Minolta MD Rokkor X 45mm F/2 Lens Review

Minolta MD Rokkor X 45mm F/2 Lens Review

2000 1125 Jeb Inge

I have a chambray button-down shirt that everyone seems to love. There’s nothing special about it and I bought it at the Bass outlet for less than $10. But every time I wear it out someone compliments me on it. It delivers every time, even though I don’t really understand how or why it does.

The Rokkor 45mm f/2 pancake lens is my optical chambray shirt. It’s not flashy, it’s not a work of art, and it’s certainly not pricey – but time and time again this lens delivers the sharpest, most reliable images of any piece of glass I have. And at roughly $25-50, it’s one of the best values anywhere on the manual-focus market.

It says a lot about the inconspicuous nature of this glass that I can’t remember precisely how it came into my posession, but it probably arrived as an unintended hanger-on with either a Minolta XD or an SRT-202, both of which are fantastic cameras. But I bought these cameras without much thought to the lenses that came with them, the proverbial gravy on the mashed potato mountain of my dreams.

I can’t even say I was really excited about shooting the 45mm for a long time after acquiring it. Maybe it was because the seller had all but given it away, or that I wasn’t finding much information about it online. But after running a few rolls through it, the 45mm quickly started to show itself as a perennial overachiever, and it quickly became my favorite lens.

I guess when you’re the cheapest, smallest lens in a family named Rokkor, and with all the reputation that comes with such a name, overachieving is a necessity if you want to get noticed.

Its spec sheet is pretty standard for the MD Rokkor-X lenses that would come to be Minolta’s final manual focus lens lineup in the late 1970s and early ‘80s. With a maximum aperture of F/2, it’s relatively quick while falling a bit short of “fast prime” status. Its minimum focus distance of 0.6 meters (almost two feet) is nothing to write home about. And with an aperture that only stops down to F/16, and construction that’s more plasticky than its predecessors, it seems this lens might be one to be forgotten. But it’s sophisticated design (six elements in five groups) is so incredibly compact that the ho-hum spec sheet is quickly forgotten once we hold it in the hands.

At only 1.6 inches long and weighing 4.4 ounces, this lens is small. Really small. And while it’s not quite a pancake lens, that hasn’t stopped most people from bunching it with this minuscule class of lenses. Attach it to any of Minolta’s manual focus cameras and you’ll soon see why.

I’ve used the 45mm F/2 on all of my Minolta bodies, but it seems most at home attached to one of the brand’s smaller bodies, like the XD. On this machine, it fits. With its undeniably inconspicuous profile, it’s a lens that’s far from intimidating, and this coupled with it’s interesting focal length of 45mm makes it an ideal lens for street photography. Subjects may glance your way, but expect to be dismissed as just an inoffensive tourist.

And if you happen to be a tourist, like I frequently am, it’s hard to not take this lens with you. I’ve taken the 45mm to five different countries and chosen it many times over arguably better lenses. The well-regarded 50mm/1.4 stayed home because I preferred the 45’s size and weight. The wider 35mm/2.8 stayed home because it was slightly slower and nowhere near as sharp. Even when I have other lenses with me packed just inside the bag on my back, it’s rare that the 45 comes off of my XD.

I’ll admit that the technical aspects of a lens rarely interest me. When it comes right down to it, I don’t really care how many groups and how many elements are in a lens (even though I know I probably should.) Vignetting seems more like personality than liability, and flares and ghosts sound more like things to be avoided rather than lens descriptors.

I know these things are important, but I just can’t seem to make myself care about them. When it comes to my lens, the things I care about are what sort of photos it makes, and how fast its aperture is – in that order. Toward those ends, I’ve never been disappointed by the 45mm.

I’ve always found color reproduction to be accurate, and contrast might not be described as muted, but it’s also not oozing with saturation. It sits somewhere between the two in a really pleasing way. When shot wide open, its bokeh is pleasing but not distracting and I imagine that’s helped by the short focus distance. If you’re someone who believes the adage that you have to get close to your subject, the 45mm will help you do that.

In short, this is a great lens with which to document things. It sees the world as we do, both from its field of view and the way it captures the subject. That’s very important if you’re traveling, shooting on the street, or even taking pictures of a hot dog at a state fair, (that’s right, pictures of food aren’t solely the duty of cell phones).

All this gushing really leaves me at a loss when searching for things I don’t like about it.

Some people wish it were faster, but I’ve never shot it thinking “I could really use a 1.7 or 1.4.” Some people prefer the wider 35mm for street, but I’ve been on enough street shoots to know that 10mm doesn’t change photos as much as some might say. And the pre-mentioned ghosts and flares do crop up in certain lighting situations. But again, I don’t care.

If I’m honest with myself, I just wish the lens was sexier. Maybe with more metal, or higher-end build quality. But that’s about it, and to be honest, this is really a dumb thing to fault a lens for and an even dumber thing to care about as a photographer. And in the end, that complaint just fades away.

