Every Article We’ve Ever Written – by Date

Minolta X-700 – Camera Review

2560 1440 James Tocchio

I’ve long been a fan of Minolta’s cameras and lenses. The boys and girls working in Osaka were always among the most innovative, forward-thinking, and truly…

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Kodak Ektar 100 – Film Profile

1481 833 James Tocchio

We’re back with another film profile to help you decide which film is right for you. Last time, we talked about Kodak’s Portra 400, a warm and…

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Exploded Views – Olympus OM2

2560 1440 James Tocchio

We’re back with another Exploded View, and this time we’ve dissected a fan-favorite SLR. It’s Olympus’ OM-2, one of the smallest and most technologically advanced cameras of the film…

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Nikon Nikkor 105mm F/2.5 – Nikon’s Most Famous Portrait Lens

2200 1238 James Tocchio

We’re back with another noteworthy lens, and this one’s a real legend for Nikon photographers of a certain age. If you were shooting film during the…

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Zeiss Ikon Contina II (524/24) – Camera Review

2560 1440 James Tocchio

When shooting vintage cameras there exists something of a sweet spot- a kind of “Goldilocks zone” that only a certain number of cameras occupy. For most photo geeks,…

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What is Depth of Field (DOF)

1818 1228 James Tocchio

We’re back with more photography tips to help new (and experienced) shooters better understand this fantastic hobby of ours. In the past we’ve covered things like ISO, zone…

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Should We Photograph the Homeless?

1280 853 James Tocchio

It’s my belief that a writer’s job is to ask questions. As the owner of a camera shop and the founder of CP, I spend a lot…

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Kodak Portra 400 – Film Profile

2000 1125 James Tocchio

There’s no such thing as a “perfect” film. Let’s just get that out of the way. Every shooter has different tastes regarding tone, color, grain, etc.,…

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Nikon N8008 / F-801 – Camera Review

5994 3370 James Tocchio

Shooting classic cameras often brings compromise. Sometimes your camera lacks auto-focus, other times it’s got no light meter, or maybe your camera can’t auto-expose. I love…

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5 Best Japanese 35mm Film SLR Cameras

1280 720 James Tocchio

The last time we compiled a “Top Five” list we were focused on the simple joy of point-and-shoot cameras. The automated nature of the five cameras we…

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Minolta MC Macro Rokkor QF 50mm F/3.5 Lens Review

1044 587 James Tocchio

The Minolta MC Macro Rokkor QF 50mm F/3.5 is a truly versatile lens. It provides one of the easiest and most affordable ways to get into macro photography…

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CP Book Club – Leica : The First Fifty Years by G. Rogliatti

1280 720 James Tocchio

There are few pleasures as easy to attain as the simple act of sitting and relaxing for a few moments with a good book. And for…

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A Letter to Our Readers

150 150 James Tocchio

To Our Readers, For those of you who follow CASUAL PHOTOPHILE’s social media pages (Ello, Facebook, and Instagram, specifically), you’ll have already seen my post regarding the noted absence…

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Exploded Views – Canon AF35M

2560 1440 James Tocchio

It seems we’ve been on something of a Canon binge lately. We’ve reviewed the classic A-1, put a wide FD lens through its paces, and just…

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Canon FD 28mm F/2.8 – Lens Review

1609 905 James Tocchio

For a lens to be remarkable it doesn’t always have to be exceptionally gorgeous, have the highest specification, or cost as much as a small, used…

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Canon A-1 Camera Review – Canon’s Greatest Gadget

2446 1369 James Tocchio

Were CP the kind of website to give our reviews catchy taglines, the Canon A-1’s review might pose a problem. I could title it The Forgotten…

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4 Reasons Why the Leica M2 is Better Than the M3

2000 1125 James Tocchio

[Editor’s Note : Someone read this article and sent me a message that, in part, told me to kill myself. Pretty ridiculous, but I wanted to clarify…

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Five Great Point and Shoot Film Cameras Organized by Budget and Capability

2000 1125 James Tocchio

Here are five excellent point and shoot film cameras organized by price and capability. Find your best fit and have fun shooting!

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Exploded Views – Minolta MC Rokkor 50mm F/2

1439 808 James Tocchio

Here’s another installment in our Exploded Views feature. Last time we featured the Canon AE-1, and this week we’re showcasing something that’s admittedly simpler, less jaw-dropping,…

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Leica M2 Vulcanite / Leather Replacement (How To Video)

2560 1439 James Tocchio

I’ve had a Leica M2 with cracked and missing vulcanite sitting on a shelf for over two months. It was sad, ugly, and wasting away. So this…

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Exploded Views – Canon AE-1

1280 731 James Tocchio

Casual Photophile was born from an appreciation that cameras are amazing, tiny machines. What better way to illustrate the intricacy and wonder of these little devices than…

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Olympus OM2 (OM2n) – Camera Review

2400 1350 James Tocchio

The Olympus OM system has a long history of both exceptional and under appreciated machines. While the OM1 was received by professional photogs, the press, and…

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What is Cross Processing (X-Pro) ?

