
Five More Affordable Rangefinder Film Cameras

2200 1238 Jeb Inge

To help the cash strapped photo geek of today, we’ve compiled a new list of five additional rangefinders that still offer an excellent shooting experience on a shoestring budget. 

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5 American Cameras Worth Owning and Shooting

2000 1125 James Tocchio

Today is the 4th of July, and while I’m no history professor, I at least know that this is the day we Americans celebrate the resistance and subsequent victory over our alien invaders way back…

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Argus C3 – Camera Review

1024 576 James Tocchio

I love film cameras. But the idea that film will ever again be the dominant medium in photography is unthinkable. The technical mastery and convenience of today’s digital machines is just too amazing, and we love…

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