Nikon Series E 50mm F/1.8 Lens Review – Value Proposition

Nikon Series E 50mm F/1.8 Lens Review – Value Proposition

2800 1572 Josh Solomon

Kit lenses are, for the most part, forgettable things. The hordes of slow wide-range zooms and 50mm f/1-point-whatever lenses have very few standouts among their ranks. They’re meant to be good-enough until the mediocrity becomes unbearable and better lenses become impossible to resist. It makes sense from a business standpoint, but as a shooter it never feels like we’re getting a manufacturer’s best when we shoot the kit lens.

These preconceptions figured when I bought my first film camera, which happened to be a Nikon FG. At the time, reviews of the FG essentially boiled down to, “get it for the F-mount.” I bought the FG looking forward to the creamy bokeh of the Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 or the ultra-sharp, distortionless Nikkor 28mm f/2.8. I thought I’d just use the kit lens to test if the camera actually worked, and that the fun would really begin when I abandoned the kit lens for more exotic glass.

You know where this is going. In the end, the lowly kit lens would never unmount from my Nikon FG. It would become the lens through which I saw and shot my formative years as a photo geek, the lens that taught me the ins-and-outs of my favorite focal length, and the lens that endeared me to Nikon for life. It’s an example of what can happen when a company gives everybody their best from the very beginning. And I found their best in the Nikon Series E 50mm f/1.8.

History and Design

The legend of the Series E 50mm begins in 1979, when Nikon launched the Series E line of compact, budget-conscious lenses. The then new Series E line was comprised of eight lenses (five primes in focal lengths of 28mm, 35mm, 50mm, 100mm, and 135mm, and three zooms in 36-72mm, 75-150mm, and 70-210mm), and was intentionally set apart from the flagship Nikkor lenses, as Nikon couldn’t bear to sully the Nikkor name with plastic components and simplified lens coatings. And while these lenses cost less to manufacture and to buy, it seems that Nikon also couldn’t bear to put out a subpar product. Many of the Series E lenses actually ended up being very good. The most common of them, the Series E 50mm f/1.8, turned out to be the best of the bunch.

Even though the Series E 50mm eventually bore the scarlet letters of a budget marque, it was designed with much loftier intentions. It was originally intended to be Nikon’s attempt at finally improving their old standard Nikkor 50mm f/2 lens to compete with the compact sub-f/2 50mm lenses of the day. The goal was to make the existing Nikkor 50mm f/2 smaller and faster, all while improving image quality across the board, a tall order.

Enter Nikon lens designer Souichi Nakamura. Nakamura was tasked with shrinking a supposedly un-shrinkable design, the Double Gauss (Planar, for Zeiss obsessives) lens design used in the Nikkor 50mm f/2. The task was thought to be impossible due to the characteristics of the symmetrical, and therefore bulky, Double Gauss lens design. But like most strokes of genius, the solution was obvious – Nakamura slimmed down a couple of the lens elements, made them a bit flatter, and called it good.

It was a masterstroke – slimming down those lens elements shortened the lens considerably, improved flare resistance, cut down considerably on coma and lateral chromatic aberration, and nearly eliminated distortion even at the lens’ minimum focusing distance. This new design quite literally created a new standard for Nikkor lenses, and helped lay the blueprint for what would become the next generation of Nikkor AIS lenses.

Nakamura’s newly-designed lens hit the market in 1979, but not under the Nikkor name, at least not in North America. It was housed in plastic instead of the usual metal, its elements single coated instead of multicoating, and the lens surround read “Nikon Series E” instead of “Nikkor.” It also could not be found bundled onto the lens mounts of cameras like the pro-spec F2 and advanced-amateur FM; it instead came standard on the consumer-level Nikon EM, placing this innovative lens into the hands of the average consumer.

The rather lowly beginnings of the Series E 50mm served a very important role for Nikon. Like the later 35mm f/2.8 Sonnar lens that became the signature of the Nikon L35AF Pikaichi, the Series E 50mm was meant to be the signature lens of the Nikon EM. The idea was that the high optical quality of the Series E 50mm would be strong enough to bolster sales of the EM and lend it some legitimacy in the crowded consumer SLR market. It was a good plan – the Series E 50mm became Nikon’s honey pot for its consumer SLR line. It became the kit lens not only for the Nikon EM, but for the later FG and FG-20, giving Nikon a valuable share of the lucrative consumer 35mm SLR market.