If Minolta’s Rokkor lenses were the band members of Fleetwood Mac, the 45mm would be John McVie – the quiet, unassuming man slappin’ the basslines that helped define rock music for a generation of listeners. Even through the insane amount of drama Fleetwood Mac produced on and off of albums, McVie is most remembered for riffing the bassline that eventually became The Chain. He’s never had the manic genius of a Lindsey Buckingham or the cultish mysticism of a Stevie Nicks, but McVie has been the backbone of the band for decades. Even into his seventies, the dude continues to produce top-notch work without the overhead of hype.

The 45mm is Minolta’s quiet performer. Unassuming, under-appreciated, but capable of producing solid, exceptional images time and time again. It’s light in both the wallet and in the camera bag, and whether it’s found attached to a relatively cheap Minolta body or not, the cost should be negligible.

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Jeb Inge

Jeb Inge is a Berlin-based photographer and writer. He has previously worked in journalism, public history and public relations.

All stories by:Jeb Inge
  • I have a somewhat similar dilemma. I frequently find myself tempted to pick one up, but then I remember that I have a 35/1.8 and a 50/1.4, and find myself wondering just what I’d do with a 45/2. That said, nice pics (especially the one of the ferris wheel)! You’ve tempted me again…

    • That 35mm 1.8 is a lens that’s been sitting on my “to test” shelf for over a year. Do you like it?

      • Love it to bits! I picked it up in a Minolta auction lot (lot auction?) thinking I’d sell it off, but after using it for a while I decided that its a keeper. It performed magnificently on a recent trip I took, and it’s paired to my cam most of the time now. Would love to see a CP review of it, used at its full potential (I shoot on APS-C).

  • A very good and entertaining review of a nice lens. I has done some good work for me and takes up little room in the bag. Thanks, jon

  • yessssss. One of these came with the XG 1 body I bought when I had two X-700s fail and I gave up on them, but still wanted to shoot all my Rokkor glass. Since getting this lens, it has become the Minolta lens I shoot most often, and for the very reasons you cite: small, light, a little wider than normal, excellent at documenting whatever you see. Taking the lens to the fair like you did shows off an ideal use for this lens, and the photos back that up.

    This lens has an interesting bokeh pattern. I’ve heard it roundly criticized, but I think it looks like a painting:


    • Jim, that shot has really magical tones. Thanks for sharing it. I love Minolta’s color. Anyway, I can see why some people would say he bokeh is distracting, but I agree with you entirely. Evenly blended and consistent blur is essentially nothingness. The bokeh in the shot you posted looks exactly as you describe – brush strokes made by a masterful painter. Beautiful.

  • obeythe10thMiguel Mercado July 21, 2017 at 9:30 pm

    While I am very new to photography, I have to say that from all the lenses i own, to include a 50mm 1.4, I love my 45mm.


    Thank you for the review!

  • This lens might just be the ticket for use on my XD body. I love compact lenses on small SLR bodies.

  • Cork Van Den Handel July 21, 2017 at 9:38 pm

    I bought one of these earlier this year because of all the hype I’d read on the Internet over the years: “… I call it my little sharp one.”, etc. It is what it is – a cheap kit lens produced by one of the finest lens manufacturers in the world. Is it sharp? Compared to a Rokkor MD 50mm f/1.4 or a straight MD 50mm f/1/4? Nope. It’s very good at f/8 and f/11, but it can’t touch either of them for sharpness. Better blur (“bokeh”)? Totally subjective, but… eh. Is it a good lens? Absolutely! It’s a Rokkor! Seriously: how many bad lenses can you name that have an MD Rokkor label? This is a great lens if you are looking for: light weight and unobtrusive. I will take it for street photography – set it at f/11 and set it for hyperfocal… on a quiet body (XD-11) this is as close to a rangefinder as you can get in an SLR. But if I’m going on an extended trip, this lens will wait at home and I’ll take one of my 50mm f/1.4 lenses – probably the Rokkor-X MD II so I can standardize on 55mm filters. The 45mm is a good lens in a great family of lenses, and it is capable of creating wonderful images. But let’s not make it into something it’s not.

    • I agree with you. I think Jeb did well to tell it like it is. The 45 is a great lens that does what he wants it to do. It’s sort of a perfect all-rounder – great at everything, the best at nothing. Or that’s how I took it, anyway. My favorite is still the final MD 50/1.4!

  • I’ve got a bunch of Minolta glass, and yet like you, this has become the default lens on my XD-s. Just never puts a foot wrong. Typical Minolta – quirky and a bit cheap-feeling, but it always comes to the party where it counts. Wish the company was still around, making weird-ass gear with a lot of soul.

  • I’m not a Minolta shooter but my Contax 45mm F/2.8 pancake lens has instantly become my most used lens for all the same reasons. Give it a try !

  • My go-to lens. I love it and I agree with your article entirely. I picked it up for it’s size and that 45mm focal length – I like that it is a touch wider than 50mm, making it (for me) a real all-rounder. Being a cheaper lens I’m also more inclined to take it out and shoot it more! Thanks. Andy.

