
Pentax Super Takumar 50mm F/1.4 M42 Mount Lens Review

2000 1125 Chris Cushing

Eight elements. Eight. The original Zeiss Planars got by with just six, the Planar T* of the 1970s used seven. Minolta, Canon and Nikon all used seven elements in their fifties. Pentax themselves reverted to…

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Desert Island Cameras No. 05 – Pentax Edition with Ned Bunnell, Former President of Pentax U.S.

2000 1125 James Tocchio

Desert Island Cameras is back with another very special guest. Last time, we picked our one-and-only Leicas with Bellamy Hunt of Japan Camera Hunter, and today we’re picking our favorite Pentaxes with former president of…

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Pentax 645 Camera Review – The Best Entry Level Medium Format Film Camera

2000 1334 Jeb Inge

The desire to jump into medium format photography is usually accompanied by visions of Hasselblads, Rolleiflexes, and the Contax 645. And that’s understandable – the first has pedigree, the second has cool factor, and the…

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Pentax LX Camera Review – The Best Professional 35mm SLR Around

1280 720 James Tocchio

I’ve spent the past few months shooting an amazing and beautiful 35mm film SLR from Japan. This camera has it all – a complete system with detachable prisms, backs, winders, focusing screens, choice of attachable…

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SMC Pentax M 40mm F/2.8 Pancake Lens Review

1280 720 James Tocchio

Lilliputian. Svelte. Teensy and weensy, and of course, teensy-weensy. All words I’d never expect to write in a lens review, yet here we all are and I might as well get these silly synonyms for…

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Pentax K1000 – Camera Review

1280 720 Josh Solomon

A plump, chunky camera stares at me from across the room. I avert my eyes and glance back at the computer screen, my stomach growing queasy with anxiety. Writing about this camera is proving tiresome,…

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Pentax SV – Camera Review

1280 720 Josh Solomon

Life has a way of giving you exactly what you need when you least expect it to. So when I came across a Pentax SV for the first time, I knew life was throwing me…

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Five Best Cameras for Photography Students

1500 844 James Tocchio

There’s a certain question that I get asked virtually every single day. People need to know what camera they should buy for their upcoming high school or college photography class. It’s a great question, and one…

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Pentax – A SMC 35mm F/2.8 – Lens Review

5817 3272 James Tocchio

I’m back from a brief vacation and I’ve brought with me a treasure trove of material for my photophile friends! First on the docket is a review of a pretty rare and rather wonderful legacy lens from Pentax.…

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Pentax ME – Camera Review

5815 3271 James Tocchio

Well, it’s finally happening. We’re reviewing a Pentax. It’s the Pentax ME, an entry-level 35mm film SLR that entices with its promises of creative photographic controls, exceptional optics, and adequate build quality, all joined with…

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The Ultimate Camera Battery Compendium

150 150 James Tocchio

We field a lot of questions here at CP. Whether they come by way of post comments, our online shop, our social networks, or via direct message, there’s a never-ending supply of inquisitive photo-geeks seeking…

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5 Best Japanese 35mm Film SLR Cameras

1280 720 James Tocchio

The last time we compiled a “Top Five” list we were focused on the simple joy of point-and-shoot cameras. The automated nature of the five cameras we chose was perfect for those photo geeks interested in making…

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