Petri F1.9 Color Corrected Super – A Clockwork Rangefinder at a Point-and-Shoot Price

Petri F1.9 Color Corrected Super – A Clockwork Rangefinder at a Point-and-Shoot Price

1280 853 James Tocchio

Ask ten photo-geeks to make a list of their favorite rangefinders and you’ll likely find ten pretty varied lists. We can assume that most will place the Germans at the top, the Japanese at the bottom, and there may be a few wacky Eastern Europeans thrown in for variety. But even considering the typically eclectic tastes of photographers, I’d be willing to wager that none of these lists would mention the uncommon names Kuribayashi or Petri.

But the machine I found myself holding a few weeks ago was proudly engraved with these very names; Kuribayashi and Petri, two names with which I was entirely unfamiliar. I started out with low expectations. After all, if it were any good wouldn’t I have heard of it? Reining in this sudden surge of pompous arrogance, I loaded a roll of film and started shooting.

By the end of the day, Kuribayashi’s Petri F1.9 Color Corrected Super rangefinder had won me over. This relatively uncelebrated gem from a lesser-known Japanese manufacturer, while not perfect, has enough going for it to make it worthy of any photophile’s collection.

The Kuribayashi Camera Industry, as it was known at its conception, was founded around 1907. This makes it one of the earliest camera companies to ever come from Japan. Kuribayashi would later change their name to Petri, to capitalize on consumer recognition after their Petri camera achieved great sales success.

For some time, cameras made by Petri were well-regarded and sold strongly in a crowded market. Unfortunately for the small company, they were unable to compete with the marketing and popularity of the high caliber German rangefinders (Leica’s M3 would arrive just as Petri was reaching their peak), and the incoming wave of technically superior Japanese SLRs were leaps ahead of Petri’s cameras in features and brand recognition. These factors would signal the end of Petri’s ability to compete, and the company would finally file for bankruptcy in 1977.

While they weren’t technically the best, the cameras made by Kuribayashi (and the later Petri) were made to a very high standard. This emphasis on quality construction has helped to ensure that the Petri legacy lives on. Models made over half a century ago are still working flawlessly. This longevity is a testament to the engineers and designers who strove to create these wonderful, under-appreciated machines.

The model featured here, the Petri F1.9, was produced around 1958 and existed in a series of revisions for approximately four years. What it is, is a fairly simple 35mm film rangefinder camera with a relatively fast maximum aperture and a mostly-capable leaf shutter. What’s not readily apparent by its specs, is just how nice it looks, feels, and shoots.

One of the more interesting moments while testing the camera was the discovery of a sticker on the inside of the film door. This sticker embodies everything that’s so great about experiencing vintage photography gear; the small surprises that make one pause and imagine a simpler time in which quality and reliability were more highly prized than gimmicks and trends. The words on the sticker stand as a telling reminder of the confidence Kuribayashi had in their product. Their cameras were guaranteed not to break, and if they did, Petri would fix them; no questions asked.

At the time of its release, the aesthetic of the F1.9 would have been inauspiciously typical of what the Japanese were creating in the world of rangefinders. Today, it’s a striking minimalist design made all the more exciting by contrast against the ever blander offerings in modern consumer-grade cameras. It’s practically dripping with retro-chic styling. More industrial than its German, bauhaus counterparts, it’s a serious, mechanical beast in a compact, businesslike package. This thing is slim, purposeful, and timeless.

Mechanical in looks and mechanical in nature, the Petri F1.9 is, as expected, entirely mechanical. The camera uses no batteries and there’s also no built-in light meter, which may serve as a liability to some shooters. But this also means there are no batteries to replace, no need to carry spares, and no risk of acid leaks. Most importantly, the entirely mechanical nature of the camera means there’s no old circuitry to degrade and fail as the camera ages, a common problem in vintage photography. This lack of gizmos and user aids requires the photographer to understand photography, demanding all settings be adjusted manually without assistance from electronics. This camera, like the old Leicas and many others of the era, is all about the purity and essence of photography.

