Olympus Infinity Stylus (Mju) – Point and Shoot Camera Review

Olympus Infinity Stylus (Mju) – Point and Shoot Camera Review

1280 720 Josh Solomon

The Olympus Infinity (Mju) line is one of the most-hyped families of cameras in analog photography. Google the name and nearly every resultant post will gush about the entire range, with tall tales of a twenty-dollar thrift store camera with a lens that puts SLRs and Leica glass to shame. Tiny camera, coffee-and-a-bagel price, and the best lens ever? Sounds like a no-brainer, right?

Unfortunately, this story ain’t quite what it seems. It’s 2017, and the bloated reputation of the Olympus Infinity Stylus range has changed things in a big way. What was once the photophile’s best kept secret is now on everybody’s top-five. As a result, prices for these cameras over the past few years have skyrocketed into SLR territory, and have largely stayed there. In truth, the twenty-dollar Stylus and Stylus Epic (Mju and Mju 2) are among the hardest cameras to find. I should know; it took me five years. And even then I didn’t get the one I wanted.

Instead of the crown jewel of the line, the Olympus Infinity Stylus Epic (Mju II), I got its older sibling, the original, slower Infinity Stylus (Mju), though for a lower-than-legend sum of ten bucks. I was slightly disappointed, but after five years of searching through flea market bins, thrift store shelves, and garage sale tables, I was happy to settle.

At first glance, it’s not hard to see why this camera and its siblings became the darlings of point-and-shoot camera culture. For one, it’s simple – no more than three buttons populate its top. Its front face features naught but Olympus’ signature sliding door, which pulls double-duty as a lens cover and an on-off switch, a feature pioneered by the Olympus XA, a camera that shares the Mju’s legendary reputation. That’s about it for complications. And just like the XA series, it’s incredibly small. The camera is as long as an iPhone 5 and as thick as an average wallet, making it one of the most pocketable 35mm cameras ever made. This portability is incredibly important to its appeal; it’s a camera that begs to be shot anywhere and everywhere.

It also happens to be an attractive camera; think Jackie-Kennedy-black-dress attractive. It’s sleek, with lines that flow and curve around the entirety of its form. With a distinct rounding of angles, its design brief is straight from the ‘90s, but this Olympus manages to avoid the ho-hum camera design typical of the decade. In fact, it’s not hard to imagine this shell housing the guts of a high-end digital point-and-shoot today, a camera I’m sure would be an instant hit (hope you’re reading this, Olympus).

Feature-wise the Olympus Infinity Stylus is sparse, but capable, with a couple of annoyances thrown in for good measure. It uses a single point auto-focus system capable of focusing as close as 0.35 meters, or 1.1 feet, which is about the standard for any ‘90s point-and-shoot. Locking the AF point and exposure are both possible by pointing at your subject and depressing the shutter halfway, a convenient feature for those of us who like the “focus, reframe, shoot” method. The camera’s automatic exposure system works great, even with a less-than-extensive range of shutter speeds (1/15-1/500th of a second). The rest of the spec-sheet is rounded out with DX automatic film speed reading ISO 50-3200, a self-timer with a 12 second delay, automatic wind/rewind, and a manual rewind button on the front face of the camera for those days when you can’t wait to finish a roll to see your photos.

The camera’s built-in flash is unsurprisingly simple yet surprisingly capable. While not the most powerful unit, it does deliver some of the most even and visually pleasing artificial light made from a point-and-shoot in this category. The camera also features a fill flash mode along with a red-eye reduction mode, the latter serving to date the camera more accurately than its design. I personally don’t find much of a use for direct fill-flash on a compact camera unless I’m going for that all-too-familiar family snapshot look, but it’s a nice feature for those who want it.

Operating the camera in the field is as simple as it gets, just lock focus, compose, and shoot. Easy enough, right? Unfortunately, this simplicity combined with the camera’s compactness does present a couple of problems. The AF must be locked before fully depressing the shutter, and the lens must extend fully for every shot, making for a noticeable lag between pressing the shutter and snapping the picture. For landscapes and portraits of friends and family this is a non-issue, but for candid shots on the street and quick-fire shooting, this shutter lag can mean the difference between a great shot and a wasted frame. The Olympus is small, but not as quick and nimble as I expected, again surprising after so much written about its prowess on the street.

