
As Olympus Exits the Camera Business, Let’s Look at Our Favorite Olympus Articles

2000 1125 James Tocchio

Olympus has quit the camera business. In fond rememberance, we look back at our favorite Olympus articles of the past six years.

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Why Take Pictures? Answering the Existential Crisis of the Photography Hobbyist

2100 1181 James Tocchio

James explores the existential crisis of the in-a-rut hobbyist photographer – what’s the point of making pictures anyway?

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Wabi-Sabi of Photography and Why I Stopped Chasing Perfection

1818 1228 James Tocchio

James contemplates Wabi-sabi, the Japanese concept of beauty in imperfection, and how discovery of this concept has changed the way he photographs.

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5 Photography Projects You Can Do Without Leaving the House

2560 1706 James Tocchio

James is sick and quarantined at home. Here are five photography-related projects for when we’re all stuck in the house. Stay healthy, have fun!

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How I Got Into Large Format Film Photography and How You Can Too

2560 1706 Guest Author

A friend of the site tells us how he got into large format film photography, and lays a path for you to take your first steps, too.

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My Hunt for the Surprisingly Elusive “Leica M of SLRs”

2560 1440 James Tocchio

James muses over his search for the perfect camera, what he calls the “Leica M of SLRs.”

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We Should All Be Shooting Dorky AF SLRs and Here’s Why

2560 1440 James Tocchio

Save money, save time, and improve your photography shooting one of these unpopular, ugly and amazingly capable autofocus film SLR cameras.

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Four Lessons Learned Through the Photography of Jazz Bassist Milt Hinton

988 1240 Josh Solomon

Josh, Casual Photophile’s resident photo nerd and pro musician, explores the personally inspirational work of jazz bassist and photographer Milt Hinton.

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Choosing Your Kid’s First Camera

2560 1440 James Tocchio

If you’re a parent and a photo geek, you should buy your kid a camera. Here are some of the best cameras for kids of various age groups as chosen by our writers.

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Touring the Kodak Factory with a Nikon Z7 and a Kodak Ektra

2800 1575 James Tocchio

James takes a tour of the Kodak campus in Rochester, New York, and shoots it with the brand new Nikon Z7 and an ancient Kodak Ektra film camera.

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Funeral for a Friend – an Obituary for My Dead Nikon L35AF

1991 1120 Jeb Inge

An obituary for Jeb’s dead Nikon L35AF, and musings on the importance of memories and having a decent camera to make them.

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Five Best Digital Cameras for People Who Love Film Cameras

1512 1008 James Tocchio

High quality film cameras feel great. Digital cameras don’t always feel so good. Here are five digital cameras that feel as good as the good old days.

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Nearly Dead and Almost Forgotten – 127 Film Today

2800 1575 Jeb Inge

A brief history of 127 film, an overview of the cameras that shoot it, and whether or not shooting them is worth the trouble today.

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Photography – a Big and Beautiful Lie

1600 978 Craig Sinclair

Craig Sinclair considers photography and the lies it tells, the lies we accept, and why he wouldn’t have it any other way.

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