Nearly forty years later, the Series E 50mm has become somewhat of a cult classic, loved by many for its image quality and its very low price point. Though it has been optically surpassed by other lenses, it offers the most bang-for-your-buck performance in the Nikon lineup. I’d even hasten to say that the Nikon Series E 50mm f/1.8 is the best classic standard lens available on the vintage market for beginners or for anyone on a budget.

Imaging Characteristics

In use, the first thing one notices about the Series E 50mm is its diminutive size. Though it’s not technically small enough to be considered a pancake lens, it is short and stout enough that most people stretch the term to fit. It’s far smaller than the cathedrals of glass and metal that we find in the the old school pre-AI Nikkor lenses, and it lightens up the feel of most SLR’s, even the pro-spec F-series behemoths. It should be said that the focusing ring and aperture ring are quite slim, which may throw off the feel of shooting a bigger camera. However, when mounted to a compact SLR like the Nikon EM or FG, the slim Series E feels right at home.

What may bother some shooters (especially hardcore Nikonians) is the Series E 50mm’s penchant for plastic. The first generation of the lens is housed in a hard, sturdy plastic which encases a metal chassis, but it doesn’t particularly engender a feeling of solidity and reliability. The second generation of the lens does a better job of this (as well as provide a much-needed update to the cosmetics) but still falls short of the high standard set by Nikon’s Nikkor range. Again, when used in conjunction with the pro-spec cameras this may feel a little strange, but the feel is completely natural on smaller bodies.

Less contentious are the imaging characteristics of the Series E 50mm. The cult classic reputation of this lens is well-deserved – this is a lens whose image quality is shocking, considering its intended humble home. Although it doesn’t score absolute top marks in every category, it performs well above average by any metric, which makes it a perfect all-around lens for general photography.

The Series E 50mm behaves just about how one would expect a vintage fast fifty to behave. Sharpness peaks at around f/5.6-f/11, and softens gradually as we open up to f/4. Wide-open, the lens gets soft, but not as soft as does the Nikkor 50mm f/1.4. That said, the lens exhibits pretty heavy chromatic aberration, smearing, and purple fringing wide-open, which can be troublesome especially in low-light situations. Diffraction also starts to set in past f/11 and is pretty heavy at f/22, hindering performance at the other end of the spectrum. This lens is sharp, but it does have its limitations.

More interesting is the way the Series E 50mm treats micro contrast. This is actually fairly high from f/1.8 – f/2.8, which serves to somewhat counteract the lack of sharpness at larger apertures. As the lens sharpens up when stopped down, overall contrast also seems to go down slightly, and details begin to come out with extra clarity. Although the lens doesn’t approach Summicron levels of microcontrast, there’s enough of it so that fine details and textures are rendered finely and accurately at moderate apertures.

One of the defining characteristics of the Series E 50mm is its distinctive purple single coating, a cost-cutting measure that placed the Series E 50mm and its brethren a class below the multicoated Nikkor lenses. As a result of this single coating, flare resistance is poorer than the Nikkor equivalents, although still somewhat improved over the single-coated pre-AI 50mm lenses. Flare resistance aside, this purple single coating does render colors with an accuracy and richness that is uncommon to most consumer level kit lenses of the era. I actually prefer the colors of the Series E to almost all of its multicoated competitors (lenses like the Minolta MD 50mm f/1.7, Canon FD 50m f/1.8, etc). I find that most multicoated lenses of this vintage from most other manufacturers tend to either saturate or dull colors to a degree that makes me reach for older single-coated lenses – not so with this lens.

The Series E 50mm may sound just good-enough in most categories but shines in a couple of very specific categories. The first is distortion. As a result of the design tweaks necessary to make the lens so small, the Series E 50mm exhibits nearly zero distortion, and about 1% lens distortion at the minimum focusing distance. This may not sound relevant to those only interested in using this lens for general photography, but it does account for the Series E’s uncommonly clean visual signature.

Besides a lack of distortion, the Series E 50mm also possesses great subject isolation and, you guessed it, bokeh. The bokeh on the Series E 50mm is some of the smoothest among ~f/1.8 standard lenses. Backgrounds don’t dissolve into a frenzied mess as is common with faster Double-Gauss type lenses; the Series E 50mm’s bokeh is smoother and more controlled than it has any right to be. Those worried that the lens won’t deliver compared to its faster brothers need not worry – this lens has it where it counts.