There’s also another annoying caveat to its operation; all of the camera’s functions automatically reset once the sliding door closes over that lens. Now this doesn’t sound like a big deal, right? But then, the flash resets to the ON position every time the camera’s switched off. For portraits of the family on vacation this is a welcome feature, but for candid stealth shots this is a big problem. If you don’t pay attention and remember to make a habit of turning off the flash, you could easily end up with some very angry strangers on the street. That this is a fact of life with the Mju is interesting, again, in light of its widespread proselytization by many point-and-shoot street shooters.

The Olympus most definitely sacrifices speed and the ability to really capture the decisive moment to gain good looks and compact form factor. It’s a hefty compromise, and one that may turn demanding shooters off from the camera. But if we accommodate the camera just a little bit and relax our shooting style, we’ll discover the most incredible aspect of the Mju. I’m talking about the little Olympus lens housed just underneath that sliding door.

Olympus has a habit of of packing incredible lenses into small bodies. The Trip 35 and XA series are prime examples of this philosophy, and Olympus decided to keep the tradition alive in its Infinity Stylus line. Although the lens found on this camera is a slower lens (f/3.5 compared to the Trip 35, XA, and Stylus Epic’s f/2.8 lenses) with a simpler triplet lens formulation, it can pack a serious amount of sharpness into its tiny form. When stopped down in broad daylight, this beautifully simple lens delivers incredibly sharp photos, and wide open it offers a pleasing, artful detail rendition and lowered contrast that recall the Cooke Triplet/Triotar lenses of old. Combine this with consumer grade expired film and generous flash and we can very easily recreate that Instagram-worthy, hip photo blog aesthetic. That’s not to say this is a lomo lens –  when combined with modern film such as Kodak Portra or Ilford HP5+, we can achieve some seriously gallery-worthy pictures.

The lens, however, does have its limitations. The slower speed of f/3.5 combined with a shutter limited to 1/15th of a second makes this camera a little challenging in low-light when we’re avoiding flash photography. This is a shame, especially considering how pretty the lens tends to render wide-open. There also tends to be quite a bit of light falloff and a general lack of sharpness in the corners regardless of aperture, which may serve to irk lovers of sharp-across-the-frame landscape shots.

So, is the Stylus the perfect point-and-shoot? It certainly delivers when used for casual shooting, such as when making snapshots of friends and family, vacation shots, and general purpose memory-making. It offers incredible image quality and ease-of-use for a low price (if you’re lucky), perfect for the casual shooter just looking to have fun, and maybe make a few impressive images along the way.

That said, in my time with the Stylus I just couldn’t help but feel the shadow of expectation hanging over the little Olympus. It’s a good camera, but does it live up to the hype?

I’m not convinced. It’s more sluggish than I expected, has a trigger-happy flash, and its available-light capabilities are hamstrung by its slower lens. And to top it all off, unless you get lucky on a thrift-shop deal, it’s way more expensive than most other consumer point-and-shoots. Over time it’s gained a reputation for being one of the best cameras for street photography and candids, but ironically these are some of its weakest areas of operation. Sure, the lens can make really pretty images and it’s one of the smallest and best-looking cameras around, but with a price that implies it can be a photographer’s primary tool it’s just a bit lackluster for that.

But perhaps I expected too much of the Olympus Infinity Stylus. Perhaps I’ve unfairly grafted a narrative onto this camera and its siblings based on a narrative derived from bloggers and Instagramers looking to sell a product or lifestyle. And perhaps I shouldn’t hype it up, give it superpowers, and make it out to be a camera that it’s not. As soon as I do that and disregard the hype, the pure fun of this incredible little camera comes to the front. When used for its intended purpose, as a lovable sidekick for making occasionally fantastic shots, it’s a perfect camera. And if it takes me another five years to find a low-priced Epic, this original Stylus will do just fine.

Want your own Olympus Infinity Stylus (Mju)?

Buy it on eBay

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Buy it at B&H Photo

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Josh Solomon

Josh Solomon is a freelance writer and touring bassist living in Los Angeles. He has an affinity for all things analog. When not onstage, you can find him roaming around Southern California shooting film and humming a tune.

All stories by:Josh Solomon
  • Nice honest review. I still have my Mju, bought in the days before digital. I hadn’t used it in years but decided to pull it out for an Oktoberfest occasion. And remembered why I had moth balled it. Sometimes, and this happens a lot, you push the button to take a pic but the camera has decided that it needs to focus again, or the object is not in focus, or or .. which results in a pic being taken literally several seconds after I wanted to.
    So after that outing, the camera went back into my sock drawer!

