Nikon N8008 / F-801 – Camera Review

Nikon N8008 / F-801 – Camera Review

5994 3370 James Tocchio

Shooting classic cameras often brings compromise. Sometimes your camera lacks auto-focus, other times it’s got no light meter, or maybe your camera can’t auto-expose. I love old cameras, but occasionally the continual compromise makes me pine for a camera that’s, if not mindlessly automatic, at least a little less demanding.

So it can be refreshing when I get my hands on a camera that proffers the joys of a classic camera (involvement in the process, thrill of anticipation, sense of timelessness) with some added creature comforts.

The Nikon N8008 (called the F801 in certain markets) is just such a camera. This classic 35mm film camera is in practice one of the more modern machines I’ve tested. It gives everything I love about shooting film while allowing me to relax and shoot in a way that’s totally natural for those of us who grew up shooting plastic-fantastic DSLRs. Like some of the best products ever made, the N8008 is excellent at nothing, but good at everything.

Nikon N8008s Review 9

The N8008/F-801 was developed in the late 1980s and released in 1988. During this period it was Nikon’s top-of-the-line 35mm SLR camera for photo enthusiasts, nestling just under the professional-grade F4 in the Nikon lineup. It was made to last, had outstanding specs, and positioned Nikon to challenge Canon in the arena of autofocus SLR cameras (this being Nikon’s second, and best AF SLR).

Strong construction has given the N8008/F-801 a reputation for longevity and durability. Though it’s heavily reliant on electronics and consists of an astounding number of parts, the camera has proven itself a reliable workhorse, and there’s every reason to believe this now 20-something-year-old camera will still be firing long into the future.

While this reliability is great, it comes with a price. The metal construction of the main body means that the camera is pretty damn heavy. At close to 700g, it’s nearly as heavy as the Nikon D810 full-frame DSLR. Add the required four AA batteries and things become wrist-achingly dense. But this isn’t so bad; heavy, long-lived machines are preferable to broken lightweights.

Aesthetically the N8008 is pretty boring. Its looks aren’t especially offensive, it’s just that they’re not especially appealing either. There’s nothing about the camera’s physical attributes to elevate it over its more beautiful predecessors (the gorgeous and compact FM, FE, etc., for example), but in the same breath there’s nothing here to repulse the average onlooker.

Yes, it’s boring, and a bit homely. Is this something over which to find fault in the camera? I’m not so sure. After all, for the period in which it was made the N8008 is quite ordinary looking. Its homeliness stems more from the existence of a distinct division upon the timeline of classic cameras, with incredible designs occupying the space before this divide and classless, uninspired designs populating the period after. It just happens that the N8008 released at the beginning of the latter era. With its entirely plastic exterior, bloated proportions, and spattering of spongey buttons, this camera looks like an unfortunate, overstayed relic from an era of disposable appliances.

But pay attention to my choice of words. Though it may look like an overstayed relic, it certainly doesn’t act that way. In use the N8008 is pretty exceptional. It’s a feature-dense camera, well-engineered, and thoroughly modern in its execution. And while it can at times feel like a modern DSLR, it still maintains the mechanical qualities that are a requisite for falling in love with any vintage machine.

Nikon N8008s Review 6

Its buttons, switches, and levers, while feeling a bit tacky, are all positioned perfectly for unencumbered operation. Wrapping one’s hands around the camera feels entirely natural, with only a few small irritants, such as the placement of the control wheel being too decentralized and the grip being slightly bulbous. Still, I should emphasize that these are small issues that won’t present the same degree of annoyance for every shooter. Those with larger mitts may feel it fits perfectly in the hand.

With one look at the spec sheet it’s clear this thing is a serious camera for serious shooters. It’s capable of shooting in every one of the now-standard shooting modes (PASM), offers wide-ranging creative controls as well as some rather interesting special features, and allows access to Nikon’s incredible range of Nikkor lenses.

Nikon N8008s Review 7

But the spec-sheet doesn’t tell the whole story. Sure, it’s great to say a camera has a handful of auto-exposure modes, perfectly acceptable auto-focus abilities, and loads of in-demand bells and whistles, but I’m never convinced until I take a camera out into the field. Quite happily, the N8008 didn’t disappoint.

