Olympus 35 RD – Olympus’ Final 40mm Rangefinder

Olympus 35 RD – Olympus’ Final 40mm Rangefinder

2200 1238 Dustin Vaughn-Luma

It was 1975 when Olympus made the call to launch their final Hail Mary in the competitive 40mm fixed-lens rangefinder game. Olympus engineers aimed to better the already well-received Olympus 35 SP and replace it with the RD (short for Rangefinder Deluxe) in hopes of making their last professional rangefinder one for the ages. The RD would be the premier offering in a range of cameras that included the even smaller RC, the auto-only DC, and the slower ED. With stiff competition from Canon, Minolta, and Leica, the play wouldn’t be easy.

Alas, Olympus came up a few yards short. By 1975, most professional shooters had moved to SLR systems and the RD didn’t present any significant advances that hadn’t been seen in years prior from the likes of the Canonet QL17 and Minolta’s Hi-Matic 7sii. Suffering a similar fate as the OM-3Ti, production of the RD ended rather abruptly. The result is that the RD is something of a rarity these days.

Though history may not have been kind to the RD, it’s worth another look. Even if its contemporary competition presents a better over-all package, in many ways the 35 RD remains the premier Olympus rangefinder.

Lens and Viewfinder

Although the RD’s spec sheet doesn’t scintillate, the camera certainly has its merits. Chief among them is the 6-element F. Zuiko 40mm f1.7 lens. It’s a downright stellar performer, and it’s been said that the lens in the RD provided the optical framework for the rare OM Zuiko 40mm f/2 lens (sans multi-coating) that Yoshihisa Maitani designed for himself. It’s a good vote of confidece, though I have no idea if the rumor is true.

Similar to other compact rangefinder lenses of the era, light and sharpness falloff is noticeable in the corners up to f/4. But at f/4 and above, vignetting is all but gone, and sharpness is manifested in classic Zuiko style; with it reaching its maximum sharpness at f/8. In line with its counterparts, the lens is of the single coated variety, so contrast is slightly reduced, and flare and ghosting aren’t as stifled as with some multi-coated lenses. When shooting in bright daylight, a hood is necessary to reduce these optical aberrations. Fortunately, the 49mm lens thread is common and finding a cheap hood on eBay should prove quite simple.

Though it may seem tiny at first glance, in use the viewfinder is surprisingly bright and free of distraction. The 40mm frame-lines are vibrant and are given ample padding due to the 0.6x magnification of the finder. The selected aperture display stays out of the shooter’s way along the bottom of the frame, though I much prefer viewfinders that place this scale on the right side of the frame.

Parallax correction is handled via supplemental frame-line indicators, which is a bit of a disappointment compared to the true parallax corrected finder of the Canonet QL17, and with a close focus minimum of 2.8 feet, macro and portraiture work is better suited to other cameras.

Meter and Shutter

Like other popular players in the space, the Olympus 35 RD sports a common CDS metering cell on the front of the lens, making it convenient for filter use; a feature refinement from the filter-unfriendly placement on the SP. This meter is capable of an exposure index of 25 – 800 ASA and was designed to be powered by the now frowned upon 1.35v mercury cell. As we’ve mentioned before, a common LR-44 or SR-44, or even a 1.4v zinc air hearing aid battery will work, although images tend to be slightly underexposed due to the increased voltage; a problem easily compensated for by adjusting the ASA dial to a slower speed. Keep in mind that CDS meters tend to be a bit finicky after forty years of life, so if exposure automation is your thing, proceed with caution and ensure the meter is up to spec before committing to purchase.

Fortunately, the 35 RD has a large battery bay (like the Canonet) and will accept an MR-9 adapter coupled with the appropriate modern cell. Constant power draw is severed by replacing the lens cap when not in use, or by moving the aperture ring away from Automatic.

Fitted with a mechanical Seiko leaf shutter, the RD is capable of exposures from 1/2 of a second to 1/500th of a second, plus Bulb mode for long exposures, and because it has a leaf shutter an attached flash will sync at all speeds. Flash shooters have options for both hot shoe sync as well as PC sync, and of even greater benefit to flashianados, the RD allows guide number auto-flash exposure. In this mode, the shooter simply sets the aperture dial to the flash symbol, sets the GN guide to the appropriate distance (14m, 20m, or 28m), and the camera will automatically set the aperture based on the shutter speed and focused distance. Truth be told, I’m not much of a flash user, so I haven’t experimented much, but those I know who’ve used a flash on this camera say it works quite well.

Fans of automation will rejoice to read that the 35 RD does have a shutter-priority auto mode. The shooter sets the aperture ring to A, selects the desired shutter speed, and the camera will calculate the appropriate aperture for the scene. As an additional convenience, the shutter will not release if the camera determines that the necessary aperture is outside the limits of what’s available. Some shooters will enjoy this electronic safety measure, others will find it a nuisance.