[Sample images in the galleries above were with Fuji C200, images below were made with Kodak Ultramax]

Final Thoughts

All this said, I don’t think it’d be fair (or to the point) to rate the Series E on individual parameters. While it isn’t best-in-class in well, any one thing, the magic of the Series E 50mm is found in the way it utilizes its strengths and weaknesses at different apertures. For example, wide-open it might be soft, but the unusually heightened contrast at wider apertures makes those shots bolder, and colors remain remarkably balanced and rich. At moderate apertures the contrast goes down, but sharpness takes over, and we get startlingly lifelike images with a little bit of that “3D pop” that lens enthusiasts crave. Versatility is the name of the game here, which makes sense – it’s a kit lens, after all.

As impressive as the Series E 50mm is optically, its image quality isn’t even the best thing about it. No matter how good a lens is, it’s worth jack if you can’t bring it around anywhere to shoot. But the ultra-compact Series E 50mm is one of the few lenses that can be taken literally anywhere. I’ve stuffed this lens and its caps into pants pockets, and often keep it in a coat pocket as a backup lens if I’m feeling too lazy to haul around a camera bag full of lenses. It’s a lens that can always be there, which can make the difference between getting and missing the shot.

The small take-everywhere Series E 50mm can also be enjoyed for a smaller fee than its equally-specced peers. Because it was a kit lens for the Nikon EM, FG, and FG-20, these lenses are plentiful and cheap. By itself, the Series E 50mm won’t usually run over $70, and bundled with a Nikon EM the cost remains about the same on auction sites. It makes the Nikon system, which can be pricey when we’re looking at FMs, FEs, or pro-spec F bodies, considerably more attractive to beginners. And it can provide financial relief for more advanced shooters looking to build a full Nikon system of lenses.

The more I think about it, the more astonishing the existence of the Series E 50mm appears to me. It’s rare, in any era, to see companies providing a product this good to every class of photographer. At a time when film photography is becoming more glamorous and pricey, a humble, high-quality lens like this is worth a lot.

You can buy your own Nikon Series E 50mm F/1.8 using our eBay affiliate link here

Or find one in our own F Stop Cameras

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Josh Solomon

Josh Solomon is a freelance writer and touring bassist living in Los Angeles. He has an affinity for all things analog. When not onstage, you can find him roaming around Southern California shooting film and humming a tune.

All stories by:Josh Solomon
  • This was a pancake lens before there were pancake lenses. This lens came with the FG my dad gave me. I was skeptical at first, as I had read some disparaging comments about this lens. After all, how good could a kit lens be. I found it to be somewhat of a sleeper. This lens gives decent, if not stellar, performance. It can be picked up for a song and as noted, it is small enough to be taken anywhere. I also liked it better than the Canon FD 50mm f1.8 I had owned previously. I do not use it as much as my Nikkor 50 mm f1.4 D but this lens performs better than it has a right to, given its small size and very low price.

  • The other kit lens which was a stellar performer was the Zeiss Contax 50mm/f1.7 Planar lens, which was the “kit” lens supplied with most of the cheaper Contax manual focus SLR cameras, the 137, 139, 167 and Aria, etc. There used to be a very technically competent German website, who did proper lens tests of the major manufacturers’ lenses, publishing MTF diagrams and at the conclusion, a weighted overall score. For a long time, the Zeiss 50/1.7 was the second highest scoring lens, after the FD Canon 200/f2.8. I upgraded my Contax 139 with a 50/1.7 to a Contax RX with 50/1.4, which I was never sure was quite as good. You can buy either or these two wonderful lenses at very low prices nowadays and unlike the Leica R lenses, the better ones of which are still very expensive (up to £3000), the Zeiss zooms, similarly priced when new, are far more reasonable today. I bought a new old stock 28-85/f3.3 Vario Sonnar for just £450, two years ago. I use it on my Leica M240 with a Novoflex CX/Y to LM adapter. The only really expensive Contax lens is the huge 300/f2.8 Apotessar, for which you would need quite deep pockets and a professional weightlifter to carry it round for you.


  • Good article about a good lens.