The Petri F1.9 uses a 45mm f/1.9 lens featuring six elements in four groups. The aperture is a step-less affair, and runs from f/1.9 to f/16. The Copal shutter is capable of speeds from 1/500th of a second to 1 second, as well as Bulb mode. The slow maximum shutter speed may lead to difficulty using the relatively fast aperture in bright light, though lens filter threads do allow for mounting of neutral density filters. And besides, you’ll likely want to shoot this thing stopped down a bit to coax the sharpest images possible.

The “orikkor” lens gets the job done, but it lacks the sharpness that some shooters can’t live without. Even with the aperture stopped down the camera produces images that aren’t super fine when compared to some other, more expensive rangefinders. It’s not a severe malady, but photographers who need clean, razor sharp images may find themselves disappointed. It also seems that this camera’s optical coatings aren’t as good as some might be accustomed to, with flaring and ghosting being an intermittent issue.

Then again, this lack of clinical perfection has its charm. Sharpness isn’t the most important thing in the world, and the Petri lens renders things in a way that many will find ambiguously pleasing. The ten-bladed aperture helps to produce decadent bokeh, and stopped down things remain delightfully imperfect. There’s a nice, soft tone to images captured by the F1.9. Prints come back looking warmer and gentler, as if the camera sees things through the comfortable haze of memory, rather than documenting cold reality. Perhaps it’s because of this optical nebulousness that the Petri has found cult popularity among enterprising street photographers.

Ergonomically the Petri presents a very nice package. The film advance lever and shutter release button are well-positioned and offer satisfying throws. The aperture ring, shutter speed selector, and focus mechanism are all concentric rings surrounding the lens. Additional lens-mounted controls are for the flash synch speed (M and X), and self-timer mechanism. Focus actuation is nice and smooth, and appropriately short for a rangefinder. It’s easy to quickly focus in on a subject without too much trouble or wasted time.

Niggling design problems are few, but comprise a self-timer lever that is positioned in such a way as to accidentally engage, causing unexpectedly delayed shutter release. Additionally troublesome is a film rewind button that needs to be continually depressed as the film is rewound. Being careless may result in damaged film. These are small issues, and don’t affect much once the photographer has become acclimated to the machine.

The top plate includes a cold shoe, as well as a visually interesting wheel to indicate the type and speed of film loaded into the camera. The shooter sets the wheel to black-and-white or color, and then sets ISO speed for a reminder of the film in the camera.

At 680g the camera is solid, but not heavy. With full-metal construction the Petri is a robust machine that can handle abuse. This is a camera that doesn’t need to be coddled. strap lugs are solid and well-positioned to avoid the awkward swinging that’s often the result of less thoughtful designs. Its fully manual nature makes single-handed operation unlikely, though if one is so inclined, scale focusing can be used to snap some surreptitious street shots on the quick.

The rangefinder and viewfinder windows are tiny. This can lead to trouble in low-light situations. Still, frame lines are visible enough, and the rangefinder patch is deeply contrasty. If shots are out of focus it’s likely not the cameras fault. A common and easily solved issue with these cameras is that the viewfinder and rangefinder windows can easily become dirty due to their tiny, recessed openings. Simple use of a Q-tip and some rubbing alcohol will have the finder optics immediately returned to like-new brightness.

One of the most impressive facets of the Petri is the cost. Holding this machine in the hand one would expect to pay hundreds. The way the camera feels, the way it operates, and the photos it takes place it in the same class with some of the more expensive vintage machines. Certainly it’s not a Leica, but it’s also not priced like a Leica. This fantastic camera, in perfect order, will cost less than $80. This is one of the great deals of the photographic world, and it’s difficult to think of a reason to pass it over.

The F1.9 is from that exceptional class of cameras that are mechanical in the most basic sense of the word. It comes from a time when electronic technology wasn’t the dominant force in photography. Build quality often trumped everything, and Petri knew how to make them. This camera harkens back to an age when manufacturers assumed their customers would practice a certain level of expertise; the camera requires a shooter to have knowledge of what makes a good photograph, and rewards those who respect the craft and hone their abilities. For budget-conscious photographers who are looking for a manual rangefinder of impeccable quality, the Petri F1.9 is pretty close to perfect.

Want your own Petri F1.9?

Buy it on eBay 

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Buy it from our own F Stop Cameras

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James Tocchio

James Tocchio is a writer and photographer, and the founder of Casual Photophile. He’s spent years researching, collecting, and shooting classic and collectible cameras. In addition to his work here, he’s also the founder of the online camera shop

All stories by:James Tocchio
  • Love this!