Its autofocus system (switchable to manual focus as well) operates extremely well. While certainly a bit slow compared to today’s cameras, it’s still fast enough to get the job done in most situations. It uses what Nikon calls their “Advanced AM200” module, whatever that means. They can call it whatever they like, but the takeaway is that the AF here is of the phase-detection variety. Knowing this, I expected to run into the typical phase-detection foibles, such as hunting and front- and back-focusing. Imagine my surprise, then, when the AF system proved to be nearly unflappable.

And the N8008s is an updated version of the N8008 with improved autofocus capabilities. On a beautiful, sunny day at Boston’s waterfront I encountered exactly zero instances of hunting, front-focus, or back-focus. Lighting was excellent, so I wasn’t too surprised by the system’s abilities, but later in the evening amidst the subdued-lighting of a small, Italian restaurant, focus was still handled with aplomb. Though there were a few instances of hunting over candlelight, focus was still accurate, if a bit slower.

Granted, I was shooting a 50mm F/1.8 AF Nikkor. Fast focus will naturally be more of a struggle with something like a zoom-Nikkor or portrait lens, but I can’t imagine many shooters will hate the N8008s’ focus capabilities.

I should also mention that, as far as AF motors go, the N8008’s is a bit loud. If that’s a serious concern, be so advised. I’m not really sure it’s a huge liability, but I know people seem to get pretty upset over noises coming from their cameras. It won’t be obvious on a busy city street, it won’t startle a grazing deer, and it won’t ruin your candid photography, but yes, it’s a pretty loud camera.

Scan 4

Metering is virtually flawless on any setting, consisting of average matrix metering and center-weighted metering (75 / 25%), with center-weighted metering in particular yielding impeccable results every time. Shooting in either metering mode, as well as the upgraded N8008s’ added spot-metering, test film developed without a single under- or over-exposed shot in even the trickiest lighting situations.

Shooting in aperture-priority mode is simplicity itself. Simply rotate the aperture ring on the lens and the camera selects the appropriate shutter speed. Shutter priority is similarly effortless. Just set the shutter speed via the rotating thumbwheel on the top plate and the camera selects the appropriate aperture, and with a shutter capable of exposures from 30 seconds to 1/8000th of a second there’s no limit on the photographer’s exposures.

But the camera’s strengths don’t end with the fundamental core of AF, shooting modes, and metering. It also offers a wide range of secondary controls that are hard to top in the world of vintage cameras.

Exposure compensation is available in 1/3 stop increments up to a rather strong +/- 5 EV, pretty excellent for those who love the rapidity of exposure compensation. Depth-of-field preview is available via a well-positioned button aside the lens mount. There’s available exposure lock, autofocus lock, 3.2 FPS continuous shooting, multiple exposure shooting of up to nine exposures in a single frame, automatic film-loading and rewind, and the list goes on, and on.

Mirroring the nearly unlimited speeds of the shutter, the rest of the camera’s features are similarly accommodating to the shooter accustomed to modern machines. And it’s this unlimited potential that’s the camera’s greatest strength. Switching between shooting modes, using exposure compensation and AE-lock for backlit subjects, choosing AF or MF modes, etc., it’s easy to see that the N8008 is a step above the typical old camera.

For those of us who cut our teeth shooting DSLRs, it’s hard to think of a more comfortable camera with which to expose film. Select the desired shooting mode, spin a thumbwheel, depress a few plasticky buttons, and listen to that glorious mirror flapping up and down as images are made with natural ease.

Familiarity with your machine is crucial to the photographic process, so if you’re a DSLR veteran whose primary goal is making excellent images, the N8008 will feel comfortable.

Nikon N8008s Review 5

The included focusing screen is Nikon’s standard Type B screen. This is the perfect general photography screen and offers unobstructed viewing and easy focusing over the entire frame. The matte/Fresnel surface does well-enough when manual focusing, but for those who want something different it’s possible to remove the Type B and substitute it with Nikon’s Type E, which features compositional assistance grids.

It doesn’t much matter which focusing screen you choose. Either way, when you look through the viewfinder you’re sure to fall in love with the massive, well-lit VF. It provides the full range of crucial information so often lacking in vintage camera viewfinders, allowing the photographer to know with certainty what’s happening with every exposure.