  • I never liked the half melted plastic look of the Mju line cameras, together with the silver paint finish, which makes them look like an accessory to a bargain store music centre. The compacts I have always liked are the boxy all titanium metal Contax T line but the prices for these have become astronomical and I never managed to find one in a charity shop.

    They are super tough. My son was using a TiX, the APS film version, on a project in the hill tribes area of northern Thailand. It got run over by a truck but apart from a couple of scratches, was still working just fine. However like many of these early AF cameras, they use a single horizontal phase detector and can be fussy about picking up a focus, where there are no strong vertical features to provide the input.

    • Thanks for reading Wilson! I prefer them in black, but then again I prefer most every camera in black. Crazy story about the TiX, too.

  • Interesting read. Owning the mju I (same as the stylus but without the rewind button I think) I’ve shot it plenty, and is always on my person when I head somewhere. It’s a compact companion and can take a decent shot, and has been an introduction to film photography for a couple of friends. I agree that it can be slow and the resetting of all settings once the clamshell has been closed is a pain, but I’m happy to live with it. For the £12.50 I paid in a charity shop I’m more than happy. I’d like to shoot the more fabled mju II to see whether that is any quicker. Great article.

    • Thanks for reading Dexter! Slow as it is, it’s probably the perfect carry-around camera. Perhaps we can give the Epic the treatment in an upcoming review…

  • Good Read! I currently own one point and shoot- a Nikon One Touch with a 35mm 2.8 (the fully auto version) I bought for
    35 bucks on eBay. Remarkably, sometimes I think I like my point and shoot almost more than my OM-2N. Even though it is full auto, again this turns into a pro for me as I can focus on the limitation of simply film speed, subject, framing instead of getting lost in the technical details. I consider it my iPhone camera for film in that it’s just so quick and convenient. Sometimes the shutter seems to lock up and
    I have to repress the button, sometimes I get a small line on some of my prints but the pros far outweigh the cons for my use. I’ve been shooting this guy since last march and it really is capable of putting out some cool images. Autofocus even is pretty decent for static shots. Didn’t mean to hijack the thread, I love Olympus cameras and was actually looking for the same camera you were but the Nikon fell into my hands and I don’t regret it!

    • Thanks so much Dustin! Those 80’s Nikon point-and-shoots are gems. We’re partial to the original L35AF here; James even wrote a review for it: https://casualphotophile.com/2014/11/30/nikon-l35af-pikaichi-camera-review/

      • I have the L35AF3, whose lens isn’t quite as good as the L35AF, but I don’t think you could tell if you saw the images side-by-side. It has the 2CR5 lithium battery, which is a pain to find, but lasts quite awhile, charges the flash quickly and will never leak. It has the filter threads of the original and a better shape. Even still, I’m looking for a Stylus now. Working in camera stores in the mid-90s, I sold a ton of these. Olympus OWNED this little niche with the Stylus. Even the mighty Yashica T4, with its Zeiss Tessar, didn’t approach the popularity of the Stylus. (I had one of those too; its images weren’t noticeably better than that of the Stylus) This thing was a red-eye beast. The red eye reduction worked because the subject was guaranteed to blink or look dazed by the time the real flash went off. We were better off with the single flash, no red-eye reduction, and dot the eyes on the prints with a marker later. 😉 This camera is gaining in popularity again, since Epics are ridiculous now.

  • Pardon the pun, but a nicely “candid” review. I recently picked up the 1993 vintage “Stylus Zoom” mju in a thrift shop for $5 and find it is hampered by some of these same weaknesses, most notably the flash setting refreshing every time it is started up. Aside from the (slower f/4.5) zoom, one feature that the mju zoom has that is admittedly a joy is a 2 second max shutter speed, a huge improvement over the 1/15 you state this model has.

    I think you are spot on in noting how this camera line’s semi-cult reputation has largely overshadowed its true usefulness in the field.

    • We’ll forgive the pun! Everybody gets one. The entire range of Stylus’s (Stylii? Olympii?) are great cameras for sure, but they’re far from holy. Thanks again for reading, Adam!

  • “Occasionally fantastic shots” is about a perfect description of this camera. I had one and the best stuff it produced for me were black and white shots in Berlin, about half of which were at night with flash. I ended up giving it to a 7-year-old who showed an interest in photography. I’m still looking for the right Epic. I just can’t seem to pull the trigger on the champagne colored ones.