2560 1554 James Tocchio

Quick Tips, our continuing series explaining elements of photography in simple terms, is back. In past articles we’ve explained things like ISO, how to load film, and unraveled…

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Why Everyone Should Shoot Manual … Sometimes

2560 1440 James Tocchio

Much has been written about the technical benefits of shooting in Manual mode, and while these articles do well to explain why shooting this way can…

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Canon AF35M vs Nikon L35AF – Camera Review

1280 719 James Tocchio

A few months ago we talked about one of Nikon’s best point and shoot 35mm film cameras, the L35AF. This week, we’re taking a look at…

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Nikon 50mm Manual Focus Lens Shootout

1280 720 James Tocchio

The 50mm lens; for decades it’s been the do-it-all piece of glass for countless photographers. From product photography to portraits, journalism to snapshots, 50mm lenses are so highly…

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How to Slow Down & Love Photography … Again

1280 720 James Tocchio

For me, photography is often a solitary pursuit. At times this is a blessing. The calm of twiddling dials and manipulating a tripod can be a meditative…

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Rollei B 35 – Camera Review

1102 848 James Tocchio

I get the word from a friend at the very last minute; a seat’s opened up to see the Boston Bruins on home ice, but I’d…

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Canon FD 50mm F/1.8 Lens Review – The Original Nifty Fifty

1280 720 James Tocchio

In previous weeks we’ve talked about some noteworthy lenses, including a Minolta fish-eye and a Nikkor ultra-wide. Today, we’ll talk about a more standard focal length, a…

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5 Great Film Cameras Under $100

1280 719 James Tocchio

These days, film cameras are a dime a dozen, and while they may not be as alluring as the newest mirror-less marvel from Sony, they’re definitely…

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Nikon L35AF – Japan’s Pikaichi Point and Shoot

2400 1350 James Tocchio

Photophiles in the 1980s had it good. The camera industry was surging forward on a wave of prosperity. Cameras featured greater automation, ease of use, and affordable quality. At…

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5 Best Travel Cameras – Digital Edition

2560 1440 James Tocchio

The last time we talked about travel cameras we focused on making a list of five retro machines. It was a pretty excellent list. Picking any…

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Minolta Autocord – Medium Format Camera Review

2052 1367 James Tocchio

In the early days of mass-produced cameras, when a photographer talked about “the best” he invariably talked about Germany. This reflected a truth; Japanese cameras of…

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Noteworthy Lenses – Nikon Nikkor 20mm ƒ/3.5

2278 1518 James Tocchio

It’s time for another examination of a noteworthy lens. Last time we looked at the Minolta Fish-Eye Rokkor-X 16mm F/2.8, and again we’re checking out a…

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5 Best Travel Cameras – Film Edition

2027 1181 James Tocchio

One of the greatest joys in life is travel, and one of the greatest joys in travel is taking pictures. Whether you’re looking to populate an…

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Minolta SR-T 202 – Camera Review

1280 720 James Tocchio

Beginning in 1959 with the Nikon F, Japanese camera makers would spend the next few decades perfecting the SLR camera. As rangefinders and larger format cameras…

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Petri F1.9 Color Corrected Super – A Clockwork Rangefinder at a Point-and-Shoot Price

1280 853 James Tocchio

Ask ten photo-geeks to make a list of their favorite rangefinders and you’ll likely find ten pretty varied lists. We can assume that most will place the Germans at the…

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Nikon F – Camera Review

1280 720 James Tocchio

Innovation is a big deal. Companies that invent new products are amazing. Unfortunately for these trailblazers, innovation doesn’t always lead to glory. The last century is peppered with…

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Minolta MD Fish-eye Rokkor-X 16mm F/2.8 Lens Review

150 150 James Tocchio

For every camera maker there exists a following of fans who are passionate about that particular brand’s creations, and those collectors always lust after the very best…

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Voigtlander Vitomatic Ia – Camera Review

2560 1707 James Tocchio

Voigtländer is the oldest camera maker in the world. The company was founded, astoundingly, in 1756. To help put this in perspective, that makes Voigtländer 20…

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Canon AE-1 – Camera Review

2448 1632 James Tocchio

Canon and Nikon; today, these two brands are synonymous with professional photography, both make fantastic machines, and even the uninterested public considers them equals. But it…

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Canon Canonet QL17 – The Ultimate Street Shooter?

1280 720 James Tocchio

Street photography, both easily accessible and frustratingly fickle, is one of those wonderful artistic pursuits that can be entirely rewarding even if mastery eludes you. Clichés be damned, street…

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Minolta’s X-7A Might be the Perfect Beginner’s SLR – Camera Review

2038 1359 James Tocchio

It’s easy to become a numbers-junkie. Whether it’s cameras, cars, watches, or tech toys, it seems that someone’s always shouting about the superiority of one machine…

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Canon T50 – Camera Review

1280 720 James Tocchio

Throughout the 1970s, camera makers everywhere were surging forward on a wave of technological advancement. The continually improved designs of SLRs coupled with perfect marketing practices…

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Minolta XE-7 SLR – Camera Review

1289 1357 James Tocchio

I admire risk-takers in any industry because I feel that visionaries are the ones who urge everyone forward to a better future. The camera industry is no different. When…

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