Instax 100 just died!). It’s hard to find instant reviews written for/ by photographers

    Also, although I love the SX70, I think it’s an over-romanticised camera. ISO 100 film at f/8? It’s tricky to find the right conditions to actually use it in. And I never know if mine’s going to fire or not.

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James Tocchio

James Tocchio is a writer and photographer, and the founder of Casual Photophile. He’s spent years researching, collecting, and shooting classic and collectible cameras. In addition to his work here, he’s also the founder of the online camera shop Fstopcameras.com.

All stories by:James Tocchio