    • Thanks for reading, Jeb! Good move giving that Olympus to a youngster; my very first photographic experiences were with my family’s Olympus Stylus Zoom.

  • I have three of these, one like new, two users, one of them in my coat pocket almost always. I have two Epic 2.8s also but I like shooting the Stylus better even though the Epics can deliver a little better photos. (I use the Epics if I think I may need the extra qualities they offer) If you are interested, examples are posted from both of these on my flickr site in separate albums as well as a number of the zoom models also.

    • Hi Alan! Thanks for reading. Link us to those photos! It’s always great to see what our readers can do, especially with these point-and-shoots.

  • I’ve never used one of these but I’ve owned a Stylus Epic ever since it first came out (I’m on my 4th one) and it sounds like the Stylus has the same issues. Is the auto film advance as loud as that of the Stylus Epic? This aspect of the Stylus Epic makes it useless for street photography for me. The Stylus Epic’s ace in the hole is the fact that it’s water resistant. It’s always the camera I take with me in bad weather.

    • Thanks for reading, Neilson! The film advance isn’t terribly loud (especially when compared to the 80’s point and shoots), but it’s certainly there. It’s the rewind that’s incredibly noisy, and I suspect it’s about the same for both the Stylus and Stylus Epic. I have a friend whose Epic whirred pretty loudly in the middle of an intimate song. She tried to cover it up into a jacket, but to no avail. The Epic’s weatherproof nature must be nice though!

  • I bought a DLX new many years ago in champagne (classy!). When I dug it out from the junk drawer it was living in for 15 years when I starting getting into film again last year, it still had a roll of Fujifilm Super HQ in it. It’s become my adventure cam due to its weatherproofness and size. It stayed with me during a 7-hour, 26K mountain run.

  • I have used it several times and it has served its purpose of taking good photos. I love the fast response of turning on the camera after sliding the clam shell open however If not annoyed you can get use to pushing the button to turn off the flash after it opens. Overall, I have no qualms about it but finding reason not put a roll on it.

  • After trying a few dozen compacts in the last four years or so, the Mju-1 had become as close to ideal as I’ve found. Along with one other camera – it’s sibling the LT-1.

    I’ve had a couple of Mju-2s but just could not get on with them. They flash too readily, I found the handling too slippery and almost dropped every half dozen shots, and the viewfinder is really pokey. Plus the price of those now is just silly – I’ve seen them sell for £120+ on eBay! They surely weren’t that much new!

    Anyway, the Mju-1, for me, is just the right size, and once you shoot a few rolls with it and learn its strengths, it’s capable of excellent photographs, as you’ve found.

    I disagree about “capable of focusing as close as 0.35 meters, or 1.1 feet, which is about the standard for any ‘90s point-and-shoot”. One of the reasons I love the Mju-1 is its close focusing whichvery few cameras come close to – I would suggest from my experience the standard for a decent P&S is more like 0.6 – 0.9m. The difference between even 0.6 and 0.35m is huge, in terms of photographic opportunities – I’ve taken nearly whole rolls of film with the Mju-1 at that close kind of range.

    I mentioned the LT-1, which I believe is the same innards and lens as the Mju-1 but in a rounder leather covered shell. Instead of the sliding cover there’s a leather flap that covers the lens to protect it, and the camera has a specific on/off switch on the front.

    Now, this looks and sounds at first like it’s going to be a bit of a faff and less immediate than the Mju-1 to use. But the great thing about the LT-1 is when you’re walking around knowing you’ll likely be taking a shot every few minutes, you can turn the camera on, turn flash off, then fold the leather flap back down and keep it in your hand/pocket ready.

    The way the lens housing is designed means the leather flap never touches the glass, even with the camera on and lens protruding a few millimetres. To shoot, just flip the flap (which relocates itself with a clever magnetic popper) and you’re ready to go.

    This eliminates the reset at power off issues with the Mju-1 you mentioned. I actually slightly prefer the handling of the LT-1 too, that leather skin makes it pleasing tactile and grippy.

    Anyway, you might want to check out the LT-1. I got a black one for about £10, the same sort of price I paid for my Mju-1, and they came in brown leather too.

    There are usually plenty of Mju-1s around on eBay for reasonable prices, I’m not sure why you looked for one for five years in thrift stores etc when you could have got on online for about £10-20 really easily?

    Anyway, great to see a review about the camera that many consider inferior to the over-hyped (IMO) Mju-2, but for me and others is actually a much better and more enjoyable option.