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A backlit LCD display shows focus indication, exposure mode, shutter speed, aperture, exposure compensation, flash indicator light, etc. This wealth of information and instant updates allow for the kind of streamlined shooting that can often be the difference between making an amazing image and missing a shot altogether. Without taking one’s eye from the viewfinder it’s possible to understand and adjust any setting on the camera in mere moments.

In the end, the N8008/F-801 is a classic camera with a thoroughly modern ethos. It’s old enough to charm us with its aging character, modern enough to be completely usable by any shooter and in any situation. It’s from one of the best brands in photography and compatible with one of the best lens lineups in the world. It’s a camera that can do everything you’ll ever ask of it, and it’ll keep on firing for decades.

While it’s not the prettiest camera, nor the fastest, nor the lightest, nor the most alluring, it’s still an exceptional camera. It’s the best at nothing, but very good at everything. It’s the practical all-rounder that Nikon intended it to be, and it just works. What more could you need?

Want an N8008 / F-801?

Buy it on eBay

Buy it on Amazon

Buy it from our own F Stop Cameras

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James Tocchio

James Tocchio is a writer and photographer, and the founder of Casual Photophile. He’s spent years researching, collecting, and shooting classic and collectible cameras. In addition to his work here, he’s also the founder of the online camera shop

All stories by:James Tocchio
  • Well written! I’ve always wondered about these hybrids that clash classic and modern into a smorgasbord of photography fun. You might have just tipped the scales in their favor for me.

    • Thanks for the kind words! We’ll keep an eye on your Instagram for newly adopted Nikons.

    • Vasko Bozinovski May 2, 2016 at 4:39 am

      My dad’s got one of these, and I’m now running my up and coming photography business presiding with the Sony range of camera’s for my preferred choice, but in old school SLR, these units are amazing and I’ve got them stored in glass cabinets to show their beauty.

      The Nikon to Sony E mount adaptor does wonders as I find it hard to beat the Optics in these original NIKKOR lenses from the 80s.

  • Another nice review of another interesting camera. Would be interested in your opinions about the Nikon F4 and F4S and Nikon F3.

  • Been using an F801-S and completely agree – it’s pretty awesome. I don’t think it’s all that boring to look at either. Eye of the beholder I guess, I like that 80s style.

  • My introduction to the Nikon N8008s was a happy accident. I won a Canon sales contest back when I was managing a camera store in Atlanta and the prize was an EOS 1 with a 50/1.4 lens. I got excited over the camera and immediately started selling off Nikon equipment to get more goodies for the EOS and in no time had added a 28/2.8, a 28-105 and a 430EZ flash. A Halloween party was coming up and I was anxious to take photos of the kids with my new toys.

    Just before the party, though, a customer brought in his N8008s with a 50/1.4 lens for us to sell for him. He hadn’t used it in quite a while, so I decided to also take it to the party along with my daughter’s SB-15 flash and run a test roll of film through the camera to make sure everything was working properly. Long story short, even with the focus assist on the 430EZ, the Canon had trouble focusing in low light and I was missing shots while the camera “hunted”. Pissed off, I reached for the Nikon and even with an incorrect flash, I never missed another shot.

    When I told our Canon rep about my experience, he told me that the low light focusing was a known problem, but that Canon was “working on it”. The next day, I bought the Nikon, the EOS went into the used equipment case and I started replacing the Nikons and Nikkors I had sold. I have an F4s and an F5, but I am more likely to grab either the N8008s or the F801s I bought later than I am either one of those big, heavy cameras. They are noisy and not as fast as the F5, but they are reliable and most importantly, get the job done.

    Thanks for another excellent review, James!

  • I enjoyed reading this – it is a well written review. I still have – and use very occasionally – an F801 so it was nice to see it getting some love!

    I would say that the single biggest issue – which you hit upon – is the noise. You were kind – it is very noisy at times! However, it works well after more than 20 years and I am pleased I still have one. Cheers 🙂

    • Thanks for the kind words! I actually saw someone using one of these last time I was out on the street! Always good to see them out in the wild and I’m happy you’re enjoying yours. Thanks again.

  • This is the camera I used up until my family got a digital camera when I was 14. They bought this Nikon when I was born, so I basically grew up with it, but I never went beyond the automatic program. In my defence, at least I wasn’t as ignorant as the rest of my family – they NEVER realised you could zoom by turning the lense until I told them when I was, like, 10. But I’d like to expand my knowledge of this camera now, so I’m hunting the internet for information – and I found your lovely site. Thanks for this write-up.