If challenging lighting situations call for it, the shooter can lock exposure via half press of the shutter release button. While this may seem similar to its counterparts, the 35 RD is cut from a different cloth. Instead of the needle constantly showing the suitable aperture, the RD’s meter will not read at all until the shutter release is half-pressed. This triggers the needle to move from right to left across the aperture range, eventually settling on the proper aperture. Furthermore, I’ve found that even the slightest change in light hitting the cell can trick the meter into under- or over-exposing by quite a bit. Those who rely on automation to shoot may find this a bit tricky.

When used in manual override, the aperture needle follows the same behavioral pattern of right to left movement, eventually settling on the chosen aperture. While a nice reminder of what the shooter has chosen, it does not apprise of whether the shooter is in Auto mode or not.

Ergonomics and Build

Even with it’s diminutive stature (4 1/4″ x 2 3/4″ x 2 1/4″) the camera feels well-balanced in the hand. Extended stints in larger hands might cause some discomfort, but the weight (470 grams) is such that it can be worn around the neck without it feeling like it’s dragging you down.

Despite all of its beauty (it’s a really good looking camera), the location of the aperture ring is a major point of contention. The lens barrel is designed in such a way that it bulges to its widest diameter right around the focusing ring. While this design makes it a breeze to acquire focus with its short throw and smooth rotation, it regrettably crowds out the aperture ring positioned just behind the focus ring. Even shooters with slim fingers will find themselves grabbing an unwanted combination of focus and aperture ring when attempting to adjust aperture manually, which makes shooting in manual a bit frustrating. If street shooting is your intention, it may be better to leave this camera in auto mode to avoid accidentally fumbling a predetermined focus distance during aperture adjustments.

The film advance lever leaves me mildly deflated as well. While actuating it results in a throw that’s smooth and precise, I can’t help but feel like the lever could be heftier and the throw offer a bit more feedback. Quick advances find me worrying that I may rip the lever away from the camera body at any moment. This cognizance of how forceful I’m advancing film when out shooting is distracting, especially when trying to get shots off in rapid succession. I much prefer the heartier advances of the Canonet or 7sii, which aren’t exactly Leica-like themselves.

Film access is provided via a small tab on the lower left of the bottom plate. No need to pop the rewind crank or perform a series of lift, pull, press maneuvers. Some shooters will find this appealing and others may consider it a light leak waiting to happen. Those concerned about unintentionally exposing their film should be aware that the tab is recessed and small enough to eliminate accidental snags. I find it to be the most convenient film bay opening mechanism I’ve ever used.

Shots in the samples gallery were made with Ilford FP4 and Fuji Venus 800.

Points of Caution

If this camera sounds like something you’d like to shoot, there are points of caution to be considered. Should you find an RD (they’re pretty rare, after all), don’t be surprised if it suffers from sticky shutter syndrome; a common ailment. That nicely dampened focusing ring I praised earlier? It serves double duty as a ticking time bomb. The helicoid grease used during manufacturing of the lens is prone to separating over the course of four plus decades, and this oil frequently finds its way between the shutter and aperture blades.

Equally common is finding one with a hazy viewfinder, which renders the camera useless. These bodies were not well sealed, and dust and haze are common inside the finder and elsewhere. Once cleaned, however, the rangefinder patch is best in class. It may be slightly feathered on the edges, but it also brings a lot of contrast and makes focusing a delight.

Is it worth buying?

If you’re able to track down this rare little gem, spend the time cleaning it or have a professional do it, because it really is worth the additional investment. The 40mm F. Zuiko lens has a wonderfully unique rendering to it; a 3D effect or pop that I’ve been unable to replicate with any comparable cameras in the class. Zuiko fans who love the images made with their OM Zuiko lenses should especially consider seeking out this fixed-lens camera.

At a minimum, the Olympus 35 RD is a camera that can comfortably sit alongside the Canonet QL17 and Minolta Hi-Matic 7sii as one of the fastest compact, feature-rich, fixed-lens rangefinders of the era. Sure, it has its quirks, and its rarity might put it out of reach for most shooters. But if it can be found, cleaned, and adjusted, it might just earn a place on your shelf of keepers.

Want your own Olympus 35 RD?

Get it on eBay

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Dustin Vaughn-Luma

An experience designer, freelance photographer, and competitive cyclist living in San Jose, California with his wife, three sons, and neurotic bernese mountain dog. The majority of his personal work is shot on 35mm and 120 film, and is developed and scanned at home.

All stories by:Dustin Vaughn-Luma
  • Nice review, I think this is often overlooked due to the existence of the smaller 35RC. I’m not sure Olympus were aiming to better the 35SP because the way I see it the RD is a step backwards in every respect (besides being slightly smaller). The SP has a spot meter, a better (7 element) lens, and the aperture ring and shutter speed ring are placed right next to each other on the lens, allowing you to turn both at once whilst keeping the same exposure. If the RD were much cheaper then I could see the appeal, but I consistently see them go for as much or more than the price of an SP.

