Canon AF35M

The Ultimate Camera Battery Compendium

150 150 James Tocchio

We field a lot of questions here at CP. Whether they come by way of post comments, our online shop, our social networks, or via direct message, there’s a never-ending supply of inquisitive photo-geeks seeking…

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5 Best Japanese 35mm Film SLR Cameras

1280 720 James Tocchio

The last time we compiled a “Top Five” list we were focused on the simple joy of point-and-shoot cameras. The automated nature of the five cameras we chose was perfect for those photo geeks interested in making…

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Exploded Views – Canon AF35M

2560 1440 James Tocchio

It seems we’ve been on something of a Canon binge lately. We’ve reviewed the classic A-1, put a wide FD lens through its paces, and just wrapped up our AE-1 springtime giveaway! Yes, the past few…

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Canon AF35M vs Nikon L35AF – Camera Review

1280 719 James Tocchio

A few months ago we talked about one of Nikon’s best point and shoot 35mm film cameras, the L35AF. This week, we’re taking a look at a very similar camera from Canon, the AF35M. With…

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