Point and Shoot

Re-evaluating the Cost of Film Cameras (And Offering Some Alternatives)

2200 1238 Jeb Inge

Jeb evaluates the current film camera market, and offers some great alternatives to over-priced (over-hyped) models.

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Agfa Optima 1035 Sensor Review

2000 1125 Connor Brustofski

Two years and four countries after he first shot it, Connor realizes that the Agfa Optima 1035 Sensor is his ideal everyday camera.

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The Ghost of Christmas Past in Champagne Gold; or, a Story of the Olympus Stylus

2000 1125 Leah Damgaard-Hansen

Leah revisits an old friend in the Olympus Stylus. What was once a cherished Christmas gift brings new joy, years later.

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My Olympus Mju II Zoom, and What Really Matters

2000 1125 Dario Veréb

Dario Vereb contemplates family, stubborness, and the photographer’s existential question in this article loosely hung on an Olympus Mju II.

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Who Knows What the Future Holds – Olympus AZ-4 / Ricoh Mirai Review

1800 1012 Connor Brustofski

The Olympus AZ-4 and the Ricoh Mirai are not great cameras. But they’ve meant more to me than I ever thought a lump of plastic could.

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The Canon Prima Zoom 76 and Thoughts on the Cheap Point and Shoot

1800 1013 Hemant Chatterji

Hemant revisits a childhood friend, the Canon Prima Zoom 76, and offers some thoughts on the inexpensive 35mm film point and shoot camera.

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Minolta Hi-Matic AF2 Review

1800 1013 Jeb Inge

Jeb reviews the Minolta Hi-Matic AF2, a 35mm point and shoot film camera from the dawn of the autofocus era.

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Samsung ECX-1 – the Camera Equivalent of a Concept Car 

1800 1012 Connor Brustofski

Connor reviews the oddball Samsung ECX-1, a Porsche-designed point and shoot 35mm film camera from the mid-1990s.

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I Understand Why the Yashica Samurai Failed

1800 1013 Connor Brustofski

It’s 1987. Kyocera designers ask one simple question. “Can we fit a camera inside a taco shell?” And the Yashica Samurai was born.

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Agfamatic 2008 Pocket Sensor 110 Camera Review featuring Lomography Film

1800 1013 Jeb Inge

Our man in Berlin, Jeb, shoots some Lomography 110 film through the Agfa Agfamatic 2008 Pocket Sensor, a compact 110 film camera.

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Ricoh GRD IV Digital Point and Shoot Camera Review

1500 844 James Tocchio

Ten years after its release, James stumbled onto the Ricoh GRD IV, a premium compact digital that still surprises (in ways good and bad) a decade later.

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Ten Great Point and Shoot Film Cameras From $25 to $99

2100 1181 James Tocchio

For every expensive, over-hyped point and shoot camera there are ten or twenty others that are damn near as good at one-tenth the price. Here’s a list of a few that we’ve personally enjoyed.

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Chinon Splash Review – My Sleeper Point and Shoot of the Year

2100 1181 James Tocchio

The weatherproof, sand and dust resistant Chinon Splash is so surprisingly excellent that it may be James’ sleeper point and shoot of the year!

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Canon MC Review – an ’80s Masterpiece that Fails Today

2560 1440 James Tocchio

James reviews the Canon MC, a point and shoot 35mm film camera from 1984 that’s all style and very little substance to today’s shooter.

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