    • Hey Dan! Thanks for that info on the LT-1; that seems like a strange bird indeed. And to clarify, I was trying to see if the Infinity/Mju series, specifically the Epic, was as common at secondhand shops/garage sales at the price many say they found them. It’s a common enough narrative which I thought could use some testing, especially after the recent resurgence in interest for these cameras, and film photography in general. Anyway, thanks for commenting and reading! Always appreciated.

  • I owned the Infinity Stylus Epic when it was new. While a nice little point and shoot, I never pulled it out in place of my K1000 that I learned on when I wanted good pictures. Maybe I packed it along on some day hikes instead of an SLR, but that’s about it. I would never feel a need to replace it, and think anyone who would pay a premium for one needs a serious talking to from a fellow photographer. It would be more sensible to spend that money on film for the more capable camera that you already own…

  • Ahh, there was a listing nearby in my town and could get one for 10€. When I queried, and it was less than 24h from the time of listing, it was already gone.

    It would be really nice to run with some cheap Lomo (Kodak Gold) CN film alongside my Nikon F80 or substituting it on EDC! Been looking for more P&S but the MjuII/Epic is crazy priced and no cheap ones around. Ironically, with patience, good Nikon AF SLRs (F80, F90) come around for 30-40€ rather often.

  • Just got one in San Antonio at “Texas Thrift” for $4.95. I put a new battery in and some Fuji Press 100 everything seems fine. Now waiting to see how the film develops. I typically carry my Canon Sure Shot 70zoom 4.2 as my point and shoot but this olympus is technically smaller and has a faster lens so I have high hopes for it… I love my Canon although its lens is not as fast , it has a real poppy flash so it has served me well. Somehow I don’t feel Olympus will live up to expectations. The design for both these cameras is very similar they could be cousins.

  • I found one today at Good Will for $4. Looking forward to shooting with it! I’ve cherished my XA’s and Nikon L35AF’s for a couple years now, but I’m really excited about the higher ISO rating of the Infinity Stylus. Although paying 4 times as much for the cr123a battery as i did for the camera was a bit of a buzzkill… though I guess that’s on me as I would have paid far less online if I had any patience!

  • Great write up. You nailed each aspect of using one of these bad boys. I’ve gotten some great shots with mine and also experienced the frustration of the shutter not keeping up with the action, as well as subjects coming out soft. Know any tricks for a broken one? Only recently has my stylus failed to work. I slide the front open and the screen at the top comes on like normal. However, the lens doesn’t pop out and make the electronic “on” sound and therefore the buttons, including the shutter release, do nothing as a result. I’m unsure how to remedy this. Thanks

    • Sounds like the power switch linked to the clamshell cover is clogged with pocket lint. You’d have to risk taking it apart to try to fix it. Nothing to lose!

  • I found much of the same in my experience, except I found that while the AF wasn’t as slow as I expected, it could occasionally miss on things at or near dead center. Despite all that, the lens is something of a minor miracle and some of my favorite shots to date have been taken with it. It was the only film camera I took on a trip to Seattle. Loaded it up with cheap film since these were my first two rolls with it and was pleasantly surprised.


  • Great review, I love my MJU, found it at a thrift store for $1.50 in fully working condition. I personally find myself using it more than my DSLR. Still looking for an MJU 2 though.

  • Thanks for an informative review of this surprisingly competent camera. You’ve inspired me to get mine out into active duty once again. Bought it back in ’93 mainly for taking (easy to print) candids of people met while traveling (using CN films), while letting my Canon EOS or Nikon bodies do the heavy lifting, whether with slide films or B/W. Then, one day, for reasons I can’t recall, I set the Stylus up on a tripod and shot a rough-hewn old relic of a building in a wooded setting, in some nice early spring light. It reminded me of what a sweet little lens this modest P/S camera brings to the party. I’m loving your reviews. In terms of surprisingly good little 35mm compact AF P/S cameras, you might like to have a look at the cute little Rollei Prego Micron, which has a sweet Schneider wide-ish lens. I’ve loved results with this one as well.

  • Nice colors

  • I am intrigued. why use a film camera for point and shoot? I would have thought that if I used film camera these days I would only use it for more creative photography.

    • I think people appreciate the look of film images (and specifically that compared with digital images there’s no need to post-process). When you take a shot on film, it looks good. You don’t need to deal with Lightroom or sliding adjusters to get the look you want as you do with digital.

