Twin Lens Reflex

These are the Best Medium Format Film Cameras for Beginners

2000 1334 James Tocchio

James lists a number of the best medium format film cameras for people just starting their medium format journey.

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Ugly Lens, Beautiful Photos – My Experience With Cheap Gear

687 386 Guest Author

Milo Krims sold their pristine Mamiya C330, bought a rather worn replacement, and was surprised by the quality of the images it made.

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Historical Hovercrafts Through a Rolleicord Lens – Guest Post by Jacob Downey

2000 2000 Guest Author

Jacob Downey shoots historical hovercrafts through a Rolleicord Xenar lens, and shares the journey in today’s Guest Post.

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Kodak Reflex II Review – A Rollei Competitor at a Tenth the Price?

2000 1125 Juliet Schwab

Juliet reviews the Kodak Reflex II, a contemporary of the Rollei TLR which makes beautiful photos at a tenth the price.

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The Rolleiflex Old Standard – the First Rollei to Shoot 120 Film

2000 1125 Juliet Schwab

Juliet reviews the Rolleiflex Old Standard, the first Rolleiflex TLR film camera to use standard medium format film.

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The Yashica A as a First Medium Format Camera (And Beyond)

2000 1125 Dave Carulli

Dave’s first medium format camera was the Yashica A. Three years later, he tells us why it was a great first camera – and then some.

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Re-evaluating the Cost of Film Cameras (And Offering Some Alternatives)

2200 1238 Jeb Inge

Jeb evaluates the current film camera market, and offers some great alternatives to over-priced (over-hyped) models.

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The Sawyer’s Mark IV – A Miniature Rolleiflex 2.8

1800 1013 Cheyenne Morrison

Everything we need to know about the Sawyer’s Mark IV, a tiny twin lens reflex, Japanese Rolleiflex killer – by Cheyenne Morrison.

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How to Disappear with an Original Yashica-Mat

1800 1013 Stephen Hennessy

The Yashica-mat was Yashica’s original premier twin lens reflex (TLR) camera from the 1950s. It was a great camera, and remains very interesting today.

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The Bolsey Model C – a Unique 35mm Twin Lens Reflex Rangefinder Camera 

1920 1080 Cheyenne Morrison

Cheyenne reviews the Bolsey Model C, a unique 35mm film camera that’s both a rangefinder camera and a twin lens reflex camera!

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