  • There is a lot going for the 50mm f/1.8 Series E lens and this is borne-out in the consistently positive press that this lowly kit lens has gotten, especially in recent years. It’s good that they are plentiful however, because with all the praise this lens gets, I could easily see it leading to increased prices. The Nikon Series E lens lineup does have some stand-out performers. I can personally attest to the quality of the 70-210mm f/4 Series E. It’s got the same optical formula as the 70-210mm f/4 AF lens that came out in the early 1980s and is very sharp. I have not had any issues with flare or CA, despite the single-coating. Great value and great images.

  • This is an interesting write-up with good images, but I think nowadays the Pentax 50mm f/1.7 is a much better deal. Due to the Nikon’s cult status, it does tend to fetch steep prices; the Pentax however can be found attached to almost any ME/Super/MX body for less than the cost of the Nikon lens itself. It has SMC, feels much nicer, is very sharp, and is equally (more?) compact despite lacking the ‘pancake’ designation.

    I suppose if you already own, or want to shoot, a Nikon, the Pentax isn’t an option. If you’re just starting, however, I think a Pentax MX and 50mm f/1.7 is a much better ‘value proposition’ overall.

    • I’m not convinced the term ‘kit lens’ is appropriate here — or to any of those 50s (or 40s, or 55s…) that our cameras came with back in the day. Yes, each was the simplest, cheapest and easiest-to-use lens in the maker’s range but, unlike the plastic 35-70s and 28-85s of the 1990s, or today’s 18-55 equivalents, it was intended to be the start of a lens collection, not to be replaced by one. In Nikon’s case, the evidence for this is that they offered a whole suite of E-series lenses, so you could expand your kit and keep the same visual and tactile style.

      Josh argues an entertaining case for the E 50 — and I’d be interested to know whether he’d do the same for the 100/2.8, which has no direct equivalent in the full Nikkor line — but it feels more like ‘don’t be afraid of…’ rather than ‘rush out and look for…’ Nobody’s 50/1.8 or 1.7 is frighteningly expensive — I’ve even got two 50/1.4s that each cost less than $100 — so the value argument for the E works less well, when a full-fat Nikkor is only $20 more. There are also later, slimmer versions of the Nikkor 50/1.8 that eat away the weight advantage of the E. But away from the 50s, as the two ranges diverge on price, that’s where it might pay the canny shopper to look at an E. Now, about that 100/2.8…

  • I am totally agree with this choice of camera and lense to have a great kit at a very decent price which could be fixed because it is easy to fix Nikon cameras. Contax, I love, infortunate I was, If they stop to work, it is very very difficult to find someone to fix them, despite Contax Carl Zeiss are the best, but Nikon ai or Ais are not very far when we look the pictures not the ghraphs … so I highly advice to believe Nikon. For less than 150 US $ you can have a EM, or FM, FE and this great 50/1’8 E which is very good and easy to carry, just work with a great film such Ektar at 100 iso, or ProImage or Portra 160, or TriX, or T-Max and a very good lab.
    One of the best I have found now is in Australia in Sydney. They can get the most finest process for all process like C41, E6 and BW if you tell them what you want, and the scan are simply gorgeous. An other great think about this lab is : the result do not change !!! They give you the same level of quality. And the name of this great lab is : REWIND. REWIND PHOTO LAB just nearly the nice Victoria Park and Sydney University. Last work : they process for me from my Minolta Hi-Matic 7Sii with Ektat at 100 iso [film keeps one year in this camera …] very great result without red skins, and wonderful scans … BRAVO Rewind. One of the best in this world.
    Thank you so much for your review. I love them.
    And thank for the great reviews here. Every week I wait for the new one.
    Thank you so much. You are great.
    Of course Contax are nearly the best, but since 10 years for the small difference I play safety with Nikon !
    Nikon is a fabulous brand so many great cameras and lenses and an incredible system !!!

  • As an almost lifelong Nikon user, even held the Pro card for a while, I bought the 1.8 50 on an almost new early (different embossed pattern on the wrapping) EM for lightweight travelling and backup of my pro F bodies. Whilst the Nikkor AIS version has better coatings using the same optical formula it is bulkier, which protects the front element, which is the only issue with the E lens. Mine still lives on an FG, when it’s not in the bag with my D750. Some colour 20×36 prints shot on Kodachrome with it 20 years ago on the EM are still on display in the research department where I work, even though the PR departments hired pros have taken many photos since none have the visual ‘feel’ or appeal the little 50’s images.