    A correction also: fortunately the close focus is 2.8 feet, not 2.8 meters. This translates into 0.85m.

    • Looks like the editor was sleeping on the job. Thanks for the tip! Correction applied.

    • Appreciate the comment. Though Oly’s intent with the RD was to replace the bulkier SP in the lineup (possibly due to the Leitz Minolta CL craze at the time?), you aren’t wrong… the 42/1.7 lens of the SP is outstanding.

      Benefits of the SP vs RD design are purely subjective, but there is no denying the fact that both are amazing cameras capable of amazing results. Now if only a mint black SP would fall in my lap…

  • I bought one of these a few years ago back when I was collecting seemingly every fixed lens rangefinder from the 70’s. I agree with the assessment of the aperture ring; it’s so thin and hard to move that I can’t imagine using the RD in manual mode. The RC is similar in this regard in my opinion. I’ve been pruning my camera collection but I’m keeping the RD. The lens is special; I think it’s better than the Canonet QL17 and is on par with the Minolta Hi-Matic 7sii. I bought a refurbished RD from http://www.tripman.co.uk/ so I didn’t have to worry about the sticky shutter issue.

    Here’s my RD gallery. I’ll be adding to it soon.


    • Hey Neilson, thanks for the comment. Yeah, that aperture ring location is a drag. I also agree with you on the lens. IMO it’s better than both the Canonet and 7sii.

      As an aside… when I was looking at RD image samples a couple years ago, I recall seeing that image of your neighbor pop up. Funny to see it again via this exchange. Lots of great photos in your gallery. Thanks for sharing!

    • Wow. Those are such gorgeous photos. Thanks for sharing!!

  • Along the lines of cleaning. I have a canonet in need of a good CLA. Who would you recommend for that work please?

  • You just can’t argue with the results from that lens. I owned an RC for a while and didn’t love it under use. I wonder if the slightly larger RD would appeal to me.

  • Just wanted to say thanks for the “heads up” I just managed to cinch a one on ebay, it was advertised as a 35RC. The self timer lever was hanging down over the lettering so you had to know? The seller knew not. I expect/hope that the lever is just loose? I once had an Olympus 35 SP and regardless of all the hype I thought it was a bit hollow in the hand, if you know what I mean, especially compared to the Canon Canonet QL17 GIII. Although the one I actually compare it to (and regret selling) was a QL 19 GIII.

    In my hand (as I type) is a Zeiss Ikon S310 (Contessa) zone camera. Again I had one, sold it, regretted it, and bought another for £3.20 as the previous owner also did not have the knowledge and sold it as not working. I love this camera and it weighs the same as the Olympus 35 SD ( 470 grams) …Smaller in statute but big in lens sharpness and contrast. Its a little brick, and although only a zone camera there is still a range scale on the focus ring. It is my opinion that if Zeiss had made the S310 a rangefinder history would have been somewhat different. I am still trying to work out the longest exposure I can get out of the thing. Must be around 5 seconds?

    Anyway, I look forward to my new Olympus 35 RD and the experiences it unveils. Although, I wish I knew why I do this still with old film cameras? My Fuji X-Pro2 takes canny enough pictures! ……

    • Interesting, I am also shooting Fuji-X, actually it was because of their cameras I became passionate about analogue photography again and today I also found a very nice 35 RD on the flea market. I am eager to develop my first roll out of it.

  • Thank you for your nice review. I discovered the Olympus 35RD awhile back when I was looking for a more capable but compact rangefinder camera. At the time I only had a Minox35ML with zone focus and a 35mm f2.8 lens. I found a Olympus 35RD on the second hand website where I live. It was listed for 55 euros with a flash. An older collector had moved to a smaller apartment and was selling most of his collection. When I saw it everything seemed to be working great although the timer lever was snapped (I think this happens a lot). I offered 40 euros just for the camera and he accepted. After spending some time offering the MR-9 adapter from Kanto Camera in Japan and changing the light seals I was ready to go. Then before I had finished the first roll, I accidentally forgot my backpack (my RD was inside) when I put it down while unlocking my bike on the street in Paris and rode away leaving it there. 2 days later I noticed it for sale on the same second hand website (Leboncoin) and so had my gf call the seller and make arrangements to buy it the next day. The next day o went to the police and asked them if they could assist in getting back my camera. They ended up setting up a sting operation with 6 undercover cops surrounding the seller and my gf as the transaction got under way. In the end I got my Olympus 35RD back as well as my Minox 35ML and a flash as these had been in the backpack as well.

    I just got back the first roll from this camera and I’m just amazed at the quality of the images. So sharp, so well exposed (I used auto setting) and really gorgeous colors.


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Dustin Vaughn-Luma

An experience designer, freelance photographer, and competitive cyclist living in San Jose, California with his wife, three sons, and neurotic bernese mountain dog. The majority of his personal work is shot on 35mm and 120 film, and is developed and scanned at home.

All stories by:Dustin Vaughn-Luma