  • Really like where you are going with this post in particular, finding an unheralded “gem,” and giving us the ins and outs of its history and usage. I’m sure there are hundreds of pages out that there that adore Leica and Contax rangefinders, but I can’t say I’d ever heard of a Petri! These are the finds that can make photography a really fun adventure!

    • Thank you my friend. I’m really glad you like posts like this. I like to emphasize that you don’t need a massive disposable income for photography to enrich your life. It’s possible to create amazing photos with any camera! Thanks again.

  • My first 35mm camera was a Petri 7s back in 1966. It had selenium cell meter wrapped around an optically adequate lens and it was accurate enough to shoot Kodachrome 25. The 7s was prone to shutter problems later on, but I learned to love photography through the lens of this camera, so there is one sitting proudly on the Nostalgia Shelf on a bookcase. I’ve never used a Petri F1.9 color, but your article makes me want to find one. Thanks!

  • Hey, James, I’m working on my own YouTube review of this. On my copy the film advance lever advances even if the shutter button hasn’t been pushed. It still cocks the shutter after it has been pushed but only advances the film if the shutter button was not pushed. Does yours operate in the same manner, or is mine mildly defective?

    • Hi David,

      That sounds weird. I seem to remember that once the film was advanced and the shutter cocked the lever wouldn’t actuate or advance the film, but I could be mistaken.

      Unfortunately the camera I used for the review has since found a new owner, or I would check for sure. If I come across another Petri F1.9 I’ll update the info here for you.

      Let me know when your review is posted. I’d love to watch it. Great little rangefinder.

      • Thank you for the quick reply. I suspect it has a weird mechanical glitch. Amazing that the film advance still runs — a testament to how well these operate. I’ll let you know when it’s up. I’m going to be filming a bunch of videos soon and editing in the coming months.

      • Geezer here. I’ve had that happen before. On one camera (a old Olympus Trip35), it was a worn lever that wasn’t making contact with the gear to stop it from being advanced. That was in the top of the camera and the camera wasn’t worth having repaired.

        The other time was on a Canonet QL17 and it was a problem with the film rewind button not disengaging. You can check that by putting a roll of film in the camera, advancing a few frames and then trying to rewind the film. If it will rewind without having to do anything else, then the problem is in that mechanism. I’m not familiar with that model Petri, but my Racer and 7s both have recessed buttons on the bottom of the camera.

        On some cameras, there are a lot of parts under tension that want to go flying when covers are removed, so pull that bottom plate at your own risk!

        Hope that helps.

    • That would be faulty. The film advance should not work until the shutter button has been pressed. You can download a manual for the camera from here:

    • Answer is B. Yours is mildly defective.
      I have several different Petris, and they all operate like normal lever-wound film cameras.
      Once you have advanced the film and the lever has returned to its resting position, you can’t wind it again until the shutter has been released.

  • the rewind thing is different … you don’t have to hold the button down while rewinding.. you put a quarter on a flat surface fitting it in the recess… then press down and rewind… ta da!

  • Interesting review of an obscure camera. My father-in-law had a similar Petri 35mm rangefinder camera that I used for a short time.

  • I have a Petri E.Bn Color Corrected Super camera with Petri Orikkor 1.9 f= 4.5cm lens No.210098 on it. Has leather case and looks in great condition. Does anyone know how much I could sell it for?

    • I’ve seen them as low as $40 and as high as $70, but I don’t know that they sold at either price. The problems with that series Petri cameras are 1) a weak shutter and 2) a selenium meter that probably isn’t working properly after this many years. Shutter problems are common to most Petri rangefinder cameras. My first 35mm camera was a Petri 7s and I really like them, but they aren’t very valuable.

      • There is no selenium meter and I have several with shutters still shooting with no problems.

        • Sorry–I should have specified the selenium cell models. I have several of the old selenium light meters, including a couple of Gossen Pilots, that look great, but are quite dead. I paid $35 for my first 7s. The shutter went out in less than 2 years, so I had it repaired and that lasted about 1 year. Since the Petri 7s was my first 35mm camera, I have a certain liking for them and bought a 2nd one used. When the shutter crapped out on it, I donated it to the repair center.