  • Great! Now I got Fleetwood Mac in my head. I read this while away from home…swearing I had at least two of these…I got home and went straight to my gear…alas…nothing. I’ve got a handful of the 50mm 1:2, twice that many 50mm 1:1.7, and a 50mm 1:1.4. I don’t know why old Minolta gear speaks to me, but it does.

  • I’ve got one of these that looks new. I’ve never used it. I really should mount it up on the XE7 and give it a go soon.

  • I bought a whole suite of Rokkor glass, but this 45/2 and the 55/1.7 are the ones I keep coming back to. On the A7II it’s a great all-arounder and a joy to use. Once I crank up the contrast photos out of it really pop, and it is tack sharp from the word go. My only gripe is the slightly brownish-greenish tinge that seems to be the Rokkor character… that’s somewhat correctable in post though. I personally love the 40mm FOV most but I wasn’t blown away by the Noktor 40mm and the 40 STM is competent but boring in use and output. Thanks for the review!

    • Yes, the brownish greenish tinge, very perceptive of you. I use this lens on micro 4/3 Olympus and youve hit the nail on the head. This lens on digital looks very filmic 35mm in b&w convertions too.

  • Great post! Got the 45mm on my XD’s. Indeed, a match made in photo-heaven. Very agile shooter.

  • Awesome post. I’ve recently been using my 45mm Rokkor-X 1:2 on my recently acquired Sony a6000 with the K&F adapter and love it. I hope to post a blog entry with photos this week at http://www.theunrecoveringphotographyaddict.com.

  • I got mine brand new a few months ago on ebay. Yes that is right, brand new in it he box! Don’t ask me how, but it is the best and luckiest buy I have ever had. Anyway I love it, mounted on my Sony a6000 it is the sharpest lens i have and a joy to use. Focus is crystal clear through the live view with focus peaking. Easily on par with my Sony Zeiss lenses and about a 20th of the cost.

  • I agree with your assessment of the lovely little MD45 f/2. I have been very impressed with results, when fitted to cameras ranging from a humble Nex-6, right up to the A7R III.

  • I think that you are dead right with the XD/45mm f2 combination they were almost made for each other, similarly I have a 570 which is rarely parted from a MD 35-70 f3.5 (macro version) this used to be on the XD until I acquired the 45mm. A 50MM F1.4 is on my SRT303 and again they seem very much suited to each other. I think the 50mm was the kit lens on the 303.

    • I have two SRT 303 with their boxes , a black with the MC PG 50/1.4 was the original kit and a silver with de MC 50/1.7 as kit

  • Really great review. I’m picking up an XG-1 with this lens next week. Excited to shoot it. I’ve been using a 28mm 1:2.5 on an SRT lately. Too wide & often too big. Looking forward to something more compact. Thanks again for the write-up

  • Little Round Box May 13, 2020 at 3:04 pm

    For each camera I have, I like to have one great lens that provides a 1:1 view in the viewfinder. With many DSLRs this is often a 58 but on my NEX7 which i still enjoy more than other more modern choices, the Minolta 45mm/2 provides a 1:1 view. I enjoy walking around with both eyes open. 🙂

    NB: For the A7r, I use a MS Sonnetar 73mm 1.5 which provides a perfect 1:1 and is an amazing lens.

  • I inherited 3 x 45mm f2 from friends and family. I never really used them as I was lusting over the 50mm f1.4. Eventually i bought a A7ii and this was my most used lens. I cannot state how good images this lens produce. If there was one issue, well not issue but it would have been nice if it could focus closer. i believe this would have made it even better. I now only use it on my minolta Xe-5 while the 50’s are gathering dust.

  • Great review and couldn’t agree more. This is the lens I use most often for travel either on my XD7 or adapted to Sony A7II

  • Oh das Foto mit der Wurst und Senf, ah aber wo ist der Bierkrug?
    Great review! I am thinking more and more than Minolta is really a fantastic brand which has lost her energy with Leica. Leica, with this pragmatism just make a lot of money, reason why they have no feeling to see their brand logo on a Huawei or Xiaomi mobile phone now.
    There are many pancakes, and your review show perfectly that the price is not a guarantee of quality.
    Merry Christmas.

  • Hi and thank you very much for your excellent review (as usual !).
    How would you compare – only in rendering and image quality – this lens to the M Rokkor 40 f2 ?

    • They are not the same rendering at all. This one is much more crisp at f2 and that is a good thing for both lenses. The M-rokkor has character at f2 that is very special and the 45 is great for low light while still retaining sharpness. I use the 45 on my NEX 7 that was converted to monochrome. It makes a great short portrait lens and it is 1:1 with the EVF of the NEX7. shooting with both eyes open on the NEX7 is alot of fun for street photography.

  • the scrolling experience on this page is terrible

    • I’ve had a couple of people say this to me over the years, and I can’t say that I understand what you mean. But I’d love to fix it if possible. Can you explain what’s happening, and maybe let me know what browser you’re using? Thanks very much.

  • thank you for the great review! such a fun read, and amazing photos 🙂

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Jeb Inge

Jeb Inge is a Berlin-based photographer and writer. He has previously worked in journalism, public history and public relations.

All stories by:Jeb Inge