Film Cameras

Rollei Rolleiflex SL35M Film Camera Review

2000 1125 James Tocchio

James reviews the Rollei SL35M, a basic 35mm film SLR camera from the 1970s, and tells what makes it special in today’s digital world.

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The Olympus Pen F as a More Methodical Point and Shoot Alternative

1800 1013 Tanner Gooding

Here’s a fast rundown of why you may want to consider an Olympus Pen F, FT, or FV as an alternative to the point and shoot camera.

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Contax S2 Review – A No Frills Titanium 35mm SLR

1800 1013 James Tocchio

James spent a couple of weeks shooting the Contax S2 earlier in the summer. Here’s everything he learned about this titanium SLR.

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Back to Basics with a Nikon F, 50mm f/2, and a roll of Tri-X

1800 1013 Echo Lens Photography

Sometimes things feel complicated, our brains and shelves get cluttered. At these times, getting back to basics can add some clarity.

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The Camera of Shattered Dreams: Living with the Lomo LC-A 120

1800 1012 Rich Stroffolino

Rich lays out the good and the bad about Lomography’s Lomo LC-A 120, a super cheap medium format film camera.

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Ugly Lens, Beautiful Photos – My Experience With Cheap Gear

687 386 Guest Author

Milo Krims sold their pristine Mamiya C330, bought a rather worn replacement, and was surprised by the quality of the images it made.

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Konishiroku ( Konica ) Pearl IV – The Last, Best 645 Folder

2400 1350 Cheyenne Morrison

Cheyenne reviews the Konishiroku ( Konica ) Pearl IV, one of the last, and best, folding medium format film cameras to come out of Japan.

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The Contax TVS on the Streets of Bangkok

2400 1350 Daniel Rider

Daniel Rider stumbled into a Contax TVS, and inadvertently realized it’s the perfect camera for the streets of Bangkok (and beyond).

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Ihagee Exa Camera Review

2400 1350 Sroyon Mukherjee

Sroyon reviews the Ihagee Exa, an early 35mm film SLR camera with plenty of weird quirks (and a nice suite of lenses!).

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The Curse of the Hasselblad XPan

2400 1350 Guest Author

In today’s guest post, Matthias Jambon unravels the curse of the Hasselblad XPan (in the form of a camera review).

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Nikon 28Ti Point and Shoot Film Camera Review

2200 1238 James Tocchio

James reviews Nikon’s most exotic, enticing (and expensive) point and shoot 35mm film camera, the Nikon 28Ti.

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Dungeness Architecture Shot with a Yashica Mat and Ilford Ortho Plus

2400 1350 Guest Author

“Don’t go to Dungeness, it’s bleak as hell and everyone lives in sheds.” Despite the warning, I went, and shot the place on film.

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The Minolta SR-T 303 – The camera that gets out of your way

2400 1350 Allysse Riordan

Allysse reviews the Minolta SRT 303, a simple and effective 35mm film camera that’s suitable for those looking to learn.

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Here’s a Perfect Beginner 35mm Film SLR – the Minolta Dynax 500Si

2560 1440 Jim Graves

Jim Graves profiles another great 35mm SLR camera for beginner film photographers – the Minolta Dynax 500Si Super.

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