Exploded Views

Exploded Views – Nikon F3

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After an extended hiatus, our Exploded Views feature is back, and I’ve brought to bear my most ambitious effort yet! I’ve chosen a truly legendary camera, Nikon’s F3, and photographed it in a way that brings unprecedented detail…

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Exploded Views – Olympus OM2

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We’re back with another Exploded View, and this time we’ve dissected a fan-favorite SLR. It’s Olympus’ OM-2, one of the smallest and most technologically advanced cameras of the film era. When we reviewed the OM-2 we were impressed by…

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Exploded Views – Canon AF35M

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It seems we’ve been on something of a Canon binge lately. We’ve reviewed the classic A-1, put a wide FD lens through its paces, and just wrapped up our AE-1 springtime giveaway! Yes, the past few…

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Exploded Views – Minolta MC Rokkor 50mm F/2

1439 808 James Tocchio

Here’s another installment in our Exploded Views feature. Last time we featured the Canon AE-1, and this week we’re showcasing something that’s admittedly simpler, less jaw-dropping, and easier on our bleeding fingertips. It’s Minolta’s MC…

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Exploded Views – Canon AE-1

1280 731 James Tocchio

Casual Photophile was born from an appreciation that cameras are amazing, tiny machines. What better way to illustrate the intricacy and wonder of these little devices than to tear them apart and splay their innards across a…

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