  • I was debating to purchase an Nikon N8008s or a Leica M6. Leica was at least twice as much and not even close with the features of the Nikon. I purchased the N8008s. Still works great. With lenses, flash, camera bag, tripod, data back I spent about $2000.00 US. However, eventually I stopped using because was just too heavy and bulky. Today, my setup is worth less than $150US.

    Last year I purchased a Leica M7. It is the best camera I have ever owned and regret it that I had bought this Nikon. M7 is more functional less weight with superb lens quality. M6 or today’s MP do not have the AE feature but are very good and similar cameras in operation with the M7. If I had purchased the M6, I would have continuously used my film camera through out the years. Possibly loose very little money and keep using for more years.

    Weight, essential functionality and quality are unsurpassed features. Other, features are more likely useless or just marketing material that you might never ever use.

    • James – Founder/Editor September 11, 2016 at 8:06 pm

      Interesting perspective. As someone who purchased the Nikon when it was new, you’ve seen a depreciation that perhaps the Leicas have not seen. Then again, for someone buying today the Nikon is a fiscal deal that can’t be touched by Leica. It’s all timing and perspective. Thanks for sharing yours.

  • I just received my N8008 in the mail and I really love it so far. The first time it autofocused the 50mm f/1.8D it literally startled me. Probably not going to be shooting any wildlife with this beast.

  • What type of film does it need to take?

  • I own a bunch of Nikon 35mm cameras and this is my favorite camera out of the bunch. I prefer it over my F6.

    I don’t use the AF function on the camera, but prefer to use manual. I like how the viewfinder is nice and bright. I like it so much that I am considering buying a second N8008 as a backup if it ever decides to fail.

  • I like this article and appreciate the message. In fact I recently sold my digital Nikon SLR kit for a bunch of cash but I still had a few Nikon lenses that are awesome but hardly worth sellingamazing optics, not so amazing prices). Lenses without a camera are not very useful and I have so much Canon and Minolta gear I was going to just say goodbye to Nikon. Then I came across a one of these 8008 bodies for $4 in a thrift store (well they were asking $8 but I talked them down). Once I loaded a battery it worked perfect. I popped off a roll with the lenses I had left within the first day of owning it. It helps I have over 100 rolls of film in my cupboards waiting to be shot but I’m yet to miss my digital. This camera is definitely a more than capable film camera that’s been slept on my the masses of the film renaissance so I might just pick up a few extra bodies to keep me covered for like forever. My only wish was this article included better images to represent the merits of film, that picture of the Labrador is the kind of image that gives film a bad name. Thanks for writing. Good stuff!

  • Very good review. I have 2 of the N8008s models and really dig them!. I also think of them as F4 jr. Added 2 DB 5 battery backs and btw–the MB 10 on the N90s will fit the N8008s/F801s but there is no use of the corner shutter button. So you used a nifty 50. I have hung my Nikkor 75-300AF 4.5-5.6 on it and it drives it well.. So results. Dang it has an AMD 200! I got marvelous photos using all types of film. Infrared, transparencies and of course B&W both fast and slow speeds.
    This is a camera I highly recommend. This is one you’ll want to hang onto.


  • Hi; because of your review, I bought the 8008s, & got it from eBay yesterday. Before that I had a Minolta SRT 102, & went on to a Nikon F-3, which may have been my favorite all time camera. Since that time, 25 years ago, I’ve had several digital cameras, but none have given me the enjoyment that I’ve gotten from shooting film. I do have several Olympus XA’s that I like a lot, but they’re not SLR’s. I have a question about what normal lens will fit the 8008. Digital cameras were just coming out when I was using my F-3, so there was no confusion about what lens to get. Can you recommend a 50mm lens for this camera? Thank you for a great review.

    • Hi Mike, Glad you’ve found a new classic camera. The standard 50mm F/1.8 Nikkor is a never fail lens that’s an incredible performer for the money. You could buy an older one for cheap, just make sure it has an aperture ring. If you want something faster, the 1.4 version is even better. Hope this helps!

    • Not a standard lens, but a very nice combination with this camera is the 1980s Nikon AF 24mm. That is a beautiful lens.