          A look at some of the forums show that quite a few owners had shutter problems with Petri’s, but I had a Petri Color 35e that was excellent and still have a Petri Racer that refuses to die. I currently have a 3rd working 7s, but it sits on a shelf along with the auxiliary lens set. Why tempt fate?

          Oh, I haven’t forgotten about the Kaiser Bismark photo for you to see–I’ve just not had time to set up a copy stand to photograph it.

      • Hello from 2022. I own four Petri’s, including two 7s’s, one 7, and this exact 1.9 Color Corrected model—my favorite—in beautiful seemingly working condition (I have only shot one of the 7s’s so far because I have far too many cameras). The light meters and shutters on the 7 and 7s all still work and work accurately. However, the lens barrels on just the 7s’s are both slightly wobbly, like too much stuff was layered onto them without enough support. But that doesn’t seem to affect sharpness. Anyway, I love the look and feel of the 35 1.9 CC so much I will definitely shoot it soon. It seems like a truly modern mechanical camera even to the point of tossing the annoying coupled EV system that always takes time, three hands and reading glasses to work around.

    • i would ask 300 to 400

  • The camera does feature a cable release, but it’s located on the lens rather than in the shutter button.

  • This was my 1st 35mm camera, which I “appropriated” from my parents in the mid-60s. They bought while in Japan in the late ’50s. It kept me going until 1971 when I bought my 1st Nikkormat; It went with me to school in Mexico in 1975 because of its lightness compared with the Nikkormat and a 50mm 1.4 lens (the lens is a monster). Petri was a fine camera. Don’t even know what happened to it. Think I need to buy one.

  • I’m trying mine out for the first time today, I’ll let you know how I get on later.

    Point of information. The Japanese camera industry had problems selling in the UK as import taxes were severely high. The German industry was taxed to but not to the same amount hence why German cameras were more popular in UK.

  • I had a serious Petri GAS attack over the summer. I was looking at the famous auction site, I blacked out, and when I came to I owned three Petris. (For about $100 altogether.)
    Suprisingly, all three shutters and all three apertures worked perfectly, and all three lenses were completely free of fog and internal crud. Try that with a 50-year-old Leica lens.
    Alas, all three focusing helicals were welded almost solid by dryed-up grease, and the viewing systems were pretty cloudy. I fixed the cheapest and (I thought) simplest one, but it was a tough slog. There’s a million parts in there. I’ve sent the other two to someone who knows what he’s doing.
    Also, that little sticker is pretty amazing. “If this camera breaks, send it to us and we’ll fix it.” Clearly the Kuribayashi folks had no clue how capitalism is supposed to work. That warranty statement is completely biased in favor of the customer. No charge, no expiration date, and you don’t even have to present your guarantee card. Kind of like if it has “Petri” on it, then we made it and we’re responsible for it.
    Not at all the same as those 5000 word printed-in-gray ink EULAS that we have to sign now before we can use the stuff we paid for.

  • The warranty is impressive.

  • Michael S. Goldfarb August 18, 2021 at 10:45 am

    I just snagged a beautiful Petri 7s rangefinder (45/2.8 lens version) at a flea market last weekend for $20! Everything seems to work perfectly, even the around-the-lens Selenium light meter (probably because the original lenscap has been on for decades). I shot a half roll of Tri-X to test it, which I’ll develop soon. Hey, even if it’s not a good shooter, it’s still a great addition to the collection for twenty bucks.

    My main personal camera 1969-1983 was the fantastic Petri Color 35, so I have a soft spot for the brand. The Color 35 is a very cool little camera that you guys should do a retrospective on sometime.

  • One other thing about this camera: As on Yashica Mats and old Nikons, you need to remove the ring around the shutter release and screw on a cable release adapter and older Nikon adapted cable.

  • One other thing about this camera: As on Yashica Mats and old Nikons, you need to remove the ring around the shutter release and screw on a cable release adapter *or* older Nikon adapted cable.

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James Tocchio

James Tocchio is a writer and photographer, and the founder of Casual Photophile. He’s spent years researching, collecting, and shooting classic and collectible cameras. In addition to his work here, he’s also the founder of the online camera shop

All stories by:James Tocchio