  • Grantley J Gibbons February 18, 2020 at 10:43 pm

    I much prefer the series e 100mm. I use it professionally all the time. Headshots, public speaking events, musical performances. The colour is outstanding, the bokeh smooth, and the clarity damm near 3D. It’s the only vintage lens I’ve ever ordered on Amazon (my other 40 or so being secondhand stores and local kijiji ads). I used it for an event the day it arrived.
    I have the 28mm, 50mm, and 135mm series lenses as well. The 135mm is another breathtaking lens (12.99 CAD at Value Village).

  • This is a good write up revealing some interesting details surrounding the history of the lens. I came into mine when my sister gave me her N2002 with the 50E mounted. It was a little loose and sloppy and being in possession of (many) other Nikkor 50mm’s, I tucked it away for later. Later came several years after when I finally received my F3T. Looking for something a bit more diminutive than the 50/1.2AIS, I mounted the E and was delighted in the overall ‘feel’ of the pairing. A quick disassembly and clean up of the E and I feel like I’ve won the lens lottery. Especially with the chrome-ring L39 and a vintage, metal hood. It’s a sweet little package capable of good enough images for a walk around setup. Especially loved the factoid about low distortion, favoring a lot of architecture and straight line shooting I do. The 50/1.2 is a spectacular lens for so many applications. But shooting straight lines isn’t one of them. The 50E is a win-win: smaller and lighter, with less distortion. Thanks for the information.

  • I got my wife a Nikon EM with the 50mm f/1.8 E in 1982 in an attempt to get her interested in photography, something she never really took much interest in unfortunately. Perhaps it was the camera, it was clearly Nikon’s worst camera body ever. I had the 50mm f/1.8 AIS and it blew the E series lens away and there is not a hint of plastic on it except the rubberized focusing ring, which doesn’t count. It is almost impossible to get the AIS to ghost, something you certainly can’t say for the Series E. The Series E just felt cheap from focus to aperture and it lacked a meter coupling prong so it could not be used for open aperture metering on my FTN or F2 Photomic or my Nikkormat FT2.

  • One more Josh fantastic intelligent review.
    This one I read probably 20 times.
    This is Nikon. Nikon is a very serious brand, this is Japan, this is Japan cameras. I have found a great Nikon EM with the pancake 50mm Nikkor Ais/1.8, it’s a little bit better, but not too much so far. I have found a great Japanese store on Ebay (sussy_japan where there is great choice of cameras). The Nikon EM shows me that Nikon can make every camera very well made. I should have a series E, but I dont complain to have the Nikkor. In fact, from all the cameras I have tested, Nikon, every time shows me that this is one of the best brand, maybe, the best when we think about he bodies and great lens they have created : series F, Nikon F, Nikon F2, series S (the lens are as good as Leica lens … and the same for the bodies), series E and EM, FG, and so on … I am not sure if Nikon has already made something not good, at minimum minima good, most of the time very good, and a lot of time excellent !!! Also when they made something for the mass market. We can’t be wrong with Nikon.

  • I have the dubious honour of having owned just about every 50mm Nikon has made, and used them fairly extensively. My foray into the E version was via a car boot sale, where I snagged my heavily fungus-infested version for $15.. The aperture blades were soaked in oil and the lens was generally grotty, but a quick disassemble and clean with some alcohol and wipes and the lens was back to (almost) pristine image-making.. However when I had the chance I quickly sold the lens, in part because I had so many 50mm lenses, but mostly because I had the vastly superior 50mm f1.8 AI-S Japan only version, which was the same a size (i.e. almost pancake), but focused much closer, 45cm vs the 60cm of the E. Though the AI-S cost a whole $100 (in part due to it’s rarity and Japan/Only status), it was perfectly clean when I got it, and the better mechanics and closer focusing more than made up for the bargain-base price of the E.. Most 50mm MF 1.7/1.8 lenses from just about all manufacturers can be found in the 30-50$ range, so the inferior mecchanics of the E aren’t really off-set by the supposed “cheapness” of the lens.. Even Nikon’s own AF-D f1.8 lens goes for peanuts and has better macchanics (though more plastic as well.)..

    Great article though, and good to keep these older lenses “alive” in people’s memories.

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Josh Solomon

Josh Solomon is a freelance writer and touring bassist living in Los Angeles. He has an affinity for all things analog. When not onstage, you can find him roaming around Southern California shooting film and humming a tune.

All stories by:Josh Solomon