Comments on: Five More Affordable Rangefinder Film Cameras Cameras and Photography Mon, 14 Aug 2023 00:24:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andrew Marchant-Shapiro Mon, 14 Aug 2023 00:24:26 +0000 That Argus looks familiar; I’m pretty sure there’s one of that model in the museum devoted to Jimmy Carter, that he used while in the Navy–I don’t think it’s the Carter Center per se, but it’s nearby. My spouse and I visited in 2019.

By: Erik Mon, 06 Apr 2020 22:51:26 +0000 I have to say, I bought a Canon A35F for 45 SEK ($5) at a charity shop, and the lens blew me away for the price. It’s the predecessor to the autoboy, and much much better. Sadly it’s fully automatic, but it has a built in flash that’s actually good.

By: iGlad Thu, 18 Apr 2019 15:07:25 +0000 I have the Ricoh 500G and its a sweet little camera with a very good lens, which slips easy into the pocket. The viewfinder is nice and clear and I’ve always been happy with the results it produces especially with expired film. You can’t go wrong with the little Ricoh and it just so happens I’ve picked up the Ricoh 500me this week, which allows you to take double exposures with the flick of a switch so I’m looking forward to testing that out. Yes for me the Ricoh is the best of the bunch and it won’t cost you an arm and a leg to purchase. They are readily available online at various prices from £20-£50 but I have seen some go for £10, which is a bargain assuming that it’s fully functional.

By: vintagefilmhacker Tue, 16 Apr 2019 11:36:34 +0000 Saying “competitive, traditional camera companies just never took root in the United States.” seems a tad simplistic, since from the 1890s to the mid 1960s, American made cameras were very much a norm, and I’d opine that roughly 75 years would certainly seem as a tradition that took root. Besides, it’s not as if mainstream German made cameras were terribly relevant once world wide production had overwhelmingly shifted east.

Still, a very good write up. I have most of the models listed and am both relieved (it’s not just me!) and disappointed that the dim RF patch is a prevailing trait of the Lynx. For a camera with such good glass that seems to beg to be shot in low light, I’ve nearly gone mad trying to make out the ghost in the RF patch when trying to shoot a scene in wooden environs. I feel like I should like this camera more than I do, yet every time I take it out, I just can’t wait to finish the roll and put the experience behind me.

The Argus C3 is truly an American made classic, but a far too often overlooked affordable contemporary would have to be the Kodak Signet 35: a well made Tessar formula RF that has the rare distinction (for a rangefinder) of being able to focus down to 2 feet. It definitely fits the bill of being affordable, often being found in working condition for about the price of 3 rolls of film, while offering a mid-century charm to it.

By: Christopher Hobel Tue, 16 Apr 2019 01:10:18 +0000 Argus C3 is highly underrated camera. Pullout page 14 of manual which tells u all you need to know on the zone focus. I think at f8 and 15 on distance dial, everything from 4.5 ft to 25 or 30 ft is in focus. Just look at WW2 photographer Tony Vicarro books , Entering Germany all nicely done w C3. The Yashica Lynx shown comes in 2 models the 14 and 14e. I have both and are truly great cameras. Totally operational without battery too unlike electro G35.

By: Robert C Mon, 15 Apr 2019 15:19:33 +0000 my grandfather gave me his argus c3 its honestly not that great using it. but an interesting camera. I actually have two of them and have no idea how I got two.