  • Hi James, nice review but I think you have underestimated the Nikon N8008 (F801 outside the USA) somewhat. It was revolutionary for it’s time for both its matrix metering and auto-focus. The matching flash system (Nikon SB20/SB24) was also an advance of leaps and bounds over existing systems.

    The N8008 set a new benchmark and really introduced a new era in autofocus and metering that all other companies than had to try to beat.

    I have three of them now (including one brand new still packed in its box from, of all places, South Africa) but have always regretted getting rid of the first one I bought. So many memories there….

  • A few things that haven’t been mentioned that elevate this camera to greatness

    1. A top shutter speed of 1/8000. I can shoot all day and night long with film at 1600 or 3200ISO and a f1.8 lens with this camera in winter.
    2. Program ‘Hi’ that favours shutter speed over aperture. Invaluable for street shooters.
    3. A jog dial for program shift that it’s grown up sibling the F4 doesn’t have
    4. Its cheap. Get it in combo with the also cheap 50mm f1.8 af-d lens and you’ll have a camera that out performs Leicas for a tenth of the cost.

    • I just purchased 4 from different vendors for under 120$. one of them I got for 20$ without a lens. I am an art teacher and have a small high school class. we are going to do a film project and these are perfect for that. I have found if you use a camera like a Minolta srt101 (my favorite learner camera) the kids these days over think how to use the camera because they are not accustomed to the dails and full manual ness. these N8008 cameras are tuff and modern enough to keep them not scared off. I used an f4 professionally for a few years. since then I think I prefer my old fm2 it still works while the f4 feels like its kinda falling apart.

  • Predrag Mihajlović March 19, 2019 at 5:47 am


    Thank you for this very useful review! I’ve got my n8008s recently. I’m amazed with its robust construction, yet flawless operation. I’ve got only Nikon AI-S 35mm f2.5, but I’ve been considering some AF lens that’d work 100% on this camera. What would you or the other colleague members suggest? Thank you in advance!


    • I’m wondering the same… I have the 24-120 AFD on there at the moment, seems to hunt a lot and struggle to find focus! I also get a lot of “X” in the finder and the shutter won’t fire – because it can’t find focus? Hmm

  • This is a wonderful review. You covered all of the of the camera’s glorious faults as well as its amazing features. It doesn’t it, but it’s a pro camera in every respect, which means heavy and big are hard to avoid. Still, compared to an F4, the n8008s is a compact camera. These have been my go-to cameras for 20 years. I get tired of carrying them, they’re heavy w/ a Leica R 90 lens, but as you said, every frame is always perfectly exposed. If one isn’t, it was my fault. As a tool for photography, it’s in the top echelon, which is amazing because it has this dated, clunky, plastic look. Certainly not one of Nikon’s finest design efforts, but functionally, there are very few cameras made by anyone that can work as seamlessly. Everything is intuitively placed, and the viewfinder is about as good as it could get on any camerar. Great for eyeglass wearers, 1/8000 shutter speed, matrix/center/spot metering, and they seem to never break.

    • Guys, you certainly smeared your snot decently on the bodies of your Nikons there, forgetting to note its cost of $ 900 at the time of release in 1988. Almost. What the hell is an amateur camera? Pure pro, the second in the line, the model for which many got off Minolta and Canon in the late 80s. As reliable as the Canon T series. The same light as 1 from the same Canon. 2022. All my 4 cameras from Japan, with trashed battery packs, cleaned of faded batteries, half in rust, bought as non-working garbage, work. 35 years old! I got my first photo for Canon 1 in 1996, I took pictures for Practica in the DDR, tried a lot of digital ones, but of all the others, only these turned out to be the most high-quality and unkillable. Bought in 2018 for $25 for 4 pieces. Good luck.

    • As someone with a lot of experience with these, can you shed light on why it often has the “X” in the finder instead of the “O” and won’t take the shot!
      Seems to happen a lot, is there something i’m missing? Shooting with the 24-120mm AF-D Zoom! Thanks 🙂

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James Tocchio

James Tocchio is a writer and photographer, and the founder of Casual Photophile. He’s spent years researching, collecting, and shooting classic and collectible cameras. In addition to his work here, he’s also the founder of the online camera shop

All stories by:James Tocchio