  • I have this camera from my parents, who stopped using it in the early 2000s I think. They just leave things like this and the Trip 35 lying around, cause the excitement wore off and they have been replaced by newer products, so as the creative one in the family I could take them over from them. – I’m impressed that these cameras get so much praise. I already knew that the Trip 35 was highly respected for its quality, and wasn’t sold so much for no reason, but I didn’t know also the Mju was so praised for quality. – Seems my dad knew what he was purchasing.

    Anyway, I’ll probably be carrying this one around more, as opposed to the Trip 35 for quick shots, since it’s way sleeker and lighter, and doesn’t really need a protective case. And it also doesn’t to be set for focus or anything. – I just hope the auto-focus is to be trusted, as I’ve also read that it’s not that accurate at times. But I have yet to see results. – I’ll be pocketing this alongside my iPhone 5s (yes, still in 2018…) for quick memories and interesting scenes.

  • Nice write-up on the Mju-i (aka Infinity Stylus). I sold these new when I worked in a camera store in the early 1990s, and I was impressed with them then. A pro photographer who worked for us part time replaced his everyday-carry Minox with an Infinity Stylus because it was quicker on the draw, easier to use, and gave results that were as good or better.

    I acquired one for free a few years ago from a houseguest who left behind a big bag of stuff she didn’t want anymore. I’m selling off my Nikon F gear and just keeping this, my Rollei 35, and my two medium format folders as my camera equipment, as they suit my needs and shooting interests.

  • I got one when they first came out. To me, the 1/15 slowest speed was a major plus. At that speed, with a high ASA, you can still use the camera hand held. With a slower speed hand held becomes a blur.

  • Thanks for sharing your thoughts and images. It confirms my own experience with the mju 1, which is now my go to travel camera when I can’t pack an SLR (and ever since my XA2 started acting up). I happened upon mine by chance when I ordered a cheap Konica p&s on ebay and the seller threw one of these in for “free” I guess because the front sliding door was cracked and doesn’t stay closed (I use a piece of tape). Anyway, I get good consistent results especially with medium speed b&w film. I haven’t noticed the slow focus issue. It certainly does not replace and SLR in my book but is fine for candid travel shots.

  • I have just found a pristine Mjui at a local car boot sale here in Malta for just €3 including a new battery. I still have to load and shoot my first roll with it and looking forward for the results. I read on another review that this camera shines in close distance up to 3.5 meters. I wanted to ask if this is really true? Or have you also got good shots with subject further away? Thanks

  • Jerry Mendelsberg June 28, 2019 at 2:04 pm

    I found mine in a camera bag I put away years ago. I had totally forgotten it. I opened the clam shell doors and it had film in it. It still worked ! But for the life of me I can’t seem to open it to see or check on the batteries. Any help would be appreciated . Thanks– Jerry

    • The battery compartment is on the side. It’s quite tight, you’ll need a flat head screwdriver or maybe the edge of a dime. It only uses one battery, a CR123 lithium. (3 V) It’s between a AA and a C in in diameter, and about as long as a 9 V.

  • How do you choose which Olympus Stylus to get? I am new to 35 mm, and can’t tell which one to get.

    • If you want what most people consider to be the best one, get the Stylus Epic, also called the Mju II. Here’s our review. If you want a less expensive one, get the original Stylus, also called the Mju. If you want a zoom lens, just get any Stylus Zoom, they are all great.

  • Marissa Aguiniga January 5, 2022 at 1:36 pm

    I have the Olympus lt-1, as someone mentioned it’s basically the mju with a leather cover. It creates great images of landscapes and buildings but for some reason every portrait i’ve shot has been blurry. Maybe I need to slow down and make sure I focus my subject first and account for the shutter lag.

    • Marissa, when you half-press the shutter button, it’ll focus on what’s in the center brackets. You can half-press, then re-compose before pressing the button the rest of the way to make sure you get the right thing in focus. A common mistake people made with this old autofocus was they’d have two people standing next to each other. The brackets in the viewfinder would be between them on something WAY behind them. They’d press the button all in one stroke, which would cause the camera to focus on the background and blur the real subjects in the foreground. I bet this is what’s happening to you.

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Josh Solomon

Josh Solomon is a freelance writer and touring bassist living in Los Angeles. He has an affinity for all things analog. When not onstage, you can find him roaming around Southern California shooting film and humming a tune.

All stories by